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ATI Catalyst 7.4 are out...

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These don't work for me well, I can't get AA and AF or V-Sync to work at all. Tried reinstalling 4 times now... same thing. Very weird. I'll try downloading separate driver/ccc/wdm installer.


Update: After trying separate installation packages I get the same thing... in fact I can't even get CCC to open the second time. 7.4 seem buggy same as 7.3 for my system. I think it'll be back to 7.2 for me... and damn... it's 02:30 AM right now... bloody PC's :cry:

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I went back to 7.1. Found all others to have problems. Never had an issue with ATI drivers till they started trying to make them Vista compatiable. The problem I had with 7.2 and 7.3 it that I had no animation on anything. Make an AA change saw nothing,Af some thing etc. AVivo animation is not there and see no indication of anything when making changes, so back to 7.1 and works perfect. I think they should make drivers for Vista only and Xp only cause trying to do both seems to mess things up.Like I said Never had problems with Drivers till Vista hit the market. Maybe just a coincidence.Yes I know there are different downloads but I still think some Vista stuff is in the windows xp drivers and visa versa.

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