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Refund on the F-15E

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Dude relax, nothing is written in stone yet.

No need to get head over heels.

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"Muß ich denn jedes Mal, wenn ich sauge oder saugblase den Schlauchstecker in die Schlauchnut schieben?"

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36 minutes ago, FullMetal_cooKie said:

Well Razbam sure isn't going to continue.

My then girlfriend told me the same thing (4 times I think) and now we are married with two children 😄

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10 hours ago, FullMetal_cooKie said:

Well Razbam sure isn't going to continue.

Can you tell me the Lottery numbers for tonight please? That would be handy! 🙄

9 hours ago, BabisGR said:

My then girlfriend told me the same thing (4 times I think) and now we are married with two children 😄



to quote myself from a different topic:

„Some people just want to throw around negative assumptions just for the faint possibility they can eventually scream "See, told you!"....“

fits perfectly (again, unfortunately)


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"Muß ich denn jedes Mal, wenn ich sauge oder saugblase den Schlauchstecker in die Schlauchnut schieben?"

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9 hours ago, BabisGR said:

My then girlfriend told me the same thing (4 times I think) and now we are married

Wait - you married your girlfriend because she told you four times that Razbam isn't continuing work on the Mudhen? 

12 hours ago, FullMetal_cooKie said:

So now we know the F-15E will not be developed further, are we able to get a refund for this module?

The short answer is 'no'. The long is "Caveat Emptor". And that is irrespective of what Raz is going to to in the future. We are all grown ups here and make grown-up purchasing decisions.

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2 hours ago, cfrag said:

 We are all grown ups here


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"Muß ich denn jedes Mal, wenn ich sauge oder saugblase den Schlauchstecker in die Schlauchnut schieben?"

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Ditto, I want my money back!

4 hours ago, cfrag said:

Wait - you married your girlfriend because she told you four times that Razbam isn't continuing work on the Mudhen? 

The short answer is 'no'. The long is "Caveat Emptor". And that is irrespective of what Raz is going to to in the future. We are all grown ups here and make grown-up purchasing decisions.

If we have to be "grown up" then we have to expect the same of the companies that take our money, they need to either provide the product they made a contract with us to provide, or they need to give us back our money.

Demanding one or the other isn't "childish", childish is taking someone's money for a job, and then not delivering.

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7 minutes ago, FullMetal_cooKie said:

It's like talking to flat-earthers in this forum... Multiple RB developers already said they will stop working for ED. ED does not have the F-15E source code. F-15E is dead.

This is the most interesting post I've seen in a long time.

You've formed a rock-solid conclusion based on comments some people have made on different forums over just a couple of days. Meanwhile, you call others "flat-earthers" who are reminding us we don't have any real facts and advising people to wait for more official before jumping to conclusions.

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18 minutes ago, FullMetal_cooKie said:

It's like talking to a bunch of flat-earthers here... Multiple RB developers already said they will stop working for ED. ED does not have the F-15E source code. F-15E is dead.


Hasty conclusion for a complex problem people here don't know its crucial details. It is between ED and RB atm.

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21 minutes ago, FullMetal_cooKie said:

It's like talking to a bunch of flat-earthers here... Multiple RB developers already said they will stop working for ED. ED does not have the F-15E source code. F-15E is dead.


Ever since the Hawk ED has required control over the module code to continue development in case of issues.

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Awaiting: DCS F-15C

Win 10 i5-9600KF 4.6 GHz 64 GB RAM RTX2080Ti 11GB -- Win 7 64 i5-6600K 3.6 GHz 32 GB RAM GTX970 4GB -- A-10C, F-5E, Su-27, F-15C, F-14B, F-16C missions in User Files


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7 minutes ago, FullMetal_cooKie said:

And where is the Hawk now?

It's gone because it was the module that caused the change to take effect.

Anyway, on the whole Razbam subject there is a lot of information going around, but not enough verification for my liking. This thread is a good example.

We don't know what's happening with the Strike Eagle, and I'd be suspect about claims with supporting evidence.

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Awaiting: DCS F-15C

Win 10 i5-9600KF 4.6 GHz 64 GB RAM RTX2080Ti 11GB -- Win 7 64 i5-6600K 3.6 GHz 32 GB RAM GTX970 4GB -- A-10C, F-5E, Su-27, F-15C, F-14B, F-16C missions in User Files


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Personally I just have one wish (not very greedy)
it is to be able to keep the M 2000 c and the F 15 e (even in the current state) and to be able to fly with them.
Too bad if they are not finished, but ED negotiates so that we do not lose them. Without mentioning the South Atlantic

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It‘s hopeless.

People just want to wallow in misery.

I give up.

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"Muß ich denn jedes Mal, wenn ich sauge oder saugblase den Schlauchstecker in die Schlauchnut schieben?"

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1 hour ago, Capn kamikaze said:

If we have to be "grown up" then we have to expect the same of the companies that take our money, they need to either provide the product they made a contract with us to provide, or they need to give us back our money.

Why? That's exactly what caveat emptor means: check before you buy, because your purchase is final. Just like I, you knew what you were getting in when you purchased the Mudhen. I'm taken aback at the current situation, and do hope that Raz and ED can sort it out. If they don't I lost that bet. Sucks to be me then. Here's to hoping that cooler heads will prevail in the future. "After everything is said and done, a lot more is said than done". Let's see what happens.

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Just now, Capn kamikaze said:

If my purchase is final, then so should my product be.

It is. The problem is that you maybe didn't notice it at the time of purchase and now exhibit buyer's remorse after realizing that if things don't improve, your product is final. Hopefully that won't be the case.

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3 minutes ago, Beirut said:

Oh, you sweet summer child.

Well, it does illustrate the problems of the "Early Access" business model, and the IMHO not sustainable trend of shifting responsibility to the buyer for one-off purchases. My Steam Library is filled to the brim with broken promises a.k.a. "Early Access", so I'm part of the problem, I know. 

Edited by cfrag
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17 minutes ago, Capn kamikaze said:

If my purchase is final, then so should my product be.

There are a whole host of things that can happen to "unfinalize" your product. This could range from the company you bought it from running out of a money to an asteroid destroying the Earth tomorrow. There is always risk. It's unfortunate but true. At least in this case the risk was labeled on the package that you would be spending money on something that was not in a finished form.

I'm not saying that you have to be happy about things going wrong, or that we shouldn't try to come up with a better system. But thinking that you should get the final product no matter what and never have to think of things that might get in the way of that is extremely unrealistic.

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Awaiting: DCS F-15C

Win 10 i5-9600KF 4.6 GHz 64 GB RAM RTX2080Ti 11GB -- Win 7 64 i5-6600K 3.6 GHz 32 GB RAM GTX970 4GB -- A-10C, F-5E, Su-27, F-15C, F-14B, F-16C missions in User Files


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