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1 hour ago, Urbi said:

If the pilots are to be catapulted out in an emergency, the doors have to disappear completely. that's right. For stopping and switching off the engines and swapping the pilots from the inside to the outside, this is made possible by the mechanimation entry. With the following entry in the Ka-52.lua the doors work correctly.

{Transition = {"Close", "Open"}, Sequence = {{C = {{"Arg", 38, "from", 0.0, "to", 0.988, "in", 1.356}}}}, Flags = {"Reversible"}},
{Transition = {"Open", "Close"}, Sequence = {{C = {{"Arg", 38, "from", 0.988, "to", 0.0, "in", 2.927}}}}, Flags = {"Reversible", "StepsBackwards"}},

The values marked in red have been changed.

Yep, I've already fixed that. 👍🏻

I will be releasing an update soon.

  • Like 4
Posted (edited)
Thanks for the great work.
I have some ideas for new mods.
serial         experimental/small series          project         mode is done
T-64BM "Bulat"    
info    3D   3D    wki


info    photo    photo



news    wiki


T-64 T-Rex
info     info


info      3D     3D


BTR-3U Combat module KBA-105 "Shkval"


BTR-3E Combat module BM-3M "Sturm-M"




info      wiki      3D


BTR-4E Combat module BM-7 "Parus"


BTR-4MV1 Combat module BM-7 "Parus"


BMP-1U Combat module KBA-105 "Shkval"


BMP-1UMD Combat module "Stiletto"
info     info


wiki     3D


BMP-1 & T-64 with Combat module "Duplet"




Edited by Loner
  • Like 1



ED has released stable update, have cruise missile issues and other bugs been fixed? Otherwise I'd rather wait and still stay at version 2.8. What do you recommend CH? 🤔

  • Like 1
17 minutes ago, Ironghost said:

ED has released stable update, have cruise missile issues and other bugs been fixed? Otherwise I'd rather wait and still stay at version 2.8. What do you recommend CH? 🤔

That is the one that reached Openbeta November 22. So you'll have to wait for the next Openbeta release to have the cruise missile fixed.

  • Like 3
  • Thanks 1
Posted (edited)

image.pngKa-52 AH (Russia) version 1.2.0 released!
Changelog Version 1.2.0

  • Added Kh-31A supersonic antiship missile
  • Fixed issue with disappearing doors after shutdown
  • Fixed issue with pilot helmet visor being non-transparent
Edited by currenthill
  • Like 4
  • Thanks 1
1 hour ago, currenthill said:

image.pngKa-52 AH (Russia) version 1.2.0 released!
Changelog Version 1.2.0

  • Added Kh-31A supersonic antiship missile
  • Fixed issue with disappearing doors after shutdown
  • Fixed issue with pilot helmet visor being non-transparent


I have some problems with this mod and TB-2, when I add them the land and sea units do not load... Am I the only one with this problem?


2 minutes ago, Loner said:

I have some problems with this mod and TB-2, when I add them the land and sea units do not load... Am I the only one with this problem?

I have a different problem with some of the modules (around 4 or 5 of them) whereby when I put them into the Mods->Tech folder and then try and run DCS it fails to open. I'll get the "15 years of DCS" splash screen for a few seconds but then nothing, it just closes and DCS fails to open. The Ka-52 AH (Ver 1.2.0) is the latest instance whereby the original 1.0.0 version works just fine but the latest 1.2.0 version does not...I've reverted to the 1.0.0 version for now but hate not being able to avail of all the amazing work CH puts into his modules.


CH, love your modules and thank you for all that you do, you really enhance DCS to new levels for everyone, the KA-52 is a masterpiece, well done to you. 

  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Loner said:

I have some problems with this mod and TB-2, when I add them the land and sea units do not load... Am I the only one with this problem?

Are you running the latest version of DCS? If so, send me a message with your DCS log and I will take a look. 👍🏻

55 minutes ago, Munster_Monster said:

I have a different problem with some of the modules (around 4 or 5 of them) whereby when I put them into the Mods->Tech folder and then try and run DCS it fails to open. I'll get the "15 years of DCS" splash screen for a few seconds but then nothing, it just closes and DCS fails to open. The Ka-52 AH (Ver 1.2.0) is the latest instance whereby the original 1.0.0 version works just fine but the latest 1.2.0 version does not...I've reverted to the 1.0.0 version for now but hate not being able to avail of all the amazing work CH puts into his modules.


CH, love your modules and thank you for all that you do, you really enhance DCS to new levels for everyone, the KA-52 is a masterpiece, well done to you. 

Same here... are you running the latest version of DCS? If so, send me a message with your DCS log. 

  • Like 2

You think that is bad?

I have both OB and Stable.

If I Install the 52 in either,

It does not show at all!

I must have a haunted PC!

The same thing happens with Eightball's trains.

No trains ever show in the ME.

I looked at the DCS logs after deleting them, then running the 52.



A look at the logs shows nothing out of the ordinary,

other than the ED, Poly and a few other errors.

No CH  errors.

I am baffled.


Confused even!


want to look at my logs?

I will start  fresh so no other mods are installed.

Do a DCS repair to be sure.

Using the remove extra files option.

I really want this Baby in my missions!

Thanks for all you do.

We are not worthy!😂





  • Like 3

"Yeah, and though I work in the valley of Death, I will fear no Evil. For where there is one, there is always three. I preparest my aircraft to receive the Iron that will be delivered in the presence of my enemies. Thy ALCM and JDAM they comfort me. Power was given unto the aircrew to make peace upon the world by way of the sword. And when the call went out, Behold the "Sword of Stealth". And his name was Death. And Hell followed him. For the day of wrath has come and no mercy shall be given."

Just now, Hawkeye60 said:

You think that is bad?

I have both OB and Stable.

If I Install the 52 in either,

It does not show at all!

I must have a haunted PC!

The same thing happens with Eightball's trains.

No trains ever show in the ME.

I looked at the DCS logs after deleting them, then running the 52.



A look at the logs shows nothing out of the ordinary,

other than the ED, Poly and a few other errors.

No CH  errors.

I am baffled.


Confused even!


want to look at my logs?

I will start  fresh so no other mods are installed.

Do a DCS repair to be sure.

Using the remove extra files option.

I really want this Baby in my missions!

Thanks for all you do.

We are not worthy!😂





Haha, sure send me your log! 😅

  • Like 2

the anti material rifle units are extremely hard to hit with ai ground vehicles. and the stugna-p atgm can see through hills to track flying helicopters. these are some shortcomings of the core ai.


4 hours ago, currenthill said:

Haha, sure send me your log! 😅

Hi CH,

current stable 2.9 version the Type 052D YJ-18 missiles fire towards the enemy ship then explodes 10 meters in front of them rather than travel all the way to them. ive tested with an old version of the mod is well and its the same all other missiles seem to be working normally. If you could have a look for us that would be great!




After doing a slow repair,

with delete extra files checked,

And checking no other mods are in the saved games folders,


Must have had some bad files.

Thanks for your consideration to  investigate my issue.

All is well.


Lets Make her flyable!

Shall We?😎

  • Like 2

"Yeah, and though I work in the valley of Death, I will fear no Evil. For where there is one, there is always three. I preparest my aircraft to receive the Iron that will be delivered in the presence of my enemies. Thy ALCM and JDAM they comfort me. Power was given unto the aircrew to make peace upon the world by way of the sword. And when the call went out, Behold the "Sword of Stealth". And his name was Death. And Hell followed him. For the day of wrath has come and no mercy shall be given."

Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, FuryNZ1781 said:

Hi CH,

current stable 2.9 version the Type 052D YJ-18 missiles fire towards the enemy ship then explodes 10 meters in front of them rather than travel all the way to them. ive tested with an old version of the mod is well and its the same all other missiles seem to be working normally. If you could have a look for us that would be great!


Hey! There is a bug in 2.9 causing this. I just tried the in game 052C with YJ-62 (using the same missile scheme as the YJ-18) and the exact same thing happens. 

To be sure ED is aware, I've filed a bug report. 👍🏻

This means that a lot of my antiship missiles are experiencing this bug at the moment, unfortunately.

Edited by currenthill
  • Like 6
1 час назад, currenthill сказал:

Привет! В версии 2.9 есть ошибка, вызывающая это. Я только что попробовал в игре 052C с YJ-62 (используя ту же схему ракеты, что и YJ-18), и произошло то же самое. 

Чтобы быть уверенным, что ED в курсе, я отправил отчет об ошибке.👍🏻

Это означает, что на данный момент, к сожалению, на многих моих противокорабельных ракетах наблюдается эта ошибка.


that is, the last micropatch also broke the anti-ship missiles? I didn’t update and the anti-ship ones worked for me. And the winged ones I did a little magic and also worked acceptably (9m729)

5 hours ago, ivan-ivanov-1902 said:

that is, the last micropatch also broke the anti-ship missiles? I didn’t update and the anti-ship ones worked for me. And the winged ones I did a little magic and also worked acceptably (9m729)

I'm actually not sure anymore, which 2.9 update broke what. But the issue is that I don't want to spend a lot of time creating workarounds if ED is working on the root cause the same time. I risk not only to waste time, but also to make things worse. 

  • Like 5
  • Thanks 1

It has been awhile since I have been playing this. I updated to the current game version, and updated all of your assets minus some Chinese tanks and ships. All are showing up in game and working fine. Other then Admiral Gorshkov. The game will not launch when it is in my tech folder. Just a heads up!



After a few false starts,

And hair pulling! ,

May I present,

The CH Ka-52K Katran



Almost there......

Uses the KA-50 cockpit and FM.

And the Brothers Eric et Patrick Cuesta"s Helicopter mod as a Template.

Quite Clever!



Need to set the spawn height a bit lower


And the cockpit view needs adjusting.

But I am IN the cockpit!

Now to get the CH weapons to work!

Thanks to @currenthill for making a great add on!

This is going to be FUN!

If the arg 114 was added to the cockpit area, the view would be un restricted!

  • Like 7

"Yeah, and though I work in the valley of Death, I will fear no Evil. For where there is one, there is always three. I preparest my aircraft to receive the Iron that will be delivered in the presence of my enemies. Thy ALCM and JDAM they comfort me. Power was given unto the aircrew to make peace upon the world by way of the sword. And when the call went out, Behold the "Sword of Stealth". And his name was Death. And Hell followed him. For the day of wrath has come and no mercy shall be given."

On 12/1/2023 at 11:24 PM, currenthill said:

Are you running the latest version of DCS? If so, send me a message with your DCS log and I will take a look.

Hi, the problem is not related to your mods.

After the update, one of the installed mods caused this issue (and since I downloaded K-52 & TB-2 immediately after the update, I thought it was related to them, because removing them magically solves the issue). Since there are dozens of mods, I don't wanted to spend time to determine which one is no longer working after last update.

And now it has another issue, not all your mods were of the latest version and with each new version you have to download the same mod again and again. It takes much time.

I can make an open source program specifically for your mods, like ОvGME, which will work with the Git system.

A small program that starts in the tray and checks whether there are changes in the git repository, if there are, displays notifications about it and the player downloads only changes, not a new 1GB archive.



Hi CH, I ask a stupid question and I hope I don't bother you, but I saw that the smoke of the SA-N-6 Grumble missile is perhaps the best made on DCS at the moment, I ask you, would it be possible to use it with all other types of missiles launched by all ships in the game? Or is it too complicated to do? Happy Sunday. 😌




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