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Corsair fuel efficiency

Lionel Mandrake

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Was the Corsair the most fuel efficient fighter of all time? As far as I can tell the Corsair has been coasting for 8 years on Vapours which is pretty impressive, although I'd like to see some data to back it up. 

In before Rudel says:jUst PLaY SomEtHiNg eLSE

ThE DeVs wILl giVE an UPdATe WhEn THeyRe ReADy...


Just provide regular updates M3 it's not that hard.

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The only question that troubles me is How many other developers could have actually completed and released  the Corsair during the past eight years, if this developer had not "marked the project as their territory" in 2015.

My feeling is that eight years is far too long to have been "strung along"  by this developer--the gamesmanship should end if they expect any sort of customer base.

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Based on my experience with MiG-21bis, one shall expect from F-4U made by Magnitude:
1st period: 1-3 years after release: "It's early beta, bugs are completely normal"
2nd period: 4-10 years "It's very old code. You shall not expect bugs to be corrected, after such long period. Nor shall you expect any improvement. We're developing currently X-Fighter."

🤬 MiG-21bis is best and worst module I ever experienced in my life. Most of its users probably know what I mean. I don't expect F-4U to be different.


my best regards

Edited by 303_Kermit
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On 9/22/2023 at 4:04 PM, billythebassman said:

The only question that troubles me is How many other developers could have actually completed and released  the Corsair during the past eight years, if this developer had not "marked the project as their territory" in 2015.

Since virtually no other 3rd party dev, except OctopusG, is making WW2 fighters for DCS I fear sadly no one. There are dozens of iconic WW2 planes besides the F4U other devs could have done, yet even 11 years after the P-51 was released we only have the ED birds and soon two Russian fighters.

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^ True that. Plenty of new 3rd parties popped up during last few months of Friday announcements, but none of thes gives a damn about making warbirds for DCS (well, Skyraider is kind of borderline exception). Even Flying Iron guys decided to come here with a scratch made jet project rather than port over their already existing MSFS warbirds.

OK, we did have a VEAO saga years ago with their massive warbird lineup announced, but unsurprisingly that ended up as a smoke-and-mirrors show with a bit of a scam sprinkled on top.

Whether we like it or not, M3 is the only party who wants to make a Corsair, so we can only wait and see how it turns out.

Edited by Art-J
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i7 9700K @ stock speed, single GTX1070, 32 gigs of RAM, TH Warthog, MFG Crosswind, Win10.

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Given the feeling of DCS ww2 being a low level side project for ED, I understand why 3rd party developers don't want to get involved. 

Say someone made a SBD ok, cool awesome one of the coolest ww2 planes. But you can't use it as even 20 SBDs would suffer 100% casualties and not even get close to a Japanese carrier because of the insane gunnery of ships. (If we had a carrier.)

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i7 13700k @5.2ghz, GTX 3090, 64Gig ram 4800mhz DDR5, M2 drive.

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  • 3 weeks later...

M3 is holding up an entire theater of operations in DCS while refusing to tell the community anything.  Even if this addon is spectacular, I will not be buying it.  Their showing this type of contempt for the community is inexcusable and should not be rewarded.

But I think M3 has given up on the Corsair and has made the decision not to let us know that.

I know I've given up on it too.

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It would be so easy to avoid these kinda rumors. But 10 minutes every 6 months to write an update is apparently too much work. 

I do hope 2.9 will bring some news about the Corsair. But doesn't look like we'll see it in 2023 and who knows about 2024.

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i7 13700k @5.2ghz, GTX 3090, 64Gig ram 4800mhz DDR5, M2 drive.

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Sigh... They're not "holding up" any theater of ops.

ED has been slowly chiseling their WWII Marianas and Hellcat without looking at M3 or anyone else so both items ARE coming. They just were, are and will be ED's "side-quest", like everything WWII related and we'll have to wait quite a while for these, with only a screen or two posted every few months.

At the same time DCS 3rd party developers don't give an F about PTO anyway, so there's noone to hold up from.

I personally don't need any info or hype-inducing-content to be posted, because in DCS everything is done "when it's done" and "subject to change", so dates and WIP updates are generally meaningless, whether from ED or any 3rd party (unless the advertized feature is really about to be implemented literally in the next patch). I kind of understand, however, that other folks prefer more interaction with devs.

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i7 9700K @ stock speed, single GTX1070, 32 gigs of RAM, TH Warthog, MFG Crosswind, Win10.

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18 hours ago, Art-J said:

They just were, are and will be ED's "side-quest", like everything WWII related and we'll have to wait quite a while for these, with only a screen or two posted every few months.

A screen or two every few months would be great. ED still hasn't officially confirmed that the Hellcat is being actively developed and the last update on the WW2 Marianas map was more than a year ago. There hasn't been any WW2 news from ED this year, and it's already October. As far as we can tell from the newsletter there isn't any work being done on DCS WW2 at all. I'm pretty sure that this isn't really true but it's still a little disheartening to think that nothing important enough to make the newsletter has been accomplished this year.

Of course you're right though, it will come when it comes and there's really nothing we can do to speed it up so there's no point in worrying about it.

Still, it would be nice if they'd throw us a bone in the newsletter.

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Nah, it ain't that bad. The newsletter from two weeks ago mentiones unspecified "warbird improvements" coming with 2.9, we've also seen new Spitfire cockpit in Normandy 2 teaser vid 5 months ago so there's that. I also consider recent wheel chocks addition to German planes a small but important Quality-of-Life improvement. I was getting a bit fed up with standing on the brakes of Anton for 15 minutes while waiting for the damn BMW to warm up properly 😄 .

I wouldn't mind a word or two about Hellcat, though. Its forum section is there for a reason!

Edited by Art-J
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i7 9700K @ stock speed, single GTX1070, 32 gigs of RAM, TH Warthog, MFG Crosswind, Win10.

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