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Posted (edited)

ServMan v.2.1.4 alpha is intended to get you started using Servman for your FC2 servers.

(Updated 2. April 2010)

This version is NOT compatible with DCS:BS.




Since FC2 is just released there are some issue you need to be aware of:

- Multiple kill messages from the original FC2

- Maddog missiles / multikill / shooter dies too early may cause unwanted TeamKills or Friendly Fire incidents.

With that in mind - be sure that you monitor how often your server kicks people for friendly fire incidents.


Also, keep in mind that after a default of 3 TK/FF players may get banned. For this reason alone you may need to

adjust the parameters in the serverconfig.lua.


Note: in 2.1.4 alpha you may see duplicate "player killed/died" messages - see attached images. I've left ServMan to try to tell which weapon the player was killed with - resulting in duplicates. FC2 often presents "Building" as part of that message.

They should be gone after the first FC2 patch, I really hope.


ScreenShot_003.thumb.jpg.35b172fdbf4aad08cf1798b50644484f.jpg ScreenShot_004.thumb.jpg.317b0122e2ddfc0a97aab7d595bbc587.jpg


Resolved in 2.1.4 alpha

- Kick+Ban in all variants works as expected.

- UNKNOWN PLAYER messages is gone. (No, it wasn't - needs more fixing)

- Fixed a minor problem with first mission in the mission list being repeated twice when mission-rotation was active.


Improvements in 2.1.4 alpha

- TEAM-chat messages is prefixed to all recievers with "#TEAMMSG: "

If you see "#TEAMMSG panzer is a dork" from a BLUE - then RED cant see it and you know it's intended for your team only.

Note: When *you* type a TEAMMSG you wont see "#TEAMMSG" on your screen.

- /missions now indicates which mission that is loaded and active. Look for ->1<- around the mission ID.

- Chat-loggin. Look for the "ServMan-Chatlog-<datetime>.log". It will now log everything you see in the chat on the server. Kills, deaths, damages, kicks etc.

- Server-logging. Look for the "ServMan-Serverlog-<datetime>.log"

New "loglevel" variable for logging detail level, see "serverconfig.lua" for details. Valid levels are 0 to 3.

Note: The format in the file may change in the future.

For you who look for a file to parse for your statsweb - do not despair.

Coming soon is a pure "result / stats" database-log.





Version 2.1.4 alpha for FC2

- Multiple Friendly Fire incidents may be registered for players due to some issues in FC2 itself.


Version 2.1 alpha for FC2

- Multiple Friendly Fire incidents may be registered for players due to some issues in FC2 itself.

- A few of the server-side events may not get written to the chatlogs.

- Negative score kicks may not work as intended. The kick may never happen.

- EN to GE Translation is completly untested.

- ServMan installed on your computer when you fly as a client may give "UNKNOWN PLAYER" instead of the name of a player.

- Spellchecks done by Panzer is horrible.


For the full review of ServMan capabilities, please visit: >>> ServMan Server Management Mod v2 for DCS:BS v1.0.1 Released! <<<


A huge thanks to Acedy, guru and entrepreneur of original ServMan - much love from all the Players and Server administrators out there. :)

ServMan 2.1.4 alpha for FC2.zip

Edited by Panzertard
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The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it's open | The important thing is not to stop questioning



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S = SPARSE(m,n) abbreviates SPARSE([],[],[],m,n,0). This generates the ultimate sparse matrix, an m-by-n all zero matrix. - Matlab help on 'sparse'

Posted (edited)

Further plans for the 2.x series:

- Compatability with FC2 and DCS:BS using the same codebase.

Status: Completed.


- Stats & events logging to a database-based file.

Status: Not started (nor a cleanup of chat/serverlogs)


- Ability to change settings via chat

Status: Implemented a /SET command and a "conf_dynamicsettings.lua" where admins can adjust their options and how to use them ingame.


- Ability to disable / enable ServMan via chat

Status: Implemented through the /SET command.



Suggestions & Wishes from the community:


- Support for Banlist.txt comments:

Automatic when the ban is created by servman: // Playername Date Banned TK

Or manyally add a comment: //Banned by Crunch,was being abusive in chat

Status: New ban/kick system, which also include comments.


- For each player message, provide his coalition and aircraft (also of players he killed)

Status: Not looked into it yet.


- Add the coalition of the airbase when a player takes of or lands

Status: Not looked into it yet.


- Add an option to start the server when X number of people have joined (handy for multiplayer coops)

Status: Not looked into it yet.


- Serverside message filtering, ability to filter out certain types of messages to the players.

Status (updated 7.May) : It's possible to create a mechanism, secrets from a blueprint hidden in one of the developers drawer surfaced and with it the possibility to control the event-flow to clients (Translated: amount of spam for you guys).

It'll take a little bit of time to put this together, but I'm confident we can do it. :)


- "Leave / Rejoin / switch side" cooloff timer - to disgourage players disconnecting/swapping flights avoiding getting killed.

Status: Not explored the possibilities yet.


- "Extend timer" (waiting for feedback for this one).

Status: Partial implementation - timer can be disabled for the session.


- Save the state of the MP mission / world to be loaded later.

Status: Not possible to look into right now, other priorites.


- Rearm override from servman, using a config in servman to present new loadouts for the players, without getting the integrity-check fail with server vs client "rearm.lua".

Status: Exploring our options. Barely scratched the surface.

Edited by Panzertard

The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it's open | The important thing is not to stop questioning

Posted (edited)

Where's Superman?


Awesome guys!


PD: Superman appeared!

Edited by Distiler

AMD Ryzen 1400 // 16 GB DDR4 2933Mhz // Nvidia 1060 6GB // W10 64bit // Microsoft Sidewinder Precision 2


Great work guys!


Many many thanks for this!

There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

Further plans for the 2.x series:

- No new major functions.

- Compatability with FC2 and DCS:BS using the same codebase.


That would be nice! I see the Alpha version is running online now but it did not kick the tard that teambombed me at the airport :( Are you sure its all working?



That would be nice! I see the Alpha version is running online now but it did not kick the tard that teambombed me at the airport :( Are you sure its all working?



Actually I did discover a few bummers done by me in the conversion. Working on those now. It affects the TK/FF code.

The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it's open | The important thing is not to stop questioning


New alpha upcoming - I just need a quick test by my fellow MP pilots.


Please join my server for MP Teamkill + Friendly Fire havoc! :D


Server settings for the test:

Mission: Batumi TK Hell!


3 Teamkills, then kick.

3 Friendly Fire, then kick.

3 AI kills, then kick.

Score -49, then kick.

TK/FF Stats reset on mission restart.


Max Avg Ping 170 ms, 3 warnings (1 per minute), then kick.


Cooloff after kick, 1 minute - then allow back in.

Autban after 6 kicks.


Who can reach a BAN first!!?? :D

(I'll empty the list often so you can retrun for more mayhem).

The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it's open | The important thing is not to stop questioning




I think I've been the first with Servman 1.x too XD

AMD Ryzen 1400 // 16 GB DDR4 2933Mhz // Nvidia 1060 6GB // W10 64bit // Microsoft Sidewinder Precision 2


The banning in ServMan works fine :music_whistling:

There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

The banning in ServMan works fine :music_whistling:


Congrats you won! :D

04/02/10 15:16:20 : AI-TEAMKILL: Player id = [3], addr =, name = "<51>Case", side = Blue killed friendly AI unit Blue "M1045 HMMWV TOW" with HYDRA-70.

04/02/10 15:16:20 : KICKED client: id = [3], addr =, name = "<51>Case". Reason: Too many AI teamkills

04/02/10 15:16:20 : BANNED player: id = [3], addr =, name = "<51>Case". Reason: Too many kicks

The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it's open | The important thing is not to stop questioning

Congrats you won! :D

What is my reward? Getting unbanned?

There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.


Hi Panzer,


Just tried the server to see how the average ping test works out...


I got kicked (no warnings beforehand) with a timeout message. Happened a few minutes ago - about 17.20 here, I was using my forum nick.


Be interested to know how it showed up in your logs.




04/02/10 18:20:39 : CRASH: Player id = [4], name = "Vitesse" crashed.

04/02/10 18:20:39 : EVENTS::on_player_stat(Vitesse, crashes, 2)

04/02/10 18:20:40 : EVENTS::on_kill(12, AIM-120B, 43)

04/02/10 18:20:40 : KILL: Player id = [12], name = "unknwn", side = Blue killed player Red "BoBík" with AIM-120B.

04/02/10 18:20:40 : EVENTS::on_player_stat(unknwn, score, 1930)

04/02/10 18:20:40 : EVENTS::on_player_stat(unknwn, destroyed_airunits, 39)

04/02/10 18:20:44 : EVENTS::on_crash(5)

04/02/10 18:20:44 : CRASH: Player id = [5], name = "BoBík" crashed.

04/02/10 18:20:44 : EVENTS::on_player_stat(BoBík, crashes, 75)

04/02/10 18:20:47 : SERVER::on_disconnect(4, 0)

04/02/10 18:20:47 : Disconnected client: [4] "Vitesse"

sorry, my server just think you disconnected - no warnings issued from it.

You would have seen them on screen.

Would have looked like this:

04/02/10 14:48:36 : PM to [3] "insky*JF_725/dhw" : #PING-WARNING 1 OF 3: Your average ping is too high (360, allowed is 170)!

04/02/10 14:50:18 : PM to [3] "insky*JF_725/dhw" : #PING-WARNING 2 OF 3: Your average ping is too high (358, allowed is 170)!

04/02/10 14:52:00 : PM to [3] "insky*JF_725/dhw" : #PING-WARNING 3 OF 3: Your average ping is too high (358, allowed is 170)!

04/02/10 14:52:00 : [1] "Midgettosser" : #KICK: client "insky*JF_725/dhw" (ID=3) has been kicked automatically. Reason: Ping too high

04/02/10 14:52:01 : [1] "Midgettosser" : BLUE player "insky*JF_725/dhw" left the game.

The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it's open | The important thing is not to stop questioning


Thanks, Panzer, looks like the connection is really dropping out then. I was hoping to see an actual latency number, as in your example there.


I've been looking at this today to try and see what's causing it. More investigation needed, I think.


2.1.4 Alpha released. See OP - look for the blue text.

You can't really miss it. ;)

The mind is like a parachute. It only works when it's open | The important thing is not to stop questioning


Thanks Panzer! We will run it on our server!


A things that would be cool if they could get implemented:

  1. For each player message, provide his coalition and aircraft (also of players he killed)
  2. Add the coalition of the airbase when a player takes of or lands
  3. Add an option to start the server when X number of people have joined (handy for multiplayer coops)

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There are only 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

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