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Posted (edited)

Hi Heatblur and Viggen pilots,


Just want to share something that I've been working on for the Viggen. I made a web app to parse the ELINTData.info file and to plot that on a map. This will facilitate recon missions on the Viggen through the detection of enemy radar units.


I'm also working on creating some missions to make use of this app. General idea is to fly a recon route, rtb to load the data into the app for analysis, plan your own flight route to engage/avoid the threats.


For those who have seen my previous posts on Reddit, I've made some updates to the app.


I've just finished the unit detection part of the app so the app will identify the unit against a known database. I've also changed the map to show contour lines.


Do let me know what you think of it and how it can be improved. I'm looking to add mission planning into the app where a custom data cartridge can be generated to load into the Viggen.




Mission File


I've created a mission (still in alpha) that uses the U22/A ECM pod with the elint web app. Note that this is the first mission I've ever created so please let me know how I can improve it. I'm still learning how to use the mission editor. I've attached a briefing document with a map of the threat area that will need 'scanning'.


Basic idea of the mission is to plan a route to scan the area for threats. Land back at base. Upload the elintdata.info file to the app. Anaylse the data, hopefully you picked up the EWR. Plan your flight to engage and destroy the EWR. You might need multiple recon passes to locate and destroy the EWR. You might wish to take out some AA defenses in between recon passes.


Note: This is not designed to be a realistic mission but as a recon/strike mission to fully utilize the Viggen recon capabilities and strike capabilities. Avoid using Tacview as it will reveal the units and spoil the need for recon. You should not need to restart the mission between recon passes. You can land, park, repair/rearm, take off.


Future updates: I'll need to add mission planning to the web app to fully support this mission. Right now mission planning will require manual entry into the Viggen. Mission planning will primarily support manual entry but also data cartridge generation. I also think this might be an interesting multiplayer mission.


Mission File v0.15: Download

Briefing Document v0.10: Download




  • EWR detection improved by using detection script instead of trigger zone
  • Blue force now has SAM defenses at bases
  • Enemy fighters should no longer pursue you into your base area



Edited by heclak
  • Like 5
  • Thanks 1

Wow, that's awesome! Will definitely give it a shot. :)

-Col. Russ Everts opinion on surface-to-air missiles: "It makes you feel a little better if it's coming for one of your buddies. However, if it's coming for you, it doesn't make you feel too good, but it does rearrange your priorities."


DCS Wishlist:

MC-130E Combat Talon   |   F/A-18F Lot 26   |   HH-60G Pave Hawk   |   E-2 Hawkeye/C-2 Greyhound   |   EA-6A/B Prowler   |   J-35F2/J Draken   |   RA-5C Vigilante



Is it somehow possible to create picture of possible sam places via using more elints? For example, if I am flying together with my buddies, everybody is carrying elint pod, is it possible to put all files from each pod into the one picture? For the better and more precise estimation of the position, where sams could be. Thank you.

MSI Z370 GAMING PLUS, i5 8600K, MSI GTX 1080 GamingX, 16 GB DDR4 3000MHz, 500 GB M2 SSD, 1 TB SSD


Just awesome!


I've been working on a Excel sheet do work together with this website:



However on the first version I had to type in °, Minutes, Seconds and N/E/S/W seperatly.

So I got mad at typing 20 coordinates and tried formatting the the Viggen Format (XX:XX:XX) into the format the website needs,... no chance with my skills.


You are my savior, excellent! The excel sheet goes to the bin now :joystick:

Alias in Discord: Mailman


Is it somehow possible to create picture of possible sam places via using more elints? For example, if I am flying together with my buddies, everybody is carrying elint pod, is it possible to put all files from each pod into the one picture? For the better and more precise estimation of the position, where sams could be. Thank you.

At the moment the app doesn't clear previous plots when you try to upload a second file. You can just upload another file and it should overlay on top of what has been previously mapped out. You'll need to refresh the page to clear the map.


At the moment its an accidental feature but I'll be sure to keep this 'feature' in place one way of another.


Awesome! Ive been hoping to see something like this - such a great feature of the plane, but very little use at the moment. Will be testing this and looking forwards the missions.

A-10C Warthog | AJS-37 Viggen | F-5E Tiger II | Mig-15bis | MiG-19P Farmer


This looks fantastic! I'm going to be flying the Red Flag campaign soon and this will be very useful. I will post some more feedback soon(ish)!


Don’t see why it shouldn’t work in multiplayer. As long as you land, switch your master mode selector to BER. The Elintdata.info file should generate.


I have yet to build the mission planning features but I am planning to use the custom data cartridge feature. That would require reloading the aircraft in order for dcs to reload the lua files. Shouldn’t need to exit the server, just need to switch aircraft to reload the plane. But I have yet to test any of these. It’s just my research so far.

Posted (edited)

Nice app heclak! :thumbup:


Would be great if you could expand the threat lib a bit more. I did a test with a Buk and it suggested a CG-60 Normandy or Oliver Hazard Perry. Although they have the same characteristics as a Buk so it's not wrong but simply not likely since my target was land based :smilewink:


Also, I didn't understand the lat/long. I got the marker at the correct place but lat 42 long 61! That's like east of the Caspian Sea and north of Afghanistan... :)

Edited by frosen
Forgot one thing...

i7-7700K @ 4.9 GHz | Gigabyte Aorus Geforce GTX 1080 Ti | 32 GB DDR4 Corsair Vengeance @ 2400 MHz (2800 OC) | Asus Strix Z270E Gaming | Samsung 970 EVO M.2 SSD 1 TB | Samsung 960 EVO M.2 SSD 500 GB | WD NAS Red 2TB SATA3 | Corsair Cooling Hydro Series H80i v2 | Thrustmaster Hotas Warthog | Saitek PRO rudder pedals | Valve Index


Would be great if you could expand the threat lib a bit more. I did a test with a Buk and it suggested a CG-60 Normandy or Oliver Hazard Perry. Although they have the same characteristics as a Buk so it's not wrong but simply not likely since my target was land based :smilewink:


The app is giving those suggestions as they have the same radar characteristics. I'm not sure how to better expand that right now. The issue being if a threat is near the coast and you don't fly an path that makes the polygon area small enough, the threat could either be on land or on water. Its up to the 'intel officer' to make the judgment call. The threat isn't always in the center of the box, especially if you've only detected it from one side. Ideally you'll need at least two paths (north to south, east to west) to narrow it down.


I don't have code to analyse the map for ground vs water yet. So I can't differentiate the units at this time. Would an additional description behind the unit name be useful? Eg. CG-60 Normandy(Naval)


Also, I didn't understand the lat/long. I got the marker at the correct place but lat 42 long 61! That's like east of the Caspian Sea and north of Afghanistan... :)


Oops. Just checked my code and I put the brackets in the wrong place messing up the math :cry: Its fixed now. Nice catch. I hope no one flew that far before realising my mistake.


I've created a mission (still in alpha) that uses the U22/A ECM pod with the elint web app. Note that this is the first mission I've ever created so please let me know how I can improve it. I'm still learning how to use the mission editor. I've attached a briefing document with a map of the threat area that will need 'scanning'.


Basic idea of the mission is to plan a route to scan the area for threats. Land back at base. Upload the elintdata.info file to the app. Anaylse the data, hopefully you picked up the EWR. Plan your flight to engage and destroy the EWR. You might need multiple recon passes to locate and destroy the EWR. You might wish to take out some AA defenses in between recon passes.


Note: This is not designed to be a realistic mission but as a recon/strike mission to fully utilize the Viggen recon capabilities and strike capabilities. Avoid using Tacview as it will reveal the units and spoil the need for recon. You should not need to restart the mission between recon passes. You can land, park, repair/rearm, take off.


Future updates: I'll need to add mission planning to the web app to fully support this mission. Right now mission planning will require manual entry into the Viggen. Mission planning will primarily support manual entry but also data cartridge generation. I also think this might be an interesting multiplayer mission.


Mission File v0.1


Briefing Document

The app is giving those suggestions as they have the same radar characteristics. I'm not sure how to better expand that right now. The issue being if a threat is near the coast and you don't fly an path that makes the polygon area small enough, the threat could either be on land or on water. Its up to the 'intel officer' to make the judgment call. The threat isn't always in the center of the box, especially if you've only detected it from one side. Ideally you'll need at least two paths (north to south, east to west) to narrow it down.


I don't have code to analyse the map for ground vs water yet. So I can't differentiate the units at this time. Would an additional description behind the unit name be useful? Eg. CG-60 Normandy(Naval)

The water thing aside, I just mean it would be good if it listed all possible threats. SA-11 search radar has the same identifiers as Normandy and Oliver H P. I used the ELINT database on viggentools.se to identify it so use that one :)


Nice app in any case though!

i7-7700K @ 4.9 GHz | Gigabyte Aorus Geforce GTX 1080 Ti | 32 GB DDR4 Corsair Vengeance @ 2400 MHz (2800 OC) | Asus Strix Z270E Gaming | Samsung 970 EVO M.2 SSD 1 TB | Samsung 960 EVO M.2 SSD 500 GB | WD NAS Red 2TB SATA3 | Corsair Cooling Hydro Series H80i v2 | Thrustmaster Hotas Warthog | Saitek PRO rudder pedals | Valve Index

The water thing aside, I just mean it would be good if it listed all possible threats. SA-11 search radar has the same identifiers as Normandy and Oliver H P. I used the ELINT database on viggentools.se to identify it so use that one :)


Nice app in any case though!


It is actually listing all possible threats based on the ELINT database, I looking to do more extensive testing and building on the database myself in the future. However, it needs an exact match. The Normandy/Oliver may use the same band and freq as the SA-11 Search radar but the emit/silent pattern is different. I've noticed that the emit/silent pattern can be thrown off based on how you fly. If you make a 90 degree bank you lose the radar signal and it can throw the pattern off. Same for LOS in a mountain region.


Some how your flight data didn't pickup the emit/silence pattern correctly (happens to me a lot too) and somehow matched the pattern for the Normandy and Oliver H.P. I was considering making the matching algorithm more loose but I'm not sure if thats a good idea.

It is actually listing all possible threats based on the ELINT database, I looking to do more extensive testing and building on the database myself in the future. However, it needs an exact match. The Normandy/Oliver may use the same band and freq as the SA-11 Search radar but the emit/silent pattern is different. I've noticed that the emit/silent pattern can be thrown off based on how you fly. If you make a 90 degree bank you lose the radar signal and it can throw the pattern off. Same for LOS in a mountain region.


Some how your flight data didn't pickup the emit/silence pattern correctly (happens to me a lot too) and somehow matched the pattern for the Normandy and Oliver H.P. I was considering making the matching algorithm more loose but I'm not sure if thats a good idea.


Ah ok that explains it. Anyhow keep up the good work! I will for sure use this handy tool. :thumbup::pilotfly:

i7-7700K @ 4.9 GHz | Gigabyte Aorus Geforce GTX 1080 Ti | 32 GB DDR4 Corsair Vengeance @ 2400 MHz (2800 OC) | Asus Strix Z270E Gaming | Samsung 970 EVO M.2 SSD 1 TB | Samsung 960 EVO M.2 SSD 500 GB | WD NAS Red 2TB SATA3 | Corsair Cooling Hydro Series H80i v2 | Thrustmaster Hotas Warthog | Saitek PRO rudder pedals | Valve Index



Is it possible to use the same maps in your app, as in DCS? Thanks

MSI Z370 GAMING PLUS, i5 8600K, MSI GTX 1080 GamingX, 16 GB DDR4 3000MHz, 500 GB M2 SSD, 1 TB SSD

I've created a mission (still in alpha) that uses the U22/A ECM pod with the elint web app. Note that this is the first mission I've ever created so please let me know how I can improve it.




I had a blast trying your mission :) .. however, I do have a couple of suggestions:


First, the enemy fighters are very aggresive and one of them pursued me right up to my home base, so adding friendly SAM batteries to the Blue base is essential, so that one can land the plane in peace :D


Second, I didnt like that the Enemy Radar detects me almost as soon as I've left my airfield ... I revised the mission and the detection is just based on entering a trigger zone that represent's the radars maximum range ... this is not realistic, as I may have been approaching under terrain cover and wouldnt be detected so easily.


So, I added a lua script that activates a flag when the Radar really does detect my aircraft .. I'm no LUA wizard, the credit goes to @nomdeplume: https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2747485&postcount=27 :)


This is typical of the reports that the Viggen produces:




... and looks like this once loadd into your App:




Interestingly, once you do the mission, the Viggen can auto-generate a Computer Cartridge to repeat the mission:




And even from the first attempt, the autogeneration abilities of the current Viggen can give me a Cartridge that will lead me to some of your SAM Defences :)




Got to love the Viggen, @RagnarDa has really invested a lot of time on these features, that most casual pilots will probably never knew about :)


Best regards and thanks for making this great App.







For work: iMac mid-2010 of 27" - Core i7 870 - 6 GB DDR3 1333 MHz - ATI HD5670 - SSD 256 GB - HDD 2 TB - macOS High Sierra

For Gaming: 34" Monitor - Ryzen 3600 - 32 GB DDR4 2400 - nVidia RTX2080 - SSD 1.25 TB - HDD 10 TB - Win10 Pro - TM HOTAS Cougar

Mobile: iPad Pro 12.9" of 256 GB


Is it possible to use the same maps in your app, as in DCS? Thanks


Unfortunately I can't export the map from DCS to put in the app. However, I know there is someone on the forums that is making a Caucasus vector map but hand so I might see if can use that when he is done with it. The issue is that dcs maps are slightly different from the real world, the terrain height maps are the same, just missing some features like buildings and streams.



I had a blast trying your mission :) .. however, I do have a couple of suggestions:


First, the enemy fighters are very aggresive and one of them pursued me right up to my home base, so adding friendly SAM batteries to the Blue base is essential, so that one can land the plane in peace :D



Yup. This was one of the first things that I noticed as well but I haven't figure out the right way to fix this. I will add some SAM batteries to the Blue base but the idea way should be to call of the enemy fighters when you're out of range. Having SAMs only will cause them to be destroyed. My idea is the fighters act like a 'timer'. To make sure you plan for a fast ingress and egress. Loitering will cause the fighters to reach you and thats a bad idea for the Viggen. I'll try to fix this in the next version, I think I need to learn how to use triggers better.



Second, I didnt like that the Enemy Radar detects me almost as soon as I've left my airfield ... I revised the mission and the detection is just based on entering a trigger zone that represent's the radars maximum range ... this is not realistic, as I may have been approaching under terrain cover and wouldnt be detected so easily.


So, I added a lua script that activates a flag when the Radar really does detect my aircraft .. I'm no LUA wizard, the credit goes to @nomdeplume: https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2747485&postcount=27 :)



There's actually a trigger zone which is based on the max range of the EWR that you are suppose to destroy. But thats because I wasn't sure how to implement actual detection. I'll look into the script you linked. Thanks!


Interestingly, once you do the mission, the Viggen can auto-generate a Computer Cartridge to repeat the mission:


And even from the first attempt, the autogeneration abilities of the current Viggen can give me a Cartridge that will lead me to some of your SAM Defences :)


Got to love the Viggen, @RagnarDa has really invested a lot of time on these features, that most casual pilots will probably never knew about :)


Yes! The data cartridge was a recently added feature to autogenerate a flight plan. I've yet to try it out. But I don't think it identifies the unit type and its attacking one emitter per cartridge. The best case scenario for my mission would be if you can detect the EWR signature at your first recon flight, then you plan a route to hide from the other SAMs and strike only the EWR. But I know that is very difficult as getting a perfect picture is very difficult.


Thanks for trying out the mission and giving such wonderful feedback! I'll work on the things you mentioned and I'll try to post a new version soon. I'm not just focusing on building one mission but rather to learn from this to build a new type of mission. Changing the target can generate great replay value.


I've posted a new version of the mission on the first page. I noticed that I forgot to reset to a proper ramp start for the mission. Sorry about that. Was using a runway start for quick testing. That has been fixed. Radar detection is also improved at the suggestion of Rudel_chw. I still need to work on the AI fighter logic for the later part of the mission.


Hi everyone, it has been a busy week so I haven't been able to work on the app and mission. However, some of you might know about the release of CombatFlite which also allows for the analysis of ELINT data. The app also features mission planning capabilities that I have been building into my web app. In light of the release of CombatFlite, I highly encourage anyone trying out the mission to give it a try as it would allow you to fully experience the mission. I'll looking into how I can rework the webapp so as not to just provide the exact same features of CombatFlite. I'm taking suggestions from everyone.

Thanks for the comments. Do let me know if you’re keen on using it or are using it. That will help me to know how much time I should put into adding new features and keeping it up to date. I’ll try to post a Mission file soon.



Great job and thanks for your efforts you do for this wonderful community! :thumbup:

Visit https://www.viggen.training
...Viggen... what more can you ask for?

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AMD Ryzen 5600G 4.4 GHz | NVIDIA RTX 3080 10GB | 32 GB 3.2 GHz DDR4 DUAL | SSD 980 256 GB SYS + SSD 2TB DCS | TM Warthog Stick + Throttle + TRP | Rift CV1


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