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M.C.G.M.-Massive Combat Game Mode V0.1 (SP/CO-OP)

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Quick Description: This is a dynamic mission to capture the island from a well equipped and dug in opposing force. You will be the commander of your forces in the area of operations. You will have the ability to upgrade your bases, attack enemy bases, deploy ground troops, deploy Cas or Cap flights and much more all while the enemy is defending and attacking you. As the commander you have to not only know the battlefield and what the enemy is doing but you have to keep an eye and mange your logistics. This is your battle you make the plans and call the shots.


Quick Feature List:


-Player is the commander of the forces in the area

-Ability to upgrade bases with better defense

-Ability to deploy cap and cas missions

-Ability to deploy a all different traps of weapon systems, ground troops, and air units

-Ability to call in resupplys for bases

-Enemy will attack and try and capture your bases

-Enemy will deploy cap and cas mission to try and stop you

-Enemy EWR networks

-Ground troops will automatically engaged and move to each other

-Friendly and enemy artillery will automatically engage

-Randomly placed base defenses

-Only ground troops can capture a base

-Combined Arms friendly (Is recommend but Not required will help with commanding troops)

-Multiple aircraft to choose from A10c, AV8B, F15c, M-2000c, and UH-1Y

-F18 ready

-Sp/MP version (Only difference is the SP version you have ai wingmen)



Quick How to play:


Friendly Bases: Your base and captured bases is the hub of it all. Each base has resources that range from 0-500. Deploying defenses or deploying attack forces will all decrease you resources. To get more resources you need to call in for a resupply. When a resupply is called a C17 will be inbound. Once the C17 has landed your base will be resupplied back to 500. Keep and eye on your resources for each base at all times and keep your bases defensed will Incase of an attack.


Enemy Bases:

The enemy bases are well equipped and well defended. To capture and enemy base all ground oppositions must be eliminated and friendly ground troops much be present.


F10 Menu Options:

This is where everything is centered around. This is where you make all the calls. When you bring up your communication menu you will have an option called F10 Other click on it.

Below is a list of all F10 Options and their functions.

Alpha Command = This refers to the first section of enemy bases

- A list of bases that are in Alpha Command will be presented. This will be the base you are operating from or want to deploy from or upgrade from

- Deployment = Refers to anything to do with friendly units attacking

-Locations = will have other bases here to choose from. Once chosen your next options will attack this base

-CAS = will have different type of CAS options

-CAP = will have different types of CAP options

-Ground Troops = will have different types of ground units. When deployed to your selected base they will be spawned close to that base so you don’t have to wait 45 minutes for them to travel.

-Cancel attack = will remove all ground troops attacking the selected base above


- Defenses = refers with anything to do with defending your bases

-Static = 2 types of static. You have Air defenses at the top of the list and ground defenses at the bottom. Both types will automatically engaged when enemy’s are in range

-Remove = will remove all static defenses from the selected base above

-Troops = will have different types of ground units to choose from to defend the base you selected above

-Remove = will remove all ground troops defending the selected base above

- Resources = will tell you the resources of the selected base


Bravo Command = This refers to the second section of enemy bases

Charlie Command = This refers to the third section of enemy bases


H.Q. = This refers to your main off map HQ

- Locations = All Bases will be presented. Once selected a resupply will be on its way to that base



Mission Change Log:



-Rewrote, cleaned up, and optimized all scripts

-Moved starting AO to the other end of the map

-removed slot blocker script (for now) due to starting base is big enough for lots of slots

-All SAM sites are not functioning and engaging the enemy like they should be

-Ground troops now target and move to each others location. This eliminates the chances of them moving away from each or not engaging for a while

-All friendly CAS and CAP missions will now correctly RTB

-Cleaned up the F10 menu options a lot

-You can now spawn an EWR at each base for 500 resources. This will also add a squadron to your base that will automatically defend it

-You can now spawn ground troops to any of your bases to defend it

-You can now remove ground troops and static defenses from your bases. You will get resources back from this

-You can now spawn your attack force by each unit you would like to have instead of it being a pre set attack unit

-You can now cancel a current attack

-Reworked and changed the whole layout of the F10 options

-changed game values around

-change how and when the enemy Ai sends fights up

-Added helicopter roles

-Added M-2000c roles

-Lots more changes and bug fixes can’t remember all off them



-initial release



M.C.G.M.- Massive Combat Game Mode by A Hamburgler is a SP/MP dynamic mission for DCS. This mission is still WIP and is not feature complete. In this early version only A part of the map is playable. This include Anapa, Krymsk, Novorossiysk, and Gelendzhik airbases. The whole map will eventually be playable.


IMPORTANT: This mission no longer uses SimpleSlotBlockGameGUI.lua

DOWNLOAD: https://github.com/AHamburgler/M.C.G.M.-Massive-Combat-Game-Mode

Edited by A Hamburgler
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Holy smokes, this looks pretty cool! If you play Single player, are you "one man against the world" or is your flight fleshed out with AI wingmen?


In single player you have the option to have 1-3 wing men depending on what slot you pick. You can also call in CAP and CAS support for a certain amount of resources. The cap and cas support will go to the closest enemy base unless one of your bases is being attacked at which point it will defend your base. So example when you start the mission you can be running cas and call in for cap support so you don’t have to really worry about enemy fighters. You can even call in cas while you provide cas so it’s not just you doing everything.


If I’m playing by my self I like to get into a F15 with three wingmen and calling for cap support so now there is 8 friendly fighter enegaging in a2a combat. Once the enemy runs out of jets to send up I RTB then get in a different jet and start knocking out ground targets.

Edited by A Hamburgler
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OOOOHHHHHHH...I know what I'll be doing this weekend! Thanks again for this, it looks fun! And thanks for thinking of the SP guys, too!


Im a single player guy my self too but again this is an early version so expect bugs or imbalances. Keep an eye on the thread as I’ll update the mission. Any feedback or suggestions will be appreciated.

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Hate to be that guy ;P


But how would one go about adding an aircraft to this? Would love to add a Mirage or replace a couple of the current F15C's, as most of my guys use it and would allow us to give this a good testing.

I've had a play in the editor, but am assuming one of the .lua files in the mission needs to be modified to allow other player aircraft?



By the way let me just say, amazing job on this so far. From what i've seen while poking around in the editor, this has to be one of the best implemtations of MOOSE i've seen.


Bravo Sir.

Edited by Shadow.D.
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Thanks man if I have time tonight I’ll add the Mirage and update it because it has been requested before too. But on Wednesday when the new map comes out I’m transferring everything to that map and will have a bigger starting base so I can put a lot of different aircraft.

Edited by A Hamburgler
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Sounds good, out of interest is there much involved in changing playable aircraft in the mission? It's not really ideal for you to have to add planes for everyones tastes.


On a side not, i did notice a few little issues while testing by myself. I'll wait for now and allow you get the new version done.

But one of the major ones were Radar SAM sites did not seem to engage, neither enemy sa-3 or s-300, also the spawned Patriot launchers.

Potentially missing a unit in the group needed for the site to function? Or objects too close? I did notice the defense Patriot launchers were spawned very close to map objects.

Edited by Shadow.D.
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Sounds good, out of interest is there much involved in changing playable aircraft in the mission? It's not really ideal for you to have to add planes for everyones tastes.


On a side not, i did notice a few little issues while testing by myself. I'll wait for now and allow you get the new version done.

But one of the major ones were Radar SAM sites did not seem to engage, neither enemy sa-3 or s-300, also the spawned Patriot launchers.

Potentially missing a unit in the group needed for the site to function? Or objects too close? I did notice the defense Patriot launchers were spawned very close to map objects.

Thanks for the reply I’ll look into that. I may have to add an additional check when the base defense spawn so they do not spawn to close to objects. I should have a new version out Wednesday evening.

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Hamburgler, looking very solid and slick so far. I just messed around for a short time with it.


What I did notice though is that some (maybe all) of the UH-1H at Anapa are default load out with nothing at all. I think they are supposed to be used for CAS so should be default to some sort of load out.


I think the 4 ship for the F15C is the same. The 2 ship had a load out I believe.


I would double check things but right now my DCS is crashing randomly no matter what I do. Even just loading up the editor and attempting to look at load outs is crashing so I'm calling it a night with DCS!!!!


Oh, one additional thing. Are you doing something funky with warehousing? It seems I lost Anapa but then wiped out all the enemy ground forces but the airfield still remained in Russian's hands for as long as I cared to see. This was a reason I noticed the empty load outs. I was attempting to reload by ground crew but couldn't cause we didn't own the airfield any longer. Yet I had all sorts of friendly troops nearby after wiping out the enemy troops. This is probably a DCS bug and maybe nothing you can do about it.


Doh, forgot another thing. I could not spawn in any of the UH1H's on the carrier. Anytime I attempted to spawn they would just explode. Once again probably a DCS bug and nothing you could do I would think.

Edited by Delta99
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Hamburgler, looking very solid and slick so far. I just messed around for a short time with it.


What I did notice though is that some (maybe all) of the UH-1H at Anapa are default load out with nothing at all. I think they are supposed to be used for CAS so should be default to some sort of load out.


I think the 4 ship for the F15C is the same. The 2 ship had a load out I believe.


I would double check things but right now my DCS is crashing randomly no matter what I do. Even just loading up the editor and attempting to look at load outs is crashing so I'm calling it a night with DCS!!!!


Oh, one additional thing. Are you doing something funky with warehousing? It seems I lost Anapa but then wiped out all the enemy ground forces but the airfield still remained in Russian's hands for as long as I cared to see. This was a reason I noticed the empty load outs. I was attempting to reload by ground crew but couldn't cause we didn't own the airfield any longer. Yet I had all sorts of friendly troops nearby after wiping out the enemy troops. This is probably a DCS bug and maybe nothing you can do about it.


Doh, forgot another thing. I could not spawn in any of the UH1H's on the carrier. Anytime I attempted to spawn they would just explode. Once again probably a DCS bug and nothing you could do I would think.

Thanks for the replies but I made it so the player has no loadout and has to be rearmed by the ground crew. So in SP if you spawn in an F15C 4-ship the AI will have loadouts but not the lead aircraft aka the player. The Anapa airbase situation is simple. I do not have end or win triggers in the game yet so once you loose your first base which is Anapa the mission should end. Remember to capture a base you need ground troops so if the Russian forces took Anapa there would be know way for you to take Anapa back because you have no way of deploying ground troops. The carrier situation I cant control the AV8Bs are bugged too at the moment but I do not own the UH-1 so I don't know if a different carrier will work or not. Remember do not loose your first base add ground troops and lots for mortars and M109s to defend against ground troops. I will definitely add end and win trigger and maybe add about a 10 minute notice when the enemy will attack.

Edited by A Hamburgler
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They fixed the carrier issue in todays patch.


As for not being able to deploy grounds troops at Anapa, I am able to. Deply->Defenses->Pick some ground troops. Is this not the way?


That is fine on the load outs. Only problem is, Russia is somehow taking over Anapa real easy especially when I have all sorts of ground troops there. Not sure why.

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They fixed the carrier issue in todays patch.


As for not being able to deploy grounds troops at Anapa, I am able to. Deply->Defenses->Pick some ground troops. Is this not the way?


That is fine on the load outs. Only problem is, Russia is somehow taking over Anapa real easy especially when I have all sorts of ground troops there. Not sure why.

I’ll test out the hole Anapa situation. I’ll also adjust the enemy attack too because they do some in full force. I also have to update and add the F18 in along with the PG map.

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I’ll test out the hole Anapa situation. I’ll also adjust the enemy attack too because they do some in full force. I also have to update and add the F18 in along with the PG map.


Yeah, I was wondering if it was just me in doing something wrong. But when the enemy attacks Anapa its going to be all over pretty quickly. Even with some ground forces that I left some resources over to use, I still wasn't able to spawn enough there.


BTW, as for the airbase ownership, I am trying to clarify with Grimes if they changed something recently. And if they did it is likely buggy or not working as it should!!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Is there any way to have more than one CAP mission? The AI can't seem to get the job done against the significant amount of enemy fighters, and sending four at a time seems useless.

I adjusted a lot when I time ill update to V 0.3 like the PG map version.

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Love what I've seen so far from some small scale testing. I appreciate your work on it.


Anyway i have a small query. When i try to request an AI CAS or CAP flight from the F10 menu it spawns 4 aircraft. 1 just off the runway, 3 in parking. 2 of the aircraft in parking taxi to behind the 1 that spawns near the runway but the 4th stays at parking. The 3 of them just end up sitting there just off the runway and nothing else happens.


Am i doing something wrong? Am i being impatient? Is it a DCS bug? Is it a mission bug?



EDIT: MP version. Any AI flight from the F10 menu, doesn't matter type.

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Love what I've seen so far from some small scale testing. I appreciate your work on it.


Anyway i have a small query. When i try to request an AI CAS or CAP flight from the F10 menu it spawns 4 aircraft. 1 just off the runway, 3 in parking. 2 of the aircraft in parking taxi to behind the 1 that spawns near the runway but the 4th stays at parking. The 3 of them just end up sitting there just off the runway and nothing else happens.


Am i doing something wrong? Am i being impatient? Is it a DCS bug? Is it a mission bug?



EDIT: MP version. Any AI flight from the F10 menu, doesn't matter type.


I’ll look into the issue as their version needs to be updated anyway to v0.3

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Is there a reason why the Carrier Group are not on cruise speed?



Its nearly impossible to take of from the deck off an carrier with a hornet. Even if its slightly loaded....




My Rig: Windows 11 Pro, Intel i7-13700k@5.4GHz, 64GB DDR5 5200 RAM, Gigabyte Z790 AORUS Elite AX, 2TB Samsung 990 PRO, RTX4080, Thrustmaster HOTAS WARTHOG Stick + WINWING ORION 2 + MFG Crosswinds, LG 32" 4K 60FPS, ACER 30" 4K 60FPS GSync Display, HP Reverb G2 V2

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Is there a reason why the Carrier Group are not on cruise speed?



Its nearly impossible to take of from the deck off an carrier with a hornet. Even if its slightly loaded....





Once I finish my save game function so you can transfer all data between missions I’ll update. This version is missing a lot of things compared to the PG version which is the most updated.

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Once I finish my save game function so you can transfer all data between missions I’ll update. This version is missing a lot of things compared to the PG version which is the most updated.



I was talking about the PG Version! :cry:

My Rig: Windows 11 Pro, Intel i7-13700k@5.4GHz, 64GB DDR5 5200 RAM, Gigabyte Z790 AORUS Elite AX, 2TB Samsung 990 PRO, RTX4080, Thrustmaster HOTAS WARTHOG Stick + WINWING ORION 2 + MFG Crosswinds, LG 32" 4K 60FPS, ACER 30" 4K 60FPS GSync Display, HP Reverb G2 V2

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This is so much fun. Thanks!



System: Asus Z170-E, I7 6700K, 16GB DDR4, Asus GTX1070 8GB, 1TB M2 SSD + 2x 250GB SSD,TrackIR, TM Warthog, Saitek Rudder

Modules: A-10C, KA-50, Mi-8, UH-1H, FC3, F5E, M2000, AJS37, AV8b, F18C


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