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Through The Inferno (Mariana Islands) - Highly dynamic and endless task-based mission

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You can DOWNLOAD the latest version here via ED User Files--->


Designed for Singleplayer or Private Co-op Only


Guides, Tutorials, and General Documentation for TTI SP:
TTI SP Guides, Tutorials, General Documentation


TTI SP Mission Changelog


Join the TTI Community Discord for technical support, general DCS help and to find fellow pilots to fly with:
TTI Community Discord Server


Please consider supporting Through The Inferno DCS and community projects. You can do so via Patreon!
Support Through The Inferno on Patreon!


Looking for the multiplayer server?
Multiplayer Server Info Thread:https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=185281



  2. CUSTOMIZABLE IMMERSIVE EXPERIENCE FOR YOUR OWN ENJOYMENT - Fly it your way, adjust settings for difficulty, immersion or for fun extreme scenarios! Change various settings that affect your living and breathing air combat arena of operations.
    - This mission can generate a WIDE VARIETY of mission scenarios.
    - Ground missions are generated in a random location on the map, with a random pool of units, and placed in different positions within the mission zone. Each ground mission generation will be completely different every time one is generated.
    - There are many potential areas for ground missions that utilize the majority of the map, you'll be able to explore many areas of the map for a wide variety of terrain challenges and experiences.
    - Air missions will generate a random flight of enemy bandits. The airframe, of the bandits will be random. Their initial spawn point will be random. Their altitude, waypoints and waypoint altitude will be randomized every time as well. A simple yet very comprehensive dynamic A2A mission generator makes for an amazing and unpredictable A2A experience! Choose from a variety of A2A difficulties as well.
  5. You can switch (pause, choose slot) to change aircraft at ANY TIME without having to quit the mission to reload a new one!
    You'll never need to create your own scenarios (too predictable) again!
  6. Amazing Auto-lasing JTACs will designate targets for you without any interaction menu fumbling (no 9-line, readback, buggy comms) Other scripts include CSAR (helo search and rescue) CTLD (helo menu for crates/building/sling loading) and an AWACs reporter to help you locate bandits.
  7. The highly dynamic mission generation engine of this mission is FULLY CUSTOMIZABLE. You can edit mission spawns to your liking, disable or enable auto-spawning missions/a2a ai/random air traffic, and you can even customize the amount and types of ground targets at mission zones!
  8. The mission is ENDLESS. Repeat or do new missions as long as you'd like.



  • Wide variety of aircraft to choose from
  • Choose between several eras of war
  • "Never the same experience" for every type of mission.
  • Ground and Sea Mission generate enemy units dynamically, at random positions within an AO, and their unit composition will be random as well.
  • Dynamic moving convoy hunt missions! Hunt down convoys that are dynamically generated, they will compose of random unit types and spawn in random locations. You will have the proper tools via the F10 Map and Intel reports to help you track them down.
  • Air to air missions will generate random enemy aircraft types, and they will spawn at a random position, and will have random tasks/waypoints of their own each time an air to air mission is generated!
  • Do things on your own time. Want to fly around a bit before you start? Sure, accept and start missions on your command.
  • Several types of missions to choose from
  • Do several missions at once (multiplayer recommended) for a larger-scale operation
  • Configure all and any aspects of all of the spawnable missions with configurable mission options
  • Configure other mission options to play the way you want
  • JTAC Autolase
  • Airboss Carrier Ops Script
  • Repeatable/endless missions that are never the same each time
  • Call in for backup friendly AI CAP reinforcements
  • Great for co-op
  • Great for beginners and veterans
  • Wide variety of aircraft to choose from
  • "Never the same experience" for every type of mission.
  • Ground and Sea Mission generate enemy units dynamically, at random positions within an AO, and their unit composition will be random as well.
  • Dynamic moving convoy hunt missions! Hunt down convoys that are dynamically generated, they will compose of random unit types and spawn in random locations. You will have the proper tools via the F10 Map and Intel reports to help you track them down.
  • Air to air missions will generate random enemy aircraft types, and they will spawn at a random position, and will have random tasks/waypoints of their own each time an air to air mission is generated!
  • Do things on your own time. Want to fly around a bit before you start? Sure, accept and start missions on your command.
  • Several types of missions to choose from
  • Do several missions at once (multiplayer recommended) for a larger-scale operation
  • Configure all and any aspects of all of the spawnable missions with configurable mission options
  • Configure other mission options to play the way you want
  • JTAC Autolase
  • Airboss Carrier Ops Script
  • Repeatable/endless missions that are never the same each time
  • Call in for backup friendly AI CAP reinforcements
  • Great for co-op
  • Great for beginners and veterans


Modules and add-on compatibility:

All DCS modules, both fixed and rotary wing are available to fly and operate in TTI. Since the mission era/time period can be changed as desired, this gives any and all modules a compatible mission combat environment.

WW2 Asset Pack is optionally supported. If you own the WW2 Asset Pack, you can enable these units to fully experience and utilize them however you'd like.

You can optionally add your own client slots for co-op, they can be modded add-on aircraft as well. Please read our guides for more detail.

Mission Types:

Air to Air - Spawns a dynamically created enemy element flight. Choose between different difficulties. NOTE: These missions can infinitely stack, but an option is available to prevent stacking of forced air to air missions in the mission settings. It is advised to spawn one at a time, and only spawn new A2A missions when one is complete.

Air to Ground  - The mission will dynamically generate ground targets in a random location. There are several difficulties to choose from:

HARD - SAMs may be present.
EASY (Multirole) - No SAMs will be present.
Helo - These missions will spawn closer to the home base.
Helo Infantry Assault - These missions are designed for dropping off troops and/or utilizing gunship helos.
Anti-Ship - This will spawn a group of enemy ships.
Convoy Hunt - Hunt down moving enemy ground vehicle convoys.

Mission WPT Label definitions (the labels that appear on your HSI/planning tools in-aircraft)

MR - Multirole/A2G Easy
AG - A2G Hard
AGH - A2G Helo/Infantry

Labeled same as mission zones in mission editor.

Random/Ambient Events:

- Random enemy A2A groups will spawn from time to time. This can optionally be configured and/or disabled in the mission settings.

- Random enemy vehicle or troop reinforcments might show up at active ground missions at random times. This can optionally be configured and/or disabled in the mission settings.

- Random air traffic for both friendly and enemy airbases will do random routes and patrols if this feature is enabled.

Additional feature highlights, but not limited to:


You can CREATE and DESTROY units out of thin air at ANY location you choose on the F10 map, like in "Zeus" mode from ArmA 3. (Tutorials available in the TTI SP Tutorials/Guides Google Drive, linked above)





 Highly customizable SUPER CARRIER Deck Layout Menu:

You can create your own Static Unit layout on the Super Carrier deck using this awesome menu:


Big thanks to Redkite for allowing me to add these amazing static deck layouts for the Super Carrier.

Layout Scripts Created by Redkite






Dynamic AI Helo Troop Transport Scripts:




 TTI: Eras of War


Experience the vast world of aerial combat operations past and present by selecting your desired conflict time period.

The mission experience will automatically generate suitable ground, air and sea missions based on your mission era selection without the need of loading a separate mission file!

Current Mission Eras include: World War 2, Korean War, Modern. Unit spawns are still editable!
Optionally; If you own the WW2 Asset Pack, you can enable the units to be added in your mission.
Mission attributes such as setting how many ground units and ground unit type at missions and many other options are now editable in the mission editor! Check the tutorial text file how to go about editing the mission settings and what each setting does!


Other versions of Through The Inferno on other maps/regions:


DCS Caucasus Map:


DCS Pesian Gulf Map:

DCS Syria Map:

DCS Afghanistan Map:

DCS Mariana Islands Map:

DCS South Atlantic Map:

DCS Sinai Map:

DCS Kola Map:

DCS Normandy Map:





F10 Other Menus and available scripts/utilities (Quick Reference Guide):
Reminder there are specific guides availabe for EVERY feature in TTI via our documentation folder on Google Drive

Mission Spawning Menu
- Force spawn ground missions
- Force spawn enemy aircraft to engage with
- Force spawn friendly combat air patrol backup via airfield or carriers

Navigation Tools
- ATIS Menu and ATIS broadcasts (when enabled, and when not in FC3 aircraft)

Intel Tools
- Get detailed info on active missions
- Show reports from AFAC/JTAC drones that designate targets
- EWRS: Get AWACS reports via text-pop up to locate enemy aircraft

Random Air Traffic
- Force spawn random air traffic if desired
- Add Military and/or Civilian Aircraft mod aircraft with the optionally installed expansion scripts, included with TTI zip download.

Zeus Real-Time Spawning System:
- Spawn in assets at-will while in-game on the F10 Map using map markers

AI Helo-Troop Transport Script
- AI will send a troop transport to attack a nearby mission. You can configure AI troop transport options in the mission settings.
- CTLD Extract/Pickup DOES WORK with these troops!
- You can initiate a troop transport to deploy on ANY point on the map with the Zeus system.

***Third Party Scripts***
Helicopter Ops and Logistics Transport by ciribob
CTLD Script (Build air defenses, transport troops and more!)
Realistic sling loading can be changed via the menu or in the mission settings.
CSAR Script (Combat Search and Rescue)

Carrier Ops Tools
Airboss Script
Carrier Deck Static Assets Menu (Spawn statics for an immersive look and feel on the carrier deck)

Mission Enhancer Package by daemon1808

Script Frameworks used:




MOOSE Framework

Mission Enhancer Package







Issues, comments, questions? Please let me know here in this thread.

You can also join our discord community for support as well:

TTI Community Discord Server


Edited by deadlyfishes
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"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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7 hours ago, Thanatos31 said:

Awesome! Looks great. Do you have a script / menu solution for us LHA users ? 🙂


Hi, what do you mean? All modules have access to the same scripts and menus.

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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There's a script to populate the deck of the supercarrier - is this also possible for the LHA Tarawa - so that its not so empty and desolate ?! 🙂

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Come fly with us : https://discord.gg/tawdcs  TAW CJTF 13 - EU TZ MilSim Squadron

Ryzen 5 5600X | 32GB DDR4 3733| ASUS Radeon RX 6700 XT  | ASrock B550 Phantom Gaming 4 | HP Reverb G2 | Thrustmaster Warthog Throttle , F16 & F18 grips , TFRP Rudders |  Win 10

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On 7/2/2021 at 1:58 AM, Thanatos31 said:

There's a script to populate the deck of the supercarrier - is this also possible for the LHA Tarawa - so that its not so empty and desolate ?! 🙂


Ahh, there isn't one currently, I'd have to completely rebuild that from scratch. That carrier script was from Redkite originally, but I made it into a menu. Proably won't get anything like that but feel free to deck out the tarawa as you see fit in the mission editor.


HOTFIX 07/06/21 - 1: v1.83c
- Fixed an issue where CTLD was not working on Mariana Islands.

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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UPDATE 07/12/21 - 1: v1.83f

- Fixed an issue with CSAR forced rescue events were not spawning correctly.

- Fixed an issue where CSAR beacon/ADF was not working properly.

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"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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UPDATE 07/17/21 - 1: v1.83f
- Fixed an issue where LSO/Marshall/Airboss SFX for the Airboss script were not playing
- Fixed an issue where some random SAM generation zones were not spawning correctly and/or designated properly by its JTAC (if JTAC at SAM sites are enabled)
- Added CVN-7X Relay helicopter on carrier maps.

Additionally; From now on all changelog items will be updated on the TTI website:


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"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey @deadlyfishes
just wanted to let you know there is a dcs bug presently that prevents AI carrier planes from taking off with a heavy load. The way I resolve it (until Ed fix the issue) is just remove some of the bags the hornets and F14's carry. Works a treat. Have only tested it on your Marianas f version but it probably affects the other maps too.

Edited by Badass1982
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  • 4 weeks later...

UPDATE 08/23/21 - 1: v1.83k
+ Added many new custom display options for EWRS to allow players to show more or less information as desired for EWRS text box reports:
- Change number of max enemy threats displayed on reports
- Turn extra header text on/off
- Turn bandit's speed/heading info on/off
- Change time interval between automatic reports.
- Added presets for ease of use; Default, Reduced, Minimal
Default: x4 bandits displayed, full bandit info, extra header text and threat level text on
Reduced: x3 bandits displayed, full bandit info, extra header texts off
Minimal: x2 bandits displayed, full bandit info, extra header text off

+ Added ability to edit enemy convoy unit composition in mission editor.

+ Added ability to edit custom "Zeus" spawnable ground groups in the mission editor.

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"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/24/2021 at 7:09 PM, rwbishUP said:

Wasn't sure where to ask this, but. Would it be possible for me to implement Abubis Herc to my single player TTI maps?


 Yes this is easily done by adding it into the mission via the mission editor. Ensure you set it to "Client"



Also have an update!

UPDATE 09/06/21 - 1: v1.83m
All Maps:
+ Further improved custom user-created "Zeus" spawnable units, making it easier to create as many custom groups of all unit types as desired with easy to remember commands. Additionally, these custom units can be 'transferred' over to newer TTI missions or other TTI Maps. The included tutorial file goes in-depth on how to create and spawn these units.

Mariana Islands:
~ Fixed an issue where random air traffic spawns were not working.

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"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Deadlyfishes, do you have any reports of masss-disconnects from the server? We have had 2 mass disconnects but the server keeps  running, around 2 hours into a mission..



Commodore 64 | MOS6510 | VIC-II | SID6581 | DD 1541 | KCS Power Cartridge | 64Kb | 32Kb external | Arcade Turbo

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UPDATE 10/05/21 - 1: v2.00a
All Maps:
+ "TTI: Eras of War" Update:



This major update and overhaul to the TTI Mission adds a new "Mission Era" setting that allows you to instantly change the mission generation and ambient battlefield characteristics to a desired era of arial combat operations.
The following mission eras are available in this update:

- Generally the same settings and experiences as before in previous TTI missions
- Tankers, Aircraft Carriers, Troop Transport, AWACS Aircraft and other logistics are available.
- Friendly modern era aircraft patrol the area when enabled.
- Fight against modern era enemy air, sea and ground units

Korean War

- Fight against Korean War era enemy air, sea and ground units.
- Tankers, Aircraft Carriers, Troop Transport, AWACS Aircraft and other logistics are not available.
- JTAC drones are replaced with Korean War aircraft.
- Friendly Korean War era ambient aircraft patrol the area when enabled.
- Editable template units for random ambient traffic
- Editable template units for Korean War era convoys
- Radar station emplacements replace AWACS Aircraft to ensure proper EWRS functionality.
- Optional: WW2 Asset Pack can be enabled to utilize units from this paid module.

World War II

- Fight against World War II era enemy air, sea and ground units.
- Tankers, Aircraft Carriers, Troop Transport, AWACS Aircraft and other logistics are not available.
- JTAC drones are replaced with World War II aircraft.
- Friendly World War II era ambient aircraft patrol the area when enabled.
- Editable template units for random ambient traffic
- Editable template units for World War II era convoys
- Radar station emplacements replace AWACS Aircraft to ensure proper EWRS functionality.
- Optional: WW2 Asset Pack can be enabled to utilize units from this paid module.


+ Added more units to the spawn pool lists and Zeus spawnable units list:
- ship_seawise_giant

- arty_smerch_he
- arty_plz05
- arty_t155_firtina
- arty_sau2

- aa_sam_nasams
- aa_sam_sa5

- cap_mosquito
- bombing_mosquito
- bombing_h6j


+ Added all WW2 Asset Pack Units to spawning pool/zeus list ONLY IF WW2 ASSET PACK OWNED AND ONLY WHEN ENABLED.


+ Fixed an issue with JTAC Drone Spawn for A2G Easy Mission 1.


Edited by deadlyfishes
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"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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UPDATE 10/06/21 - 1: v2.00b HOTFIX
All Maps:
~ Fixed an issue where the requested intel menu would repeat endlessly after the convoy mission spawns.

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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5 hours ago, kfrasson said:

My F/A 18 loads with no weapons. Mission Editor is not active for weapon loading. What am I doing wrong?


Are you on the latest open beta?


Also, you should be able to right click the pylon squares in the editor to change the weapon you want. Similarly, the idea is you change for your own loadout in game.

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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UPDATE January 29, 2022 - 1: v2.1.0

+ Added more config options to turn off mission map markers.

+ Convoy map marker now updates with every intel request or every 5 minutes automatically.

+ Added new SFX and text messages to play/display to the specific player who made the kill on a ground unit, air unit or a friendly unit. These can be turned off in the settings as well.

+ Added new SFX and text messages to play/display when friendly infantry units take on casualties. A map marker is also created. This feature can be optionally disabled.

+ Added a 'Global Kill feed' that displays a message and plays a sound with kill information to all players on the map as follows:
[Player Name + Aircraft Type > Weapon Used > Unit Name Destroyed]
This occurs a few seconds after the initial message so that the player who made the shot does not get barraged by several messages. This can be optionally disabled.

+ EWRS updated to now show the correct unit measurements automatically depending on your aircraft. Example: If you fly the Su-33, EWRS measurement units will display measurements in METRIC (Km, meters). You can still change to Imperial (nm, feet) if you'd like.

+ Added new commands to create smoke, illumination flares, signal flares via the Zeus Map Marker system (See read me tutorial or in-game briefing for more details.)

+ Ensured that the "drop troops here" works with or without the "-" previously required to initiate a map marker command.

+ Added Mission Enhancer Package by daemon1808:
Mission Enhancer Package (M.E.P) allows you to enhance an existing mission giving you the ability to request support assets in a immersive way during the mission.

You can request SEAD missions, AC130 Strikes, Buddy lase, Recon target area, etc easily through the F10 radio menu.

Video tutorials and information of this script package here:

+ Removed "templated a2a pathing" units to clean up the editor map a bit. You can now move around the "a2a_wpt" map markers to decide the paths a2a enemy flights will take. You can also change bombing waypoints for bombers that spawn and attack.

+ Turned off friendly reports for aircraft spawned in via Random Air Traffic Script

+ Adjusted A2G mission spawn areas to not be completely inside highly dense urban areas. Most spawns will be partially in highly dense urban areas if any at all.

+ Added the option within the mission editor to edit the aircraft "Backup Friendly CAP" type/weapons that is spawned via the F10 Menu under "Air to Air Reinforcements" - The menu name will change depending on the type chosen for these aircraft. (If you make the airfield backup CAP template unit to be an Su-27, it will say "Su-27 Backup" in the menu dynamically.)

+ Moved the "Debug" menu to the root F10 - Other menu

+ Moved the "Air to Air Reinforcements CAP" menu to the root F10 - Other menu

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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  • 1 month later...

UPDATE March 17, 2022 - 1: TTI SP v2.2.0

+ Added AH-46D Apache Module

+ Changed all player/client slots to CJTF Blue coalition for more customizability and flexibility with liveries.

+ Color-coded edition mission zone colors and triggers.

+ Added "Cold War" mission era

+ Improved enemy A2A engagement behavior; Missile engagement range for enemy AI will launch missiles based on threat assesment. Additionally their ROE is set to free to ensure that they are able to acquire targets on their own.

+ Added enemy vehicle reinforcements to be deployed using convoy templates to active A2G Missions randomly, this can optionally be changed in the settings.

+ Added enemy vehicle reinforcements to be deployed using convoy templates to active A2G Infantry Assault Missions randomly, this can be changed in the settings.

+ Added new unique voice clips and notifications added for the new randomized enemy reinforcement events.

+ Added friendly armored ground battalion that attacks ground mission objectives. You can change the ground battalion units within the mission editor and you can configure several options of the ground battalion offensive within the mission settings. Ground battalion "air support" callouts are included along with map markers.

+ New sounds added for friendly troops deployment

+ New sounds added for friendly armored battalion deployment

+ New sounds and "dialogue" added to A2A Hard Missions. The mission now consists of "enemy ace squadron bandits". They are essentially adversary ace pilots with unique voice lines and callsigns that will taunt you when they spawn and will sign off with a special voice line when they are defeated. Similar to the "ACAP" missions on TTI Multiplayer.

+ A single-use (5 minute) smoke marker will be deployed when troops or ground battalion requests air support on their position to avoid friendly fire.

+ Added config options to have SAM and AAA units at A2G Helo/Infantry assault missions. By default there are no SAM/AAA units set to spawn at these missions.

+ Added new templates lists/spawning pool list for SAM EASY and SAM HARD for more flexibility with SAM site types.

+ Added config option to change how many SAM sites appear at random SAM spawns

+ Added config option to change CTLD simulated crate hover time to pick up a crate

+ Added config option to show kill feed notifications (sound + message) when enemy AI kills a player. This option is on by default.

+ Added a fail-safe function that force drops troops from the helo if it is taking too long to land at the objective.

+ Removed "templated" tankers and AWACS units from the editor map.

+ A2A Friendly backup units that are spawned via F10 Menu are now randomized, you can change the spawning pool of these friendly backup units in the A2A settings.

+ A2A Friendly backup notification message and sound are improved; "Mission command" will request a fighter backup, and each friendly A2A backup has a unique call sign and voice clip when they spawn.

+ A2A Friendly backup now has new options to spawn from ground, US carrier or RU carrier (when carriers are available).

+ A2A Friendly backup are now auto-spawns that can optionally be disabled in the settings

+ Friendly AI aircraft will now trigger a voice line/notification when they are shot down.

+ Some aircraft spawns have coalition specific liveries to be more identifiable. (Example; the RED coalition F/A-18C will have the aggressor livery applied)

+ Adjusted WW2 default spawning pool ground units

+ Adjusted WW2 and Korean War default spawning pool ship units

+ Adjusted WW2 default convoy units

+ Adjusted cruising altitude of WW2 enemy A2A spawns.

+ WW2 (free assets) Flak18 and Bofors AA ground units now spawn in pairs instead of single units.

+ Enemy bombers now spawn as a two-ship instead of a single-ship

+ Fixed an issue where bombers were improperly spawning on the "CPS" trigger zones instead of one of the "CPS_bomb" trigger zones.

+ Added new units to zeus spawning database and spawning pools (added for both blue and red):
Unarmed Vehicles:

Armored Vehicles:




"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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  • 1 month later...

UPDATE April 16, 2022 - 1: v2.2.1

+ Infantry Assault missions expanded to +5 more possible locations

+ A2G Helo missions expanded to +5 more possible locations

+ Fixed an issue where some kill and/or hit events were not properly triggering the notification (message + sound) to the player.

+ Improved the kill notification to the player when destroying a ground unit. The message will now transcribe the randomly chosen dialogue in the sound clip.

+ Added unique voice clips and message notifications for killing enemy infantry.

+ Friendly ground battalion groups will now have their unique callsign/name applied to their actual physical group in-game, rather than just being named via the text notification.

+ Friendly CAP reinforcement aircraft groups will now have their unique callsign/name applied to their actual physical group in-game, rather than just being named via the text notification.

+ Enemy CAP elite squadron (A2A Hard Mission) aircraft groups will now have their unique callsign/name applied to their actual physical group in-game, rather than just being named via the text notification.

+ Added 2 new FARPs to the map with working troop pickup and logistics functions (CTLD). These have been placed in strategic locations to reduce RTB transit times for refueling, rearming, repairing or any other logistics functions (CTLD) for helos.

+ Change default CTLD troop pickup smoke color to white.

+ Fixed an issue where disabling CTLD/CSAR would cause script errors.

+ Friendly CAP reinforcements will now RTB after patrolling around the CAP spawn zones to their initial home airbase or carrier and delete themselves a few minutes after landing to save on resources.

+ RAT Carrier Aircraft (on maps and eras with carriers) will return to home carrier after patrolling a randomly chosen single CAP waypoint (a2a_wpt_1/2/3/4 etc...).

+ Fixed an issue where ground missions could be stacked via the F10 - Mission Spawning Menu

+ Fixed an issue A2A/ZEUS Helo spawn routes, and the auto A2A Helo mission spawn not working when optionally enabled.

+ Fixed Random Air Traffic (RAT) aircraft not spawning on NTTR map.

+ Fixed an issue where tanker callsigns were not set correctly.

+ Fixed an issue where tanker TACAN beacons were not working.

+ Global active mission zone detection optimized for better performance - Detection is now initiated when units are destroyed or when destroy commands via zeus are initiated.

+ Added drawn active mission zone circles with mission name label on F10 Map. This can be optionally be disabled.

+ Added drawn friendly air support requests circles with blue text label on F10 Map. This can be optionally be disabled.

+ Added drawn tanker tracks on F10 Map with text info box that include; Tanker name, tanker type, tanker callsign, tanker tacan channel, tanker frequency. This can be optionally be disabled.

+ Added drawn AWACS tracks on F10 Map with text info box that include; AWACS name, AWACS type, AWACS frequency. This can be optionally be disabled.

+ Added carrier info box on F10 Map. This can be optionally be disabled.

COLD WAR FIX - April 19, 2022 - 1: v2.2.1b
(Applies to Syria, NTTR, Mariana Islands, Normandy, Persian Gulf)

+ Fixed an issue where setting mission era to "cold_war" did not work and caused script errors

+ Added updated info in mission era setting text that references "cold_war" as an option

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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  • 1 month later...

Update May 30, 2022 - 1: TTI SP v2.2.4a

+ Added ACLS to Super Carrier.

+ Added separate set of +10 new zones for A2G Infantry Assault Missions.

+ A2G Helo Missions are now enabled by default.

+ Fixed an issue where A2G Helo and A2G Infantry Assault missions would not complete if these missions were both active.

+ Fixed an issue where units were sometimes not being properly tracked as "dead" which caused some skipped events that affect kill notifications and other important events.

+ Fixed an issue where the A2A Helo missions were not properly spawning via the auto-spawning.

+ Added an option to enable or disable auto-started A2A mission stacking via th the new option: "auto_air_mission_stacking".

+ Changed the config option "allow_air_mission_stacking" to "manual_air_mission_stacking" to be more clear as to what this option does.

+ Moved the bomber options to the main "DEFINE MISSION SETTINGS" trigger list.

+ Fixed an issue where rescue helo and tanker scripts for airboss carrier was not working.

+ BULLSEYE moved/changed to WPT-2

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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Update June 18, 2022 - 1: TTI SP v2.2.4d

+ Fixed an issue where the a2a stacking option was not working properly.

+ Added an option to replace voice line sounds with UI SFX or silence.

+ Added Mount Pleasant variation to the South Atlantic Map

+ Replaced the ground EWRS radar with the FPS-117 Dome Unit.

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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  • 1 month later...

Update July 25, 2022 - 1: TTI SP v2.2.5a

  • Added Mirage F1CE Module
  • Added Mirage F1CE to spawning pools for Modern and Cold War Eras
  • Added Mirage F1CE to Zeus spawning list
  • Add new voice line SFX for kill events
  • Fixed an issue where A2A Intercept Mission would not spawn via the F10 Menu
  • Fixed an issue where infantry support notify cool down was not working

"Through The Inferno" - Endless, Dynamic, Open-World Experience for DCS World

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  • 2 months later...

Is there anything you guys can do about the carrier turns? I'm not sure why the carrier needs to turn so much on map that's mostly ocean. Had a 3 ship on tonight trying to do an ICLS landing and had the carrier turn on us twice during CASE 3 procedures, very frustrating.

ETA: there is also some issue with the carrier when it turns, it bounces violently sometimes knocking planes off the deck while parking brake is on.


Edited by Hector45

Modules: F-14A/B | F-15C | F-16C | F/A-18C | SU-33 | Spitfire Mk IX | AH-64D | UH-1 | Super Carrier | Combined Arms | Persian Gulf | Syria | NTTR

Setup: VKB Gunfighter Mk.III F-14 CE HOTAS | Thrustmaster TWCS Throttle | MFG Crosswind V3 | Custom switch panel | Tek Creations F14 Display Panel | Custom F14 Left Vertical Console | Custom IR Tracker | Custom butt kicker

PC: i7 11700K | 64GB G-Skill DDR4 3600MHz | EVGA GeForce RTX 3080Ti FTW3 | DCS dedicated 2TB M.2 NVMe SSD | 3440x1440 144hz 34" ultrawide

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