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Heavy Sky Campaign, F-14 with AIM-54 is so OP


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I have been flying the first 20 missions of Heavy Sky campaign. I like it so much.


I have complaints about current F-14s. Sometimes I faced multiple F-14s and I can say that AIM-54 missile is currently SO powerful. It is like AIM-120D. In SU-33 you don't get RWR warning until the missile is ~5-10km away from you and F-14s will launch it from 85km distance!! Jamming does not help at all, I confirmed this many times. If the F-14 happens to lose the lock on you, missile goes balistic and when it relocks, missile turns to you again :megalol: I hope they fix these when F-14 module is out. Currently AI F-14 with AIM-54 is way more dangerous than AI F-18 with AIM120. All my AI wingmen gets shot in few minutes...




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Thats the way how Aim-54 works , no warning until it goes active.


This is simulation , not battlefield etc where things get ”balanced”



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Thats the way how Aim-54 works , no warning until it goes active.


This is simulation , not battlefield etc where things get ”balanced”



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Yes but how can an F-14 radar lock me from 90km distance while my jammer is on.. I would understand if I were to fly IL-78 but it is SU-33. Even today's radars can hardly get lock above that distance.


I'm not a missile or aviation expert, but I wonder why would they drop so powerful missile if it was so good in real life.




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I fly 30m above the sea with or without jammer it locks me and shoots from 85km... Chaffs have no effect, (I flown 20 times against F-14 and dropped chaffs and never seen any effect) I try to beam, and nothing breaks the lock.


Well if you want to believe that the current AIM-54B model and F-14 radar model is reasonable, fine I have nothing to say. Looks like they had better radars and missiles in 1981 than today's.




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I found this to be an interesting read: Forecast International Archived Report: AIM-54A/C/C+ Phoenix. The part that caught my eye:


In airborne testing, the AIM-54A achieved enviable results, with the success rate running at 88 percent over the entire test program. Of the 56 missiles fired during contractor tests, 43 were scored as hits. During 1973 the Phoenix hit targets at ranges of 202 kilometers (109 nautical miles) and attained an altitude of more than 30,480 meters (100,000 feet). A Phoenix also hit a BQM-34A drone simulating a cruise missile at an altitude of only 15 meters (50 feet) above the sea.


Given the source, there might be an agenda but the report contains some interesting info just the same. Also refers to an infrared subsystem on the missile.

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU1...CR6IZ7crfdZxDg



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There's no infrared subsystem on the missile. There was integration with the IRST though ;)

Ahh...that's what they were referring to, then. I took it to mean the missile itself was fitted with it--which I had never heard before.

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU1...CR6IZ7crfdZxDg



Win 10 Pro x64, ASUS Z97 Pro MoBo, Intel i7-4790K, EVGA GTX 970 4GB, HyperX Savage 32GB, Samsung 850 EVO 250 GB SSD, 2x Seagate Hybrid Drive 2TB Raid 0.

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What I find Crazy, if the Phoenix was 88 Percent Accurate/Effective why was it not continued, as far as I know the F15 could carry it on the Belly station (at least tested on in one picture) and possibly on the wing Drop tanks stations so if correct that's either 1 phoenix or 3 Pheonix. I get this is not practical in all situations. Would the phoenix if continued to be developed not have a place in 21st century air war?? Aim 54 testing phases seem like it was very effective from a Air Supremacy stand point, break into enemy airspace and lob a few of these. Anyone know the testing phase for the R33 any info on how effective it was?

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That was NASA's F-15 using an instrumented AIM-54 for hypersonic testing. The F-15 was never made able to actually carry and launch the AIM-54 in war.


Phoenix was given up because the only platform capable of launching it was retired. That's it. F-15's didn't need it and hornets can't take full advantage of it.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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The resolution is to fix the other missiles in the game, not nerf the one in the game that actually works (or close to works).



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The current AIM-54 ingame won't get fixed or tweaked. It will get replaced by an entirely new AIM-54 by Heatblur. This is, AFAIK, an entirely new development of the missile and has nothing in common (code wise) with the missile currently ingame.

We will have to see how this new missile performs when it's available.

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  • 2 weeks later...

During real war you never fire at 85km nor even 20 until you're absolutely sure that the plane you're firing at is hostile, there's no IFF to tell you so. This is a simulation but it has its limits aswell


I really think we should have more core systems implemented next, like better radios/ATC/AWACS/Transponder. Sadly, this doesn't sell more modules :(

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What I found really interesting about the AI F-14 can maintain lock at long range even when you turn cold. I've tried engaging them in the F-15 and basically you just evade the 54s while the F-14s close in so that you can get missiles off to force them defensive or get the kill. At least with 120s, though you could probably pull it off with ETs.

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It seems the AI has cheater radar capabilities. Yesterday my AI Mirage 2000C wingman was able to pick up enemy fighters on scope from 100 miles away! I can never pick up fighter sized aircraft any further than 40nm away in the Mirage.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I found this to be an interesting read: Forecast International Archived Report: AIM-54A/C/C+ Phoenix. The part that caught my eye:


In airborne testing, the AIM-54A achieved enviable results, with the success rate running at 88 percent over the entire test program. Of the 56 missiles fired during contractor tests, 43 were scored as hits. During 1973 the Phoenix hit targets at ranges of 202 kilometers (109 nautical miles) and attained an altitude of more than 30,480 meters (100,000 feet). A Phoenix also hit a BQM-34A drone simulating a cruise missile at an altitude of only 15 meters (50 feet) above the sea.


Given the source, there might be an agenda but the report contains some interesting info just the same. Also refers to an infrared subsystem on the missile.



But this part below makes me wonder if this success rate was against targets flying in straight line:


In one conclusive test in 1973, six AIM-54As were launched within 37 seconds against six drones at ranges up to 80 kilometers (43.19 nautical miles), with four of these scoring direct hits. The fifth Phoenix was unable to intercept as the drone veered off course, while the sixth missile experienced hardware failure.

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No, some were maneuvering. Veered off course is not an adequate statement upon which to make assumptions - missiles are sensitive to target parameters, and what if that thing was 40nm away and veered waaaay off course? Like 90 deg off course.


Keep in mind that we don't know the launch altitude for these tests, either. A 20000' 0.9M shot can easily be half the range or less of a high-altitude high-speed shot (say 40000' mach 2)


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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