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New radar functions cause a lot of stuttering in VR - latest OB - F16 @ F18


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5 hours ago, skywalker22 said:

check this out.

Hey, thanks! Now, I see severe stuttering as soon as the radar is lit and the nose is facing a LOT of buildings. That's a promising track. I'll see if I can reproduce this issue on ED internal build. Standby.

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@skywalker22 I'm not sure these stutters are caused by active radar. I get these even when the radar is off (I turn it off when you dive for the second time).


These sttters are most probably caused by the buildings alone. Just like it happens when one flies to close to the pyramids.

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Don't accept indie game testing requests from friends in Discord. Ever.

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4 hours ago, Flappie said:

Hey, thanks! Now, I see severe stuttering as soon as the radar is lit and the nose is facing a LOT of buildings. That's a promising track. I'll see if I can reproduce this issue on ED internal build. Standby.

I'm also seeing a lot of stutters after the patch, not in VR:

massive stutters around sayqual.trk

they don't seem particularly apparent on the FPS graph in game btw, but in the screen they are pretty bad, >1.5s sometimes


Edited by BMD
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