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21 hours ago, virgo47 said:

Also - in DCS-BIOS JSON, the entry for FRONT_INST_LIGHT_INTENS has outputs, but empty inputs array - that probably means it only works one way. Sorry for lame question, input/output is from which perspective - from DCS's point of view?

Input and output here should be from the DCS perspective.

Input = action commands from DCS-COINS

Output = event/state updates from DCS (to DCS-COINS)

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22 hours ago, virgo47 said:

Finally about the missing events for one switch - I installed DCS-BIOS separately on my other DCS installation and tried to see what it does, but after a few hours here and there I couldn't figure out whether DCS-BIOS has anything similar to your debug output - which is very useful. There is this Lua console, but it doesn't show the events as they are emitted, then there is DCS-BIOS.log, but that one is only full of lines like "Util.lua: value 334646.000000 is too large for address 12862 mask 65535" and nothing else. I'll probably ask on the DCS forums for Home Cockpits eventually, but I'll try a few more stabs at it before that.

I have not explored doing that with DCS-BIOS logging. But I did a quick search and found this:

Perhaps, you can try this. If I am not mistaken, it's from the same developer who maintains FlightPanel DCS-BIOS library.

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1 hour ago, xoomigo said:

Try this - from DCS-COINS_Setup.exe, check the P-51D option and then regenerate the tpp file and reinstall the DCS-COINS plugin for TP.

OK, that one was easy, I forgot the DCS-COINS setup already because of the DCS-BIOS experiments. Perfect that there is auto-detect + way to override it.

I tried it and definitely saw some actions in dcs-coins -v output when clicking the cockpit of TF-51D. Thanks.


1 hour ago, xoomigo said:

Yes, if one or more # characters appear on the line, it would be ignored. You can remove the # character to enable it to be processed by DCS-COINS - but you will need to regenerate the TPP file and reinstall the plugin.

I removed the # characters and ... well, it was actually success after I figured out which line is the right one. That can be tricky, but that's probably because I just start with it. E.g. that FRONT_INST_LIGHT_INTENS is NOT a control knob - and that's also why it had only output section. That is in fact the actual light intensity. Not the knob position, but what pilot can see in cockpit. Cool. The knob was the line with FRONT_INST_LIGHTS_CON - and it worked like a charm. I didn't create any meaningful widget for it yet, I just wanted to debug it quickly, but I'll try later.

1 hour ago, xoomigo said:

Input and output here should be from the DCS perspective.

Input = action commands from DCS-COINS

Output = event/state updates from DCS (to DCS-COINS)

I thought so, thanks for the confirmation. It makes sense with the previous paragraph as well - when I have a knob, it needs to have both input and output. Pure output is something I can't control directly (e.g. actual light), but can be a combination of factors (e.g. switch ON + intensity knob turned).

1 hour ago, xoomigo said:

I have not explored doing that with DCS-BIOS logging. But I did a quick search and found this:

Perhaps, you can try this. If I am not mistaken, it's from the same developer who maintains FlightPanel DCS-BIOS library.

Yes, I saw this already - although understandably didn't get through the whole thread (it also takes time + experiments to let all the info sink). That is that Lua console, which is not the same like your dcs-coins -v output, which - again - is really great to figure out what should be available in TP via your plugin. DCS-BIOS level will take some time, but no worry. I'll write when I know more.

Great strides today, thank you very much.

✈️ L-39, F-5E, F/A-18C, MiG-15, F-86F, C-101, FC3 🛩️ Yak-52, P-47, Spitfire 🚁 UH-1H, Ka-50 III 🗺️ NTTR, PG, SY, Chnl, Norm2 📦 Supercarrier, NS430, WWII 🕹️ VKB STECS+Gladiator/Kosmosima+TPR 
▶️ DCS Unscripted YouTube
🐛 "Favourite" bugs: 1) gates not growing regress, 2) L-39 target size cockpit animation regress, 3) Yak-52 toggles not toggling, 4) all Caucasus ATC bugs

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So, with the values of light intensity knob coming to the TP I could display it ("Update Button text each cycle" event), but sliders do not seem usable at this moment. There are a few issues:

  • TP has no On Event for sliders - so the visual update of the slider seems not possible.
  • The actions provided for the slider are quite limited. These are mostly very specific actions - or I can set a value 0-100. So I tried that.
  • I thought I can create some global event when the value is changed and update the value in DCS. But currently I'm in a dead end with an event like this:


I'm not sure how to listen for ANY change - this is obviously more a TP related question, maybe when I don't provide any value, it listens to any change, but I doubt it. I have no idea how to even try that. But even after the calculation of the final value, I have only two options for the DCS action - increase or decrease the value by 3200. I'd need an action to set it precisely. This is perhaps something that DCS-COINS can help with.

Now with all these limitations - most of them on the TP part (e.g. "any change" event and no way to set the slider based on other event) I'm not going to do this. Even using it for buttons (two or multi-state) is a big benefit already and I'm going to tune the setup for these first.

✈️ L-39, F-5E, F/A-18C, MiG-15, F-86F, C-101, FC3 🛩️ Yak-52, P-47, Spitfire 🚁 UH-1H, Ka-50 III 🗺️ NTTR, PG, SY, Chnl, Norm2 📦 Supercarrier, NS430, WWII 🕹️ VKB STECS+Gladiator/Kosmosima+TPR 
▶️ DCS Unscripted YouTube
🐛 "Favourite" bugs: 1) gates not growing regress, 2) L-39 target size cockpit animation regress, 3) Yak-52 toggles not toggling, 4) all Caucasus ATC bugs

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On 9/15/2022 at 3:35 AM, virgo47 said:

So, with the values of light intensity knob coming to the TP I could display it ("Update Button text each cycle" event), but sliders do not seem usable at this moment. There are a few issues:

  • TP has no On Event for sliders - so the visual update of the slider seems not possible.
  • The actions provided for the slider are quite limited. These are mostly very specific actions - or I can set a value 0-100. So I tried that.
  • I thought I can create some global event when the value is changed and update the value in DCS. But currently I'm in a dead end with an event like this:


I'm not sure how to listen for ANY change - this is obviously more a TP related question, maybe when I don't provide any value, it listens to any change, but I doubt it. I have no idea how to even try that. But even after the calculation of the final value, I have only two options for the DCS action - increase or decrease the value by 3200. I'd need an action to set it precisely. This is perhaps something that DCS-COINS can help with.

Now with all these limitations - most of them on the TP part (e.g. "any change" event and no way to set the slider based on other event) I'm not going to do this. Even using it for buttons (two or multi-state) is a big benefit already and I'm going to tune the setup for these first.

I thought I came across an on-change trigger setting in TP - I will need to check.

The feature to set an action with a precise value appears to be supported in TP v3.x. However, DCS-COINS does not support the needed structure yet. This will also depend on the 3rd party API that DCS-COINS used to communicate with TP. I will need to spend some time to research and test this.

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Hi there, fantastic work on this, it was very easy to set up and get going with Touch Portal!


I've had good progress so far but need some assistance with regards to possibly reversed and missing messages for the A10C2:

  • The messages from: "a-10c Flaps Setting DN - MVR - UP" are reversed, i.e. DN is received when the flaps are actually up, and vice versa for UP. I'm not familiar with DCS-BIOS at all, but gather this is something that might be an error in DCS-BIOS that can be corrected?
  • There are no messages received at all for "a-10c Autopilot Engage/Disengage":
    • Tested with "DCS-COINS -v".
    • There is no obvious reason for this in the DCS-BIOS nor the DCS-COINS:
      • A-10C.pp: LASTE_AP_TOGGLE|laste_ap_toggle|Autopilot Engage/Disengage|4|0|OffOn|OFF
      • A-10C.lua (DCS-BIOS/lib): definePushButton("LASTE_AP_TOGGLE", 38, 3002, 131, "LASTE Panel", "Autopilot Engage/Disengage")
  • There are no messages received at all for"a-10c LASTE_AP_MODE".
    • Tested with "DCS-COINS -v".
    • There is no obvious reason for this in the DCS-BIOS nor the DCS-COINS:
      • A-10C.pp (DCS-COINS/acdb): LASTE_AP_MODE|laste_ap_mode|LASTE_AP_MODE|1|0|UpTo2|0
      • A-10C.lua (DCS-BIOS/lib): defineTumb("LASTE_AP_MODE", 38, 3001, 132, 1, {-1, 1}, nil, false, "LASTE Panel", "AP MODE")

I've tried download the latest DCS-BIOS from here: https://github.com/DCSFlightpanels/dcs-bios

And have rebuilt and reinstalled the tpp file as per https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3319022/

Any pointers would be much appreciated.

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12 hours ago, CARTOK said:

I've had good progress so far but need some assistance with regards to possibly reversed and missing messages for the A10C2:

  • The messages from: "a-10c Flaps Setting DN - MVR - UP" are reversed, i.e. DN is received when the flaps are actually up, and vice versa for UP. I'm not familiar with DCS-BIOS at all, but gather this is something that might be an error in DCS-BIOS that can be corrected?
  • There are no messages received at all for "a-10c Autopilot Engage/Disengage":
    • Tested with "DCS-COINS -v".
    • There is no obvious reason for this in the DCS-BIOS nor the DCS-COINS:
      • A-10C.pp: LASTE_AP_TOGGLE|laste_ap_toggle|Autopilot Engage/Disengage|4|0|OffOn|OFF
      • A-10C.lua (DCS-BIOS/lib): definePushButton("LASTE_AP_TOGGLE", 38, 3002, 131, "LASTE Panel", "Autopilot Engage/Disengage")
  • There are no messages received at all for"a-10c LASTE_AP_MODE".
    • Tested with "DCS-COINS -v".
    • There is no obvious reason for this in the DCS-BIOS nor the DCS-COINS:
      • A-10C.pp (DCS-COINS/acdb): LASTE_AP_MODE|laste_ap_mode|LASTE_AP_MODE|1|0|UpTo2|0
      • A-10C.lua (DCS-BIOS/lib): defineTumb("LASTE_AP_MODE", 38, 3001, 132, 1, {-1, 1}, nil, false, "LASTE Panel", "AP MODE")


Many of the generic option set for a aircraft parameter eg. "OffOn" were programmatically derived based on my experience with some of those aircraft that I was spending time with (setting up for TP pages). And unfortunately, it's not correct for all - as you have pointed out, regarding the Flap setting. There are a few coders for the DCS-BIOS lua files and not all are following the same standard in defining the names, descriptions, values, sequence, and etc in their work - and that broke my logic for a correct interpretation to a meaningful name for some modules.

I don't have the A-10C and many other aircraft modules - and also the time to test out/map the values of those that I have, to user-friendly names. I have done so for the F-18C and partially for a handful.

I will take your input here to fix the Flaps Setting in the next DCS-COINS release. If you have identified more, please let me know so that I can include them as well.

Regarding your issue of no messages triggered for certain actions, I can only speculate that it may be due to a bug in the Lua code for the A-10C in DCS-BIOS.

I am planning the next DCS-COINS release with the latest DCS-BIOS pack, and along with updated TP API library. Expect it to be available within a week. Hopefully, this will solve some if not all of the issues you and the others are facing.

I will announce it here when it's done.


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11 hours ago, xoomigo said:


Many of the generic option set for a aircraft parameter eg. "OffOn" were programmatically derived based on my experience with some of those aircraft that I was spending time with (setting up for TP pages). And unfortunately, it's not correct for all - as you have pointed out, regarding the Flap setting. There are a few coders for the DCS-BIOS lua files and not all are following the same standard in defining the names, descriptions, values, sequence, and etc in their work - and that broke my logic for a correct interpretation to a meaningful name for some modules.

I don't have the A-10C and many other aircraft modules - and also the time to test out/map the values of those that I have, to user-friendly names. I have done so for the F-18C and partially for a handful.

I will take your input here to fix the Flaps Setting in the next DCS-COINS release. If you have identified more, please let me know so that I can include them as well.

Regarding your issue of no messages triggered for certain actions, I can only speculate that it may be due to a bug in the Lua code for the A-10C in DCS-BIOS.

I am planning the next DCS-COINS release with the latest DCS-BIOS pack, and along with updated TP API library. Expect it to be available within a week. Hopefully, this will solve some if not all of the issues you and the others are facing.

I will announce it here when it's done.


Much appreciated, you've done some really good work here!

I will keep my eyes open if I spot anything further. If there's anything specific you'd like me to test for the A10C2, let me know.

I've tried to apply my (limited, but workable) Lua skills to understand the DCS-BIOS code, I'll keep looking to see if I can spot something and feed it back to the DCS-BIOS maintainer (I assume this is the current home to the most updated version: https://github.com/DCSFlightpanels/dcs-bios).


Edit: Tested more in-depth using the DCS-BIOS Chrome App. Discovered the following: 'LASTE_AP_MODE' is working, and like magic the messages are now received by the Touch Portal app as well (showing up in 'DCS-COINS -v'), same with 'LASTE_AP_TOGGLE'. The latter seems to possibly have been related to me having a "Throttle button" set in the controls, rather than the "LASTE AP TOGGLE" - coincidentally it worked fine in the sim but did not trigger the DCS-BIOS message. Go figure... I discovered some other quirks related to how messages are sent or not by DCS-BIOS (or DCS itself) that are completely unrelated to your app.

In summary: Things seem to work as expected now, the only observation is the reversed flap setting status as captured previously. Many thanks for your response!

Edited by CARTOK
Added more info.
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Separate item to previous questions, in case I missed something. I've tried to use a set-up inspired by the F18 UFC panel, but the updates are flaky...at best.

I want the CDU line 9 changes to be reflected on a button with the following setup (the actual variable is 0-based whereas the description the 1-based, as far as I can tell). However, the updates of the button title/label are (at best) intermittent. I've manually amended the variable to refer to "....line9" as indicated by regular updates in "DCS-COINS -v", but the button title/label updates only happens randomly - not just a delay, it's just randomly not happening at all. Changing CDU page sometimes triggers an update, but not always to what the "DCS-COINS -v" message indicates should be the outcome.


Is there something obvious I'm missing here? Happy to experiment/test as directed, but no luck yet getting it to work as expected (i.e. to display what the "DCS-COINS -v" output indicates what should be displayed).



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12 hours ago, CARTOK said:

Separate item to previous questions, in case I missed something. I've tried to use a set-up inspired by the F18 UFC panel, but the updates are flaky...at best.

I want the CDU line 9 changes to be reflected on a button with the following setup (the actual variable is 0-based whereas the description the 1-based, as far as I can tell). However, the updates of the button title/label are (at best) intermittent. I've manually amended the variable to refer to "....line9" as indicated by regular updates in "DCS-COINS -v", but the button title/label updates only happens randomly - not just a delay, it's just randomly not happening at all. Changing CDU page sometimes triggers an update, but not always to what the "DCS-COINS -v" message indicates should be the outcome.


Is there something obvious I'm missing here? Happy to experiment/test as directed, but no luck yet getting it to work as expected (i.e. to display what the "DCS-COINS -v" output indicates what should be displayed).



Instead of using "When the plug-in state" event, try "Update Button text each cycle (500ms) to".



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Hi Virgo47 & all,

On 9/15/2022 at 3:35 AM, virgo47 said:

So, with the values of light intensity knob coming to the TP I could display it ("Update Button text each cycle" event), but sliders do not seem usable at this moment. There are a few issues:

  • TP has no On Event for sliders - so the visual update of the slider seems not possible.
  • The actions provided for the slider are quite limited. These are mostly very specific actions - or I can set a value 0-100. So I tried that.
  • I thought I can create some global event when the value is changed and update the value in DCS. But currently I'm in a dead end with an event like this:

I'm not sure how to listen for ANY change - this is obviously more a TP related question, maybe when I don't provide any value, it listens to any change, but I doubt it. I have no idea how to even try that. But even after the calculation of the final value, I have only two options for the DCS action - increase or decrease the value by 3200. I'd need an action to set it precisely. This is perhaps something that DCS-COINS can help with.

Now with all these limitations - most of them on the TP part (e.g. "any change" event and no way to set the slider based on other event) I'm not going to do this. Even using it for buttons (two or multi-state) is a big benefit already and I'm going to tune the setup for these first.

I have just finished testing a proof-of-concept to include DCS-COINS support for TP sliders. The results are encouraging. Currently by default, all aircraft "Control Knob" parameters are disabled. I will be enabling all these as slider controls for AH-64D, AV8BNA, F-14, F-16C, F-5E, F-86F and F/A-18C, and Mig-19P in the next DCS-COINS release (version 3). Others with the "Intensity" settings will be identified (will need your help) and included as well.

Stay tuned here. 🙂

Edited by xoomigo
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On 9/25/2022 at 10:42 AM, xoomigo said:

Instead of using "When the plug-in state" event, try "Update Button text each cycle (500ms) to".



Alright, this worked on first try! Obviously with a slight lag. With that, I recreated the initial version (to update on event change), and that works now. I believe user error somewhere. Thanks for your help!

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Another observation; I've been setting up MFCD buttons for the A10C2. I notice that the only way to trigger the MFCD buttons correctly (and get the expected result) is to use the "DEPRESS" action option. Choosing "TOGGLE" changes the state of button, leaving it pressed (if it was not previously pressed). Using a combination of "PRESS" then "DEPRESS" with a 100ms wait between seems to trigger two actions in the A10 - first a button press on "PRESS", then another button press as the button gets "DEPRESS" (the animation in aircraft looks correct.

Using "DEPRESS" avoids the issues and triggers only a single action, there's however no feedback in the cockpit of the action (more than the result of it).

Is this a known thing? I assume it could be related to DCS-BIOS somehow.

Edit: Is this caused by having "DCS-BIOS -v" running and thus sending duplicated actions? It seems to have stopped when killing it.



Edited by CARTOK
Due to DCS-BIOS -v running?
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2 hours ago, CARTOK said:

Another observation; I've been setting up MFCD buttons for the A10C2. I notice that the only way to trigger the MFCD buttons correctly (and get the expected result) is to use the "DEPRESS" action option. Choosing "TOGGLE" changes the state of button, leaving it pressed (if it was not previously pressed). Using a combination of "PRESS" then "DEPRESS" with a 100ms wait between seems to trigger two actions in the A10 - first a button press on "PRESS", then another button press as the button gets "DEPRESS" (the animation in aircraft looks correct.

Using "DEPRESS" avoids the issues and triggers only a single action, there's however no feedback in the cockpit of the action (more than the result of it).

Is this a known thing? I assume it could be related to DCS-BIOS somehow.

Edit: Is this caused by having "DCS-BIOS -v" running and thus sending duplicated actions? It seems to have stopped when killing it.




In my works with DCS-COINS and DCS-BIOS I found that teh way DCS-BIOS accept the action of a pushed button is receiving the order push and later depress, is a little anoying because it force to us to create a two step button but I didn't get a double triggered action programming the buttons in this way. I didn't tryed to only use the depress action, is a good point to simplfy the programing but without the feedback of the button moving in the cockpit maybe some times we could thought that the action was not perform is the consecuences are not vrey obvious.

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After a long time disconnected of the simulation I'm reintalling everything again and I'm haven a problem when installling the plugin in TP

The log is that:

22:40:53.974 - [ERROR] (Plugin System) Invalid plugin: Entry file JSON is invalid, cannot be parsed - C:\Users\kyle_\AppData\Roaming\TouchPortal\plugins\Munt.G_DCS-COINS
22:40:53.975 - [ERROR] (Plugin System) Invalid plugin: Error: Illegal escape. at 5248842 [character 34 line 177715]

I have try the first time with the latest release, later with the old 2.x version and the last try was with the 3.1 (build 4) but with all I get the same error

Edited by Kyle_Katarn
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14 hours ago, CARTOK said:

Another observation; I've been setting up MFCD buttons for the A10C2. I notice that the only way to trigger the MFCD buttons correctly (and get the expected result) is to use the "DEPRESS" action option. Choosing "TOGGLE" changes the state of button, leaving it pressed (if it was not previously pressed). Using a combination of "PRESS" then "DEPRESS" with a 100ms wait between seems to trigger two actions in the A10 - first a button press on "PRESS", then another button press as the button gets "DEPRESS" (the animation in aircraft looks correct.

Using "DEPRESS" avoids the issues and triggers only a single action, there's however no feedback in the cockpit of the action (more than the result of it).

Is this a known thing? I assume it could be related to DCS-BIOS somehow.

Edit: Is this caused by having "DCS-BIOS -v" running and thus sending duplicated actions? It seems to have stopped when killing it.





Yes, your observation is correct. There are 2 instances of DCS-COINS running when doing "DCS-COINS -v" with the Touch Portal plugin loaded. Both will send an DCS-BIOS action each on the same TP command. In the upcoming version 3, I will disable DCS-COINS from issuing action commands to DCS-BIOS when it's running in verbose mode.

11 hours ago, Kyle_Katarn said:

In my works with DCS-COINS and DCS-BIOS I found that teh way DCS-BIOS accept the action of a pushed button is receiving the order push and later depress, is a little anoying because it force to us to create a two step button but I didn't get a double triggered action programming the buttons in this way. I didn't tryed to only use the depress action, is a good point to simplfy the programing but without the feedback of the button moving in the cockpit maybe some times we could thought that the action was not perform is the consecuences are not vrey obvious.

Hi Kyle,

I need to check this and also whether I am interpreting the PRESS/DEPRESS controls correctly in general.

11 hours ago, Kyle_Katarn said:

After a long time disconnected of the simulation I'm reintalling everything again and I'm haven a problem when installling the plugin in TP

The log is that:

22:40:53.974 - [ERROR] (Plugin System) Invalid plugin: Entry file JSON is invalid, cannot be parsed - C:\Users\kyle_\AppData\Roaming\TouchPortal\plugins\Munt.G_DCS-COINS
22:40:53.975 - [ERROR] (Plugin System) Invalid plugin: Error: Illegal escape. at 5248842 [character 34 line 177715]

I have try the first time with the latest release, later with the old 2.x version and the last try was with the 3.1 (build 4) but with all I get the same error


This may have something to do with the missing json files in the Munt.G_DCS-COINS\DCS-BIOS folder. Try the unpacking of the DCS-COINS.zip to a new folder and then run DCS-COINS_Setup.exe there. And if it still fails, rename your existing DCS-BIOS to something else in the DCS script folder (for backup) and reinstall DCS-BIOS from DCS-COINS_Setup.exe.

Edited by xoomigo
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8 hours ago, xoomigo said:


Yes, your observation is correct. There are 2 instances of DCS-COINS running when doing "DCS-COINS -v" with the Touch Portal plugin loaded. Both will send an DCS-BIOS action each on the same TP command. In the upcoming version 3, I will disable DCS-COINS from issuing action commands to DCS-BIOS when it's running in verbose mode.

Hi Kyle,

I need to check this and also whether I am interpreting the PRESS/DEPRESS controls correctly in general.

This may have something to do with the missing json files in the Munt.G_DCS-COINS\DCS-BIOS folder. Try the unpacking of the DCS-COINS.zip to a new folder and then run DCS-COINS_Setup.exe there. And if it still fails, rename your existing DCS-BIOS to something else in the DCS script folder (for backup) and reinstall DCS-BIOS from DCS-COINS_Setup.exe.


This could be the problem, I grab the DCS-BIOS directly from the dcspanels  github. I'll try with your packed folder.


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20 hours ago, Kyle_Katarn said:

In my works with DCS-COINS and DCS-BIOS I found that teh way DCS-BIOS accept the action of a pushed button is receiving the order push and later depress, is a little anoying because it force to us to create a two step button but I didn't get a double triggered action programming the buttons in this way. I didn't tryed to only use the depress action, is a good point to simplfy the programing but without the feedback of the button moving in the cockpit maybe some times we could thought that the action was not perform is the consecuences are not vrey obvious.

The issue was related to using DCS-COINS in verbose mode in parallel to the plugin ("DCS-COINS -v") - see next reply re. the coming fix to avoid this.

To note; Using only "DEPRESS" causes weird issues in-game with stuck buttons, I'm now using "PRESS" and "DEPRESS" with good results (without two instances of DCS-COINS running).

15 hours ago, xoomigo said:


Yes, your observation is correct. There are 2 instances of DCS-COINS running when doing "DCS-COINS -v" with the Touch Portal plugin loaded. Both will send an DCS-BIOS action each on the same TP command. In the upcoming version 3, I will disable DCS-COINS from issuing action commands to DCS-BIOS when it's running in verbose mode.

Thanks, that might explain some earlier issues I had. Sounds like a good solution, looking forward to the update!

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16 hours ago, xoomigo said:


Yes, your observation is correct. There are 2 instances of DCS-COINS running when doing "DCS-COINS -v" with the Touch Portal plugin loaded. Both will send an DCS-BIOS action each on the same TP command. In the upcoming version 3, I will disable DCS-COINS from issuing action commands to DCS-BIOS when it's running in verbose mode.

Hi Kyle,

I need to check this and also whether I am interpreting the PRESS/DEPRESS controls correctly in general.

This may have something to do with the missing json files in the Munt.G_DCS-COINS\DCS-BIOS folder. Try the unpacking of the DCS-COINS.zip to a new folder and then run DCS-COINS_Setup.exe there. And if it still fails, rename your existing DCS-BIOS to something else in the DCS script folder (for backup) and reinstall DCS-BIOS from DCS-COINS_Setup.exe.


If I use your packed DCS-BIOS and the option "Install DCS-BIOS", I'm getting the same error when installing the plugin in TP

19:08:03.144 - [ERROR] (Plugin System) Invalid plugin: Entry file JSON is invalid, cannot be parsed - C:\Users\kyle_\AppData\Roaming\TouchPortal\plugins\Munt.G_DCS-COINS
19:08:03.144 - [ERROR] (Plugin System) Invalid plugin: Error: Illegal escape. at 1206061 [character 34 line 40431]

The process get stuck when is importing the png image of the plugin.


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I had the same issue in my new PC setup. Suspect it may be due to more restrictive program permission in Windows 11. Are you on Windows 11?

Please check the folder contents in C:\Users\kyle_\AppData\Roaming\TouchPortal\plugins\Munt.G_DCS-COINS\DCS-BIOS

If the folder is empty, that means the setup program did not manage to copy the required files there from the DCS-BIOS script folder. In this case, try running the DCS-COINS_Setup.exe as an Administrator and do the install again.

And if it still fails, please share the last section of TP logs (set it to show all errors including from plugins first before doing the plugin install).

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6 hours ago, xoomigo said:


I had the same issue in my new PC setup. Suspect it may be due to more restrictive program permission in Windows 11. Are you on Windows 11?

Please check the folder contents in C:\Users\kyle_\AppData\Roaming\TouchPortal\plugins\Munt.G_DCS-COINS\DCS-BIOS

If the folder is empty, that means the setup program did not manage to copy the required files there from the DCS-BIOS script folder. In this case, try running the DCS-COINS_Setup.exe as an Administrator and do the install again.

And if it still fails, please share the last section of TP logs (set it to show all errors including from plugins first before doing the plugin install).


Thanks Xoomigo.

Yes I'm in Win11 and I'm running dcs-coins setup as admin. I'm not running TP as admin, maybe it could help.

I can't confirm if this folder is empty but I think it have something inside, I will confirm later.

The log only show this lines regardi g any problem with the plugin but I will check it again at evening

19:08:03.144 - [ERROR] (Plugin System) Invalid plugin: Entry file JSON is invalid, cannot be parsed - C:\Users\kyle_\AppData\Roaming\TouchPortal\plugins\Munt.G_DCS-COINS

19:08:03.144 - [ERROR] (Plugin System) Invalid plugin: Error: Illegal escape. at 1206061 [character 34 line 40431]

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15 hours ago, xoomigo said:


I had the same issue in my new PC setup. Suspect it may be due to more restrictive program permission in Windows 11. Are you on Windows 11?

Please check the folder contents in C:\Users\kyle_\AppData\Roaming\TouchPortal\plugins\Munt.G_DCS-COINS\DCS-BIOS

If the folder is empty, that means the setup program did not manage to copy the required files there from the DCS-BIOS script folder. In this case, try running the DCS-COINS_Setup.exe as an Administrator and do the install again.

And if it still fails, please share the last section of TP logs (set it to show all errors including from plugins first before doing the plugin install).


I have try to install the plugin with TP as admin but the result is the same.

Answering your questions, the cotent of the plugin folder is:


And a clean and fresh log is attached to the post.


The status of TP when the process get stuck is this




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Please attach the entry.tp file for me to check.

In the meantime, run DCS-COINS_Setup (no need Admin access as it was not an issue) and select only one or two aircraft that you had used earlier eg. F/A-18C and import the plugin into TP.

If it works, then I suspect it could be something to do with the untested SA342 module. I will test this on my side later.

Edited by xoomigo
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Hi Kyle & all,

I have tested and discovered that the installation will fail if one or more of the following modules are selected.

  • C-101CC
  • F-14B
  • Hercules
  • L-39ZA
  • SA342M

Therefore, please do not include any of them in your list of aircraft in DCS-COINS_Setup.

They will be excluded from future DCS-COINS releases.


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I was using L-39 just fine with DCS-COINS version 2. What does the exclusion mean to the future? Will COINS be unusable now with that or can I somehow add the plane there later?

✈️ L-39, F-5E, F/A-18C, MiG-15, F-86F, C-101, FC3 🛩️ Yak-52, P-47, Spitfire 🚁 UH-1H, Ka-50 III 🗺️ NTTR, PG, SY, Chnl, Norm2 📦 Supercarrier, NS430, WWII 🕹️ VKB STECS+Gladiator/Kosmosima+TPR 
▶️ DCS Unscripted YouTube
🐛 "Favourite" bugs: 1) gates not growing regress, 2) L-39 target size cockpit animation regress, 3) Yak-52 toggles not toggling, 4) all Caucasus ATC bugs

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