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Sticky for FW-190 Missions


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Name: Dogfight with the RED TAILS!

Author: mapleflagmissions.ca

Mission type: SP

Controllable: Fw190D-9

Quick Summary:

Single mission dogfight action with the Red Tails!


Inspired by the Red Tails legacy this mission puts you in the action with 16 German FW-190s of JG54 vs 16 American P-51s of the famous Red Tails 332nd Fighter Group, 302nd Pursuit Squadron.




Link/Download: http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/777204/

Full brief/Discussion thread: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=2212805

Author/Misc info: mapleflagmissions.ca



MapleFlagMissions - Read Our Blog for Updates

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  • 1 year later...

Guarding the Eagles Nest updated to DCS 1.5+ etc




Axis - Uninvited Guests updated to DCS 1.5+ etc




TvT Uninvited Guests updated to DCS 1.5 etc




TvT Eagles nest updated to DCS 1.5 etc



Edited by Stonehouse
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  • 4 months later...

Fw190D-9 vs P51 and B17 Mission

many german radio call samples for WW2 feeling






You need follow Mods:


German WW2 Funk Sound Mod:


Edited by Veteran66
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  • 3 months later...

Hot Chocolate Now Available for the FW 190


Operation Hot Chocolate


You are a civilian pilot contracted by the CIA. Normally they have you flying mysterious cargo around in old prop driven cargo planes, but today they have a special mission for you.


A WW2 era German fighter was recently confiscated from a local crime lord who was a WW2 buff and collector. We need it transferred to our team stationed at Kutaisi airfield. It has a 500kg bomb attached to it and we don't have a qualified crew here to remove it, or an EOD team to dispose of it, so that's going along for the ride with you.


Fly the confiscated Fw 190 D-9 Dora and the bomb from Vaziani airfield to Kutaisi airfield. Follow any additional instructions from your handler.


Your call sign is Darkwing. Your handlers call sign is Bullwinkle.


Flight speed 500 kph, Altitude 1000 meters, or pilot's discretion.


Radio Freq: 1-flight, 2-mission, 3-Vaziani ATC, 4-Kutaisi ATC.


Total mission time approx 45 min-1 hour. Fully voiced.




*Installation: Download and place the file in C:/users/(username)/Saved Games/DCS/Missions


Mission discussion thread: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=174581

Edited by Datek
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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 years later...

Hi guys,


This is the DCS Fw-190 A-8 Operation Tsunami Campaign.




The original was for the Bf-109K-4 and made by Rudi-Beutler@t-online.de

He was kind enough to let me, Sydy, to translate it to english and convert it to the Fw-190A-8.

Even on the early access stage, the campaign is doable.


Fw-190 A-8 Operation Tsunami Campaign.

Some enemies were toned down and one 190 was added in some mission so you fly in a "Kette" instead of a "Rotte".

I do not speak German, so I apologize in advance for any gross translation error, but I am sure you will be able to understand most of it. :-)

Mind your fuel. To keep maneuverability high, the fuel is pretty close to the minimum to accomplish the missions but all of them are doable.


How to Install:

Extract this file into F:\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\Mods\aircraft\FW-190A8\Missions

Read the Notes and Problems.pdf

Read the Dogfight against AI.pdf

Have fun!



Fw-190A-8 Operation Tsunami

Operation Tsunami is a Fw-190 fighter pilot campaign with 10 missions in which one must win mainly for air combat missions. Originally made to the Bf-109 by Mr. Rudi Beutler who kindly let Sydy to convert and translate it.


The following is required:

- DCS version 2.553 stable

- Fw-190A-99 module

- Normandy map

- WW2 Assets pack.

The contents of the packed file must be saved in the folder "F:\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\Mods\aircraft\FW-190A8\Missions".

The text files nor the PDFs do not need to be copied there.


03.04.1944 Normandy

The situation for the German Wehrmacht is very bad. On the eastern front you are in retreat. Fuel and supplies are scarce. Several hydrogenation plants have been destroyed by bombing or heavily damaged. Right now, the Allies are launching the "Operation Tsunami", a major assault in Normandy. The "Operation Tsunami" is successful.

The German Air Force is also equipped there only with a minimum stock of aircraft. In the next few days, the Luftwaffe is to secure with the remaining ground forces, airfields and strategically important places until reinforcements arrive.



1 Ferry to Carpiquet

2 Bombers approaching

3 Mustangs are attacking

4 CAP over Carentan

5 Ship Attack

6 The train is coming

7 Attack on Carentan

8 Operation Forget-me-not

9 Bombing Weather

10 Advance to the coast


Once again, thank you Rudi.


You may download the Operation Tsunami Campaign in the User Files Download Page



All the best guys and good hunting.



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  • 7 months later...

Here's a little fun mission for all those, looking for more things to do with their FW-190 A8.

It's a semi historical fun mission, featuring the new search lights and your Anton being equipped with rockets to combat the big boys.


Hf :)



Kein Anderer als ein Jäger spürt,

Den Kampf und Sieg so konzentriert.


Das macht uns glücklich, stolz und froh,

Der Jägerei ein Horrido!

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