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I need some advice on getting A2ADispatcher working on PG Map.


I simply edited the provided Demo Script to get used to it, but it's not spawning anything. Templates are set correctly as Late Activation.


DetectionSetGroup = SET_GROUP:New()
DetectionSetGroup:FilterPrefixes( { "IRA_SAM", "RUS_A-50" } )

Detection = DETECTION_AREAS:New( DetectionSetGroup, 60000 )

A2ADispatcher = AI_A2A_DISPATCHER:New( Detection )

A2ADispatcher:SetTacticalDisplay( true )

IRABorderZone = ZONE_POLYGON:New( "IRA_Border_Dummy", GROUP:FindByName( "IRA_Border_Dummy" ) )
A2ADispatcher:SetBorderZone( IRABorderZone )

A2ADispatcher:SetEngageRadius( 80000 )

A2ADispatcher:SetSquadron( "Qeshm", "Qeshm Island", { "IRA_CAP" }, 20 )
A2ADispatcher:SetSquadron( "Havad", "Havadarya", { "IRA_CAP" }, 20 )
A2ADispatcher:SetSquadron( "LarAB", "Lar Airbase", { "IRA_CAP" }, 20 )

A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronOverhead( "Qeshm", 1 )
A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronOverhead( "Havad", 1.5 )
A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronOverhead( "LarAB", 2 )

A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronGrouping( "Havad", 2 )
A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronGrouping( "Qeshm", 1 )
A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronGrouping( "LarAB", 2 )

A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronTakeoffFromRunway( "Qeshm" )
A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronTakeoffFromRunway( "Havad" )
A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronTakeoffFromRunway( "LarAB" )

A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronLandingAtRunway( "Qeshm" )
A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronLandingAtRunway( "Havad" )
A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronLandingAtRunway( "LarAB" )

CAPZoneMiddle = ZONE:New( "IRA_CAPZONE #1")
A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronCap( "LarAB", CAPZoneMiddle, 4000, 8000, 600, 800, 800, 1200, "RADIO" )
A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronCapInterval( "LarAB", 2, 30, 120, 1 )

CAPZoneMiddle = ZONE:New( "IRA_CAPZONE #2")
A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronCap( "Qeshm", CAPZoneMiddle, 4000, 8000, 600, 800, 800, 1200, "RADIO" )
A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronCapInterval( "Qeshm", 2, 30, 120, 1 )

CAPZoneMiddle = ZONE:New( "IRA_CAPZONE #3")
A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronCap( "Havad", CAPZoneMiddle, 4000, 8000, 600, 800, 800, 1200, "RADIO" )
A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronCapInterval( "Havad", 2, 30, 120, 1 )

A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronGci( "Qeshm", 900, 1200 )
A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronGci( "Havad", 900, 2100 )
A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronGci( "LarAB", 900, 1200 )

--CleanUp = CLEANUP_AIRBASE:New( { Bandar Lengeh } )


Greetings Ente


Edit : Or do I need to enter the whole Name of the Template, not just a prefix ?


Hello guys, i am having an issue with aia2dispatcher and fuel threshold.

The fuel check seems to be ignored.


i studied the docs and tryed a bit harder, tryed even the AID-011 - AI_A2A - RTB Fuel Treshold test.miz from example mission list and even there it is not working.


Planes are not going rtb.


Btw tha mission was bugged becouse planes where set to spawn parking hot, instead they were spawining stuck at the end of the runway.


so i just changed





so at lead planes were tanking off.


i am using moose 2.3.0 and lastest beta dcs 2.5.2x?


any clues?


200m butterflier inside :harhar:


MERLO forever


Is it possible to get the altitude of a positionable in AGL?

The State Military (MAG 13)





AV-8B BuNo 164553


Col J. “Poe” Rasmussen



Specs: Gigabyte Z390 Pro Wifi; i9-9900K; EVGA 2080 Ti Black; 32GB Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4; Samsung 970 EVO Series M.2 SSD; WIN10; ASUS VG248QE; CV-1 and Index

Modules: A-10C; AV8B; CA; FC3; F-5; F-14; F-18; F-86; HAWK; L-39; P-51; UH1H; NTTR; Normandy; Persian Gulf


2018-06-17 15:42:30.082 INFO    SCRIPTING:  10153( 10468)/E:            DATABASE00003.AddGroup({[1]=Add GROUP:,[2]=IRA_CAP MiG-29A #2,})
2018-06-17 15:42:30.082 INFO    SCRIPTING:  10473(  9832)/E:            DATABASE00003._RegisterGroupsAndUnits({[1]=Register Unit:,[2]=Pilot #018,})
2018-06-17 15:42:30.082 INFO    SCRIPTING:  10467(  9832)/E:            DATABASE00003._RegisterGroupsAndUnits({[1]=Register Group:,[2]=IRA_CAP MiG-29A #1,})
2018-06-17 15:42:30.082 INFO    SCRIPTING:  10153( 10468)/E:            DATABASE00003.AddGroup({[1]=Add GROUP:,[2]=IRA_CAP MiG-29A #1,})


A few lines later :


2018-06-17 15:42:30.126 ERROR   DCS: Mission script error: : [string "C:\Users\BLAUEE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS\/~mis0000361E"]:20532: SPAWN:New: There is no group declared in the mission editor with SpawnTemplatePrefix = 'IRA_CAP'


What now ?!


Likely you need the full group name not a prefix.


2018-06-17 15:42:30.082 INFO    SCRIPTING:  10153( 10468)/E:            DATABASE00003.AddGroup({[1]=Add GROUP:,[2]=IRA_CAP MiG-29A #2,})
2018-06-17 15:42:30.082 INFO    SCRIPTING:  10473(  9832)/E:            DATABASE00003._RegisterGroupsAndUnits({[1]=Register Unit:,[2]=Pilot #018,})
2018-06-17 15:42:30.082 INFO    SCRIPTING:  10467(  9832)/E:            DATABASE00003._RegisterGroupsAndUnits({[1]=Register Group:,[2]=IRA_CAP MiG-29A #1,})
2018-06-17 15:42:30.082 INFO    SCRIPTING:  10153( 10468)/E:            DATABASE00003.AddGroup({[1]=Add GROUP:,[2]=IRA_CAP MiG-29A #1,})


A few lines later :


2018-06-17 15:42:30.126 ERROR   DCS: Mission script error: : [string "C:\Users\BLAUEE~1\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS\/~mis0000361E"]:20532: SPAWN:New: There is no group declared in the mission editor with SpawnTemplatePrefix = 'IRA_CAP'


What now ?!


Ok, so back around page 100 and 101 (WAYYYY too many posts to read through to see if anyone answered the questions already) people are talking about the EVENT nil and SPAWN nil errors as well as the Build Modules errors when setting up LDT


1) The Build Modules error, for me, was because of the name of the folder I was telling it Moose was in. MOOSE-2.3.1_-_New_Mark_Events. When I renamed it to just MOOSE-2.3.1, it setup just fine, no issues


2) The EVENT nil and SPAWN nil are happening for me because the MOOSE.LUA included in the MOOSE ZIP file is almost empty. Has like 16 lines of code in it (1k in size). I grabbed the MOOSE.LUA from the GITHUB site (2.6M in size) and now it works fine :)


If these have already been discovered, just yell at me and I'll delete this post!

B. "Swany" Swanberg

Gigabyte Designare, Intel i9 9900KF (3.6, OC'd to 5.0)

32GB Patriot Viper Steel (black, non-RGB)

OS installed on a Samsung Evo 970 1TB SSD

DCS installed on a Samsun Evo 860 1TB SSD

EVGA 2080Ti 11GB

EVGA Supernova 720p 750w PS

3 Dell S2716DG monitors in Surround mode (7680x1440)

Oculus Rift S VR

Thrustmaster Warthog Throttle and Stick

Thrusmaster Rudder Pedals

assorted button boxes/Arduino boards

All drivers always kept up to date (30 days old, max)

I wonder if one can remove the MissileTrainer dynamically during runtime.

Looking briefly at the code, it does not seem like there is a proper "off" switch. However, the MissileTrainer is looking for the event shot. Maybe you could try


This should more or less disable it. Of course, menus would stay etc.

A warrior's mission is to foster the success of others.

i9-12900K | RTX 4090 | 128 GB Ram 3200 MHz DDR-4 | Quest 3

RAT - On the Range - Rescue Helo - Recovery Tanker - Warehouse - Airboss


Bug in SET_GROUP:RemoveGroupsByName()?


Test script:

function SetGroupAdd()
 SetGroup:AddGroupsByName( "TankGroup" )
 SetGroupFlush( "- after add TankGroup" )

function SetGroupRemove()
 SetGroup:RemoveGroupsByName( "TankGroup" )
 SetGroupFlush( "- after remove TankGroup" )

function SetGroupFlush( msg )
 env.info("SetGroup Flush START " .. msg )
 env.info("SetGroup Flush END   " .. msg )

SetGroup = SET_GROUP:New()
SetGroupFlush( "- Empty" )

SCHEDULER:New( nil, SetGroupAdd,    { }, 5 )
SCHEDULER:New( nil, SetGroupRemove, { }, 10, 10 )


13:27:47.904 INFO    SCRIPTING: SetGroup Flush START - Empty
13:27:47.904 INFO    SCRIPTING:   5879(    13)/E:           SET_GROUP00045.Flush({[1]=Objects in Set:,[2]=,})
13:27:47.904 INFO    SCRIPTING: SetGroup Flush END   - Empty
13:27:53.002 INFO    SCRIPTING: SetGroup Flush START - after add TankGroup
13:27:53.002 INFO    SCRIPTING:   5879(    13)/E:           SET_GROUP00045.Flush({[1]=Objects in Set:,[2]=TankGroup, ,})
13:27:53.002 INFO    SCRIPTING: SetGroup Flush END   - after add TankGroup
13:27:58.011 INFO    SCRIPTING: SetGroup Flush START - after [color=Red][b]remove TankGroup[/b][/color]
13:27:58.011 INFO    SCRIPTING:   5879(    13)/E:           SET_GROUP00045.Flush({[1]=Objects in Set:,[2]=[b][color=red]TankGroup[/color][/b], ,})
13:27:58.011 INFO    SCRIPTING: SetGroup Flush END   - after remove TankGroup
13:28:08.019 INFO    SCRIPTING: SetGroup Flush START - after [b][color=red]remove TankGroup[/color][/b]
13:28:08.020 INFO    SCRIPTING:   5879(    13)/E:           SET_GROUP00045.Flush({[1]=Objects in Set:,[2]=[color=red][b]TankGroup[/b][/color], ,})
13:28:08.020 INFO    SCRIPTING: SetGroup Flush END   - after remove TankGroup
13:28:18.022 INFO    SCRIPTING: SetGroup Flush START - after [color=Red][b]remove TankGroup[/b][/color]
13:28:18.022 INFO    SCRIPTING:   5879(    13)/E:           SET_GROUP00045.Flush({[1]=Objects in Set:,[2]=[b][color=red]TankGroup[/color][/b], ,})
13:28:18.022 INFO    SCRIPTING: SetGroup Flush END   - after remove TankGroup
13:28:28.039 INFO    SCRIPTING: SetGroup Flush START - after [b][color=red]remove TankGroup[/color][/b]
13:28:28.039 INFO    SCRIPTING:   5879(    13)/E:           SET_GROUP00045.Flush({[1]=Objects in Set:,[2]=[b][color=red]TankGroup[/color][/b], ,})
13:28:28.039 INFO    SCRIPTING: SetGroup Flush END   - after remove TankGroup

Posted (edited)

Hey FlightControl; this is a great mod. Kudos for you and the whole MOOSE team.


I have a question for the devs, I am using the SPAWNSTATIC class to create some static trucks from a given point (using the SpwanFromPointVec2 method), and it works ok. The thing is I need this statics to be hidden, so they don't appear on the F10 map, but I can't find the way to do it.


This is the code I am using:


-- Zonas iniciales de generación de objetos estáticos
ZonaEstaticos01 = ZONE:New("ZonaEstaticos01")
ZonaEstaticos02 = ZONE:New("ZonaEstaticos02")
PointVecZ01 = ZonaEstaticos01:GetPointVec2()
PosX1 = PointVecZ01:GetX()
PosY1 = PointVecZ01:GetY()
PointVecZ02 = ZonaEstaticos02:GetPointVec2()
PosX2 = PointVecZ02:GetX()
PosY2 = PointVecZ02:GetY()

SpawnEstatico = SPAWNSTATIC:NewFromStatic("Estatico", country.id.RUSSIA)
for cont = 0, 19, 1 do
 -- las funciones math.sin y math.cos toman los valores en radianes, no en grados
 -- radianes = grados * pi / 180
 local x1 = PosX1 + (cont * 50 * math.sin(252 * math.pi / 180))
 local y1 = PosY1 - (cont * 50 * math.sin(342 * math.pi / 180))
 SpawnEstatico:SpawnFromPointVec2(POINT_VEC2:New(x1, y1), 342, "RusStat_"..cont)
 local x2 = PosX2 + (cont * 50 * math.sin(301 * math.pi / 180))
 local y2 = PosY2 - (cont * 50 * math.sin(31 * math.pi / 180))
 SpawnEstatico:SpawnFromPointVec2(POINT_VEC2:New(x2, y2), 31, "RusStat_"..cont + 20) 


The object "Estatico" is marked as hidden in ME.

Edited by ECV56_Polten
added the correct code

Intel i5-7600K @3,80 (4,9 OC) + Corsair Vengeance 16GB DDR4@3200 XMP 2.0 + Cooler Master Hyper 212 LED + Asus MAXIMUS IX HERO + Thermaltake Chaser A31 Snow Edition

Geforce RTX 2060 6GB

SSD Samsung 850 EVO 500GB + HDD WDC WD500 500GB

Saitek X-52 Pro & Thrustmaster T.Flight Rudder Pedals & TrackIR 5 & Kingston HyperX Alloy FPS

Oh, yeah, also the Sony PlayStation 4 :happy:


"Hidden" in the ME is exactly that, its just hidden in the editor and singleplayer pre planning.



You will have to change the Mission Options/F10 View Options, to remove them from the map.



learning to use this great framework, I tried to create a coop mission where Red-AI is balanced automaticaly according to the number of BLUE player.

(so 1 player -> 1 red spawn, 2 players -> 2 red spawn ...)

I tried to use the AIBalancer, but it has the (documented ) opposite effect which is spawning (Num slots - Num players) units.



Any ideas on how to achieve that ?

Posted (edited)

learning to use this great framework, I tried to create a coop mission where Red-AI is balanced automaticaly according to the number of BLUE player.

(so 1 player -> 1 red spawn, 2 players -> 2 red spawn ...)

I tried to use the AIBalancer, but it has the (documented ) opposite effect which is spawning (Num slots - Num players) units.



Any ideas on how to achieve that ?

You can try the code in this thread.

I used it for more or less for the same thing you are trying with excelent results.

Edited by ECV56_Polten
correcting a typo

Intel i5-7600K @3,80 (4,9 OC) + Corsair Vengeance 16GB DDR4@3200 XMP 2.0 + Cooler Master Hyper 212 LED + Asus MAXIMUS IX HERO + Thermaltake Chaser A31 Snow Edition

Geforce RTX 2060 6GB

SSD Samsung 850 EVO 500GB + HDD WDC WD500 500GB

Saitek X-52 Pro & Thrustmaster T.Flight Rudder Pedals & TrackIR 5 & Kingston HyperX Alloy FPS

Oh, yeah, also the Sony PlayStation 4 :happy:

"Hidden" in the ME is exactly that, its just hidden in the editor and singleplayer pre planning.



You will have to change the Mission Options/F10 View Options, to remove them from the map.

Argh, I should kick myself in the butt for the obviousness of the solution. Thanks Shadow.

Intel i5-7600K @3,80 (4,9 OC) + Corsair Vengeance 16GB DDR4@3200 XMP 2.0 + Cooler Master Hyper 212 LED + Asus MAXIMUS IX HERO + Thermaltake Chaser A31 Snow Edition

Geforce RTX 2060 6GB

SSD Samsung 850 EVO 500GB + HDD WDC WD500 500GB

Saitek X-52 Pro & Thrustmaster T.Flight Rudder Pedals & TrackIR 5 & Kingston HyperX Alloy FPS

Oh, yeah, also the Sony PlayStation 4 :happy:

Posted (edited)

Please help :)


I try to use simple intercept script:


So far red planes spawn if Blue side plane is seen in ewr radar. This works.


But no mater what i do i cant get those alert intercept planes to start from ramp in airbase, they always spawn air.


Can someone show me custom script for this.


All i need is ground alert intercept : when Blue plane is spotted in ewr radar > spawn red fighter ramp hot > takeoff and intercept and return base after that.





Im bit lost



I load moose first. Here is my gai file that i load after moose:


A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronTakeoffFromParkingHot( "SQUADRON Red" ) > this wont work. Planes wont spawn land or air, if i delete this planes spawn air.

GCICAP_Red = AI_A2A_GCICAP:New( "EWR Red", "SQUADRON Red" ) > this part works fine.



Yes, its simple but i try to learn and make it simple as possible.



Help please :)


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Edited by Haukka81
More info

Oculus CV1, Odyssey, Pimax 5k+ (i5 8400, 24gb ddr4 3000mhz, 1080Ti OC )





Can MOOSE change the month on it's own at load time? IE I start the server, it sees it's really August in the real world so it sets the game to August as well? Will keep me from having to change it (or rather, forget to change it) every month lol

B. "Swany" Swanberg

Gigabyte Designare, Intel i9 9900KF (3.6, OC'd to 5.0)

32GB Patriot Viper Steel (black, non-RGB)

OS installed on a Samsung Evo 970 1TB SSD

DCS installed on a Samsun Evo 860 1TB SSD

EVGA 2080Ti 11GB

EVGA Supernova 720p 750w PS

3 Dell S2716DG monitors in Surround mode (7680x1440)

Oculus Rift S VR

Thrustmaster Warthog Throttle and Stick

Thrusmaster Rudder Pedals

assorted button boxes/Arduino boards

All drivers always kept up to date (30 days old, max)


God I wish I understood modern programming languages, lua, etc. Have huge ideas for the perfect campaign, but can't for the life of me do anything other than put down static, or airborne assesets. Would love to have a map that was more living, where enemy bases would launch a plane everything you shot one down, while AI ships engaged each other protecting the Stennis, etc,


How do you even know where to start learning thus stuff (for someone pushing 50 but builds the hardware side of pc's).


And another question (of course!)


Still trying to understand the local and global variables - If you declare a variable without the local statement, can you use it within the same map/mission within another script?


In other words, as an example, I have 5 scripts that I currently run, the MOOSE, a RAT script, a Carrier patrol, a Fuellers, and a Targets.


If, say, within RAT I set


STN_1 = GROUP:FindByName("CVN-74 John C. Stennis") --which is how I have it named in game


could I then use STN_1 in one of the other scripts WITHOUT having to call it within the other script?


I'm am assuming that's the difference between calling and calling it with "local", as in local only works within THAT give script that originally called it?

B. "Swany" Swanberg

Gigabyte Designare, Intel i9 9900KF (3.6, OC'd to 5.0)

32GB Patriot Viper Steel (black, non-RGB)

OS installed on a Samsung Evo 970 1TB SSD

DCS installed on a Samsun Evo 860 1TB SSD

EVGA 2080Ti 11GB

EVGA Supernova 720p 750w PS

3 Dell S2716DG monitors in Surround mode (7680x1440)

Oculus Rift S VR

Thrustmaster Warthog Throttle and Stick

Thrusmaster Rudder Pedals

assorted button boxes/Arduino boards

All drivers always kept up to date (30 days old, max)

Posted (edited)
God I wish I understood modern programming languages, lua, etc. Have huge ideas for the perfect campaign, but can't for the life of me do anything other than put down static, or airborne assesets. Would love to have a map that was more living, where enemy bases would launch a plane everything you shot one down, while AI ships engaged each other protecting the Stennis, etc,


How do you even know where to start learning thus stuff (for someone pushing 50 but builds the hardware side of pc's).


That ones too easy. By default, the below script I created in my TARGETS.LUA, spawns the given aircraft, and every time that group is shot down (or lands, or crashes, etc) a new group spawns up. You could set it as individuals as well, so for each air craft you lose, you get another.


each group, within the ME, is set to be 4 aircraft of each type


I also use the :InitRepeatOnEngineShutDown() for my AI refuellers (130/135) They RTB when low on fuel, and as soon as they park and shut down, they despawn and new ones spawn up, taxi, take off, and follow the same way points as before, so I always have a tanker in the air :)


--Respawn once the engines shut down
   F14A_1 = SPAWN:New("F14A TARGETS"):InitRepeatOnEngineShutDown()
   F15C_1 = SPAWN:New("F15C TARGETS"):InitRepeatOnEngineShutDown()
   MIG31_1 = SPAWN:New("MIG31 TARGETS 1"):InitRepeatOnEngineShutDown()
   SU27_1 = SPAWN:New("SU27 TARGET 1"):InitRepeatOnEngineShutDown()
--Spawn the targets


This is a very basic way of doing it - There's a better way to check each air craft flying, but I don't know how to do that as of yet, beyond what you see above.


Grab MOOSE, find FlightControls vid's on YouTube and just follow along. It's not that hard really, you just have to get to know the syntax and what functions there are (that's the part I'm working on)


FC was right, scripting is FUN

Edited by Swany

B. "Swany" Swanberg

Gigabyte Designare, Intel i9 9900KF (3.6, OC'd to 5.0)

32GB Patriot Viper Steel (black, non-RGB)

OS installed on a Samsung Evo 970 1TB SSD

DCS installed on a Samsun Evo 860 1TB SSD

EVGA 2080Ti 11GB

EVGA Supernova 720p 750w PS

3 Dell S2716DG monitors in Surround mode (7680x1440)

Oculus Rift S VR

Thrustmaster Warthog Throttle and Stick

Thrusmaster Rudder Pedals

assorted button boxes/Arduino boards

All drivers always kept up to date (30 days old, max)


First, excellent job with MOOSE - it's crazy powerfull! :thumbup:


Is it possible to balance AI_A2A_DISPATCHER and TASK_A2A_DISPATCHER ?

I mean - cold war scenario, both coalitions are sending planes for CAP and intercept enemies crossing the border, but onece HUMANs are joinng some of the CAP/Intercept missions goes via TASK_A2A_DISPATCHER and AI_A2A_DISPATCHER will not send AI flights to intercept ?

Zapraszam na Gildia.org - polska społeczność DCS. :thumbup:

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