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MiG-29 drag chute bug


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I'm unable to help with that, but you should include a track file of it so that they can determine the cause and see if it is fixable. 

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Modules: A-10C, A-10CII. F-16, AV8B, F-5E, F-14, F/A-18C, P-51, BF-109, F-86, FC3, Ka-50, UH-1H, Mig-15, Mig-21, YAK-52, L-39.

Maps: NTTR, PG, Normandy. Syria...

Others: Super Carrier, WWII Asset Pack

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  • 6 months later...


since for me, in DCS, all other modules apart from the announced FF Mig-29 are practically non-existent, I am currently only flying FC3 Migs. And with the Mig-29G, I noticed the following several times after landing: After I landed, deployed the parachute and brought the plane to a stop, and then released the parachute by pressing the P key again, it moved as if by magic (see track file Mig-29G_landing.trk). I am not touching the joystick, pedals or throttle here.
I have not noticed such behavior with the Mig-29A (see track file Mig-29A_landing.trk). I am using the latest DCS version, no mods are installed (except Reshade, but that can hardly be the reason...).

Mig-29A_Landing.trk Mig-29G_Landing.trk


DCS World needs the Panavia Tornado! Really!


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  • 4 weeks later...

It's a shame that this problem still exists. Seems to be something bigger?

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DCS World needs the Panavia Tornado! Really!


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