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Any way to preserve complex static collections such as a very detailed farp?


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It's a painstaking process to design a kickass FARP.


Rather than having to re-invent this wheel when you want to create the same thing at a different location, is there a way to copy that object list and then reproduce/paste it into a different mission?


One aspect of the ME I've found is that it seems cumbersome if not impossible to do so. A very built out FARP can have well over a hundred static objects in it.


My wish list would include the ability to select them in the list and save them as some kind of collection entity. Pop a fully built farp/whatever back in, anyplace I want.


What's the hive's solution for this?






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I think, basically, it requires that you mod your objects to be of "fortification" type so that you can place them as normal ground units.


Then, as FP says, you can simply create a template from that group.


I don't believe there's an easy way to do this using static objects but perhaps someone will chime in with something else!

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You can save it as a mission and then try to use the copy and paste on multiple units but it is a bit clunky. ie save mission with farp objects for later use. Then when you want that set of objects in another mission, open the "template" mission. Select all the objects using shift and double left click(this is the clunky bit) on each static object, do a control C. Then open the new mission and do control V where you want the group of objects.

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You can save it as a mission and then try to use the copy and paste on multiple units but it is a bit clunky. ie save mission with farp objects for later use. Then when you want that set of objects in another mission, open the "template" mission. Select all the objects using shift and double left click(this is the clunky bit) on each static object, do a control C. Then open the new mission and do control V where you want the group of objects.



Shift and double click. I've always thought it wasn't possible to select multiple units, unless you select the first unit in a group. TIL.


ED: That is not how multiple select works, click and drag a box around them then shift and single click is the standard pattern.

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Knowing that it's possible to select multiple units with Shift + double click will save a lot of time! Thanks for a really useful tip. :thumbup:

I don't want to drive the discussion from the original topic but do you know any other useful tricks. Like for instance, is it possible to draw a line with the ruler and place the unit without the line (angle/distance information) disappearing?

Another thing that for some reason I remember was possible - maybe my memory is playing tricks but I remember there was a shortcut to switch between US/metric units while using the editor/F-10 map.

F/A-18, F-16, F-14, M-2000C, A-10C, AV-8B, AJS-37 Viggen, F-5E-3, F-86F, MiG-21bis, MiG-15bis, L-39 Albatros, C-101 Aviojet, P-51D, Spitfire LF Mk. IX, Bf 109 4-K, UH-1H, Mi-8, Ka-50, NTTR, Normandy, Persian Gulf... and not enough time to fully enjoy it all

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Yup, and just found out that when you copy-paste the objects are placed at your mouse cursor.. so not exactly where you copied them from.

This actually you can use to your advantage. Just place the cursor where you want the units to be before copying. With possibility to select multiple units this is a great thing as you don't have to drag them individually.

I agree though, it's not how the industry standards work. There should be a feature to draw a selection rectangle and operate on selected units by edit properties/copy/delete/drag.

F/A-18, F-16, F-14, M-2000C, A-10C, AV-8B, AJS-37 Viggen, F-5E-3, F-86F, MiG-21bis, MiG-15bis, L-39 Albatros, C-101 Aviojet, P-51D, Spitfire LF Mk. IX, Bf 109 4-K, UH-1H, Mi-8, Ka-50, NTTR, Normandy, Persian Gulf... and not enough time to fully enjoy it all

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Drag a box and copy would be a very much appreciated feature


/thread right there, and I award you four internets, Sir.


Thanks, selecting multi without saving them to use in a different mission isn't very helpful. We need a container to park these in, and a "Save selected objects as" gets it done.



I appreciate the quick and thorough answers fellas.


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What also would be handy for copying and other operations is if we can select multiple units from the unit list. Using shift and control standard windows style. That list could also show some more info on the units, plenty of room for that.


If man were meant to fly he'd be filled with helium.

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I don't recall any other things like that except you can also do a cut (cntrl X) and paste too. As you say rubber banding a collection of units would be much more preferable along with a 3d window to aid placement. lol that said though I can remember what is was like before you could cut/copy and paste very early in the DCS A10 life cycle......

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One thing that came to my mind is using the Russian unit symbols instead of NATO ones for mission building. Try it out if you already didn't. One difference is that they show the heading (are rotated). Another thing is that the icons shape and size much better reassembles the real unit’s dimensions.

Bottom line at least setting up vehicles with RU symbols is way much quicker and easier.

F/A-18, F-16, F-14, M-2000C, A-10C, AV-8B, AJS-37 Viggen, F-5E-3, F-86F, MiG-21bis, MiG-15bis, L-39 Albatros, C-101 Aviojet, P-51D, Spitfire LF Mk. IX, Bf 109 4-K, UH-1H, Mi-8, Ka-50, NTTR, Normandy, Persian Gulf... and not enough time to fully enjoy it all

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So true ! Russian Mission Editor is far, far more accurate than NATO one.

For FARPs, i use a template of Smal units (Manpads) to draw edges of the FARP. (4 landing pads, and the perimeter). Be sure to orient the FARP due north before drawing perimeter and place the first unit on the T letter, which is the perfect center (FARP sign)

It helps me to place the FARP at the right position with this template, then copy-paste your selected groups on your original fancy FARP (even between .miz files), Shift click on group leaders and paste this in your current mission.


It's quite easy IMO.

Edited by Erforce

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