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15.03.2024 - Spring Sale | La-7 Development Report | Esquadra 701 MP Server

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15 hours ago, NineLine said:

 . . . I have not seen a module yet that someone could not have fun with in some manner or another. 




Give me any plane and any map, I'll find a way to have fun with it. :smoke:

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Some of the planes, but all of the maps!

On 3/18/2024 at 3:33 PM, NineLine said:

To be fair, the A-10C was flying over the Caucasus for many years, I am not sure it has ever flown over there in real life, let alone during combat, right?

So while we want to fill in the gaps in terrain and other aircraft we are not a cookie-cutter type of developer with our focus being on the simulation of the aircraft and its systems. Everything we do takes time I have not seen a module yet that someone could not have fun with in some manner or another. One day we will have Vietnam or Korea, or other Cold War/Combat Theaters but things do take time.

The La-7 will be a blast, we have Luftwaffe aircraft to put up against it, if you put the I-16 in a good position against even the Bf 109 you can win, and finding that out is one of the cool things about DCS, no matter what the name of the terrain is you are over doing it. 

To be fair when the A10C came out Caucus was the only map around for a while. A10C released February 2011, in 2015 Nevada was released so prior to that Caucus was all we could fly it on.

I have plenty of modules and have loads of fun in them, but I fly them for the combat part, Im sure the LA7 will be a blast, I fly it lots elsewhere,  but there is more to a good war scenario than just 1x BF109, but that's my take I'm sure plenty others will enjoy it nd wish the dev good luck with it.

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To be fair when the A10C came out Caucus was the only map around for a while. A10C released February 2011, in 2015 Nevada was released so prior to that Caucus was all we could fly it on.

I have plenty of modules and have loads of fun in them, but I fly them for the combat part, Im sure the LA7 will be a blast, I fly it lots elsewhere,  but there is more to a good war scenario than just 1x BF109, but that's my take I'm sure plenty others will enjoy it nd wish the dev good luck with it.
Caucasus coming from old Lomac/FC product, before Ka50 & A-10C. NTTR was build with new map technology build with the TDK, and was nothing to do with A-10c (the old "promise" Nevada on A-10C time was intent building by a 3rd Party use old Lomac technology, but team disapear, and map was start from the scrath by ED.

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36 minutes ago, Dozer1606688093 said:

Any work on the AI? 

ED continue working on General Flight Model to the AI and other improvements.



Unit AI Improvements
In 2022 we saw great improvements to the Beyond Visual Range (BVR) and Basic Fighter Maneuvers (BFM) AI for our jet aircraft. Moving forward, we now intend to improve multi-ship BVR and Air Combat Maneuvering (ACM) tactics and appropriate AI tactics for World War II aircraft.

For ground units, our primary AI tasks include improved pathing and implementing suppression effects for more than just infantry units.


General Flight Model (GFM) for AI Aircraft
Whilst the updated BFM AI can make a significant difference in how the AI flies, the General Flight Model (GFM) will provide improved flight dynamics for AI aircraft that better constrain the aircraft to true-to-life performance.

GFM is a significant improvement to the Standard Flight Model (SFM) that is based on drag and thrust characteristic trajectories. The SFM can provide a good Center of Gravity trajectory model, but it relies on reliable source data to tune the overall performance that includes the entire flight envelope, sustained and instantaneous turn rate, energy gain, etc.

GFM adds additional short-period aircraft movement by adding our base solid body, contact models and aerodynamic moments. This results in more realistic control displacements during maneuvers that provide more human-like appearances. With GFM, the AI will also encounter wake turbulence.




You think pathfinding is the worst of the ground AI problems? Try flying a helicopter anything anywhere near an APC..

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I5 9600KF, 32GB, 3080ti, G2, PointCTRL

On 3/18/2024 at 10:08 PM, Beirut said:




Give me any plane and any map, I'll find a way to have fun with it. :smoke:


55 minutes ago, linside said:



I prefer to make my own missions in the wonderful DCS Mission Editor. :smoke:

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Some of the planes, but all of the maps!

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