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Everything posted by ACME_WIdgets

  1. I even added a SA-2 site next to it. Track file is attached. I'm lost on this one... S-300 and SA- 2 short range 35nm .trk
  2. I setup the S-300 and EWR site at the beach of the Sea of Azov, so no terrain blocking/masking. The F-16 comes in at 35,000 feet at M0.9. The F-16 ECM is off. The EWR does show search at 75+m, but no SAM lock then fire until about 35m.
  3. When I setup an S-300 site, all in the same Group, all Condition Red, all facing the Blue incoming F-16. I use all the S-300 assets, plus 2 EWRs (BB, TS) and S-300 skill is set to Excellent on all assets. But I never get fired upon until the Blue plane is about 35nm away from the S-300. Then TEL D, C will fire at me. I do get SAM search warning on RWR (BB, TS first). I thought the S-300 could detect and hit a hot target, angels 30 from almost 160nm away?? Am I doing something wrong?
  4. I agree w/not being able to lock multiple targets at times. I'll have 2 or 3 w/in vertical and horiz scan, wait a few seconds, TMS-RIght and nothing (or only lock or 1 target). TMS-Down, wait, TMS-Right and now I can cycle maybe 2 of 3. But never more than 2. And this is wi/all targets hot.
  5. I installed the Gripen mod, it crashes MP at Net Load. Works fine in SP.
  6. Problem solved: Somehow my VKB Gladiator Pro left analog/digital HAT switch was outputting BOTH digital up/dn/lft/rt and analog (at the same time) when set to analog hat for TDC. I have the digital outputs to trim the aircraft - so after using TDC with a targeting pod or Mav my trims where not centered... You switch from analog to digital by center depressing the HAT. Sorry to bother you all on this. No idea how I got this setup screwed up. Went back to old VKB profile and it works fine.
  7. Drove me crazy, but I can reproduce it in SP. But you need to fire off AG weapons first. F-18 w/ 2 HARMs on 2 and 8, plus 2x each station JSOW on 3 and 7, AIM120C and 9x in remaining usual spots. Litening pod on 5 center/belly station. Flies straigt and level as is. Shoot the Harms first, then JSOWs, now you have slow roll tendancy, Aileron trim is too coarse and 1 click will cause opposite roll. Sorry, for some reason SP tracks are not being saved.. @Lord Vader
  8. When doing your cold start and waiting for INS alignment, IF YOU are loading heavy weapons or fuel tanks the plane may rock back and forth. This can stop the INS alignment. Go to List, 6 (time) to see INS progress. Once it counts up to 1.5 you see RDY to the right and you're good to go. If the INS is not counting up to 1.5 and beyond, you need turn it counter clockwise 1 click, then clockwise back to start the INS alignment process again (don't forget to verify lat and lon on DED when you do this).
  9. What time zone do you fly in mostly?
  10. In the F16, I can get a TPOD lock on a ground target with red identifying, smoke from 20+nm. But once w/in 6nm I unlock/re-lock the TPOD and the IR Maverick most of time has difficulty in locking on. I do see the hand off trying to take place. I'm typically 2-5k AGL, 300-400kts level, trying to get, unlock, get lock 3 times and it never locks. Not using TPOD gives same results. Yes to: is hand off in Auto, range 6-2nm, boresighted (looking at Mav display to make sure target is within center of crosshairs). Targets w/out red smoke, same size, lock at 6-4nm range typically. I find it easier to lock with CCD Mavs vs IR now a days.
  11. It would be nice, and very educational to watch advanced pilots if: In the MP Score view "'", I highlight a plane and then hit F2 to go see that plane. On large MP servers it is sometimes very hard to get to the external F2 view of the plane I want to see. I use this to see how others load out and how they fly. Thank you!
  12. Or Unlock the WPT as the SPI, now FLIR will move, or SP as needed.
  13. After more testing, problem appears when LITENING pod is on BELLY station/centerline in MP on 4YA Syria map. Center tank, or empty belly station works fine. TRK file attached. Deadzone of 1. No other axis or key bindings to aileron or rudder No TPOD on a cheek. Thrust % is same, temp is only 2C difference Thanks for the help !!! @Lord Vader 4YA_Syr_PVE2_V2.34[04_MAY_OVC_RAIN]-20240111-180743.trk
  14. Yes, "even load" being same on both wings, i.e. AA (nothing on cheeks), and maybe single tank on the bottom.
  15. VKB stick that zeroes out exactly 32, 768 when let go of, and F16, Su33, P51 all work fine. But F-18 , with even load side to side, randomly starts slow roll to 1 side. I check FCS and aileron and rudder are zero'd. I put in 1 click opposite aileron trim, but that is too much and now it roll s in that direction. MP mostly.
  16. Try getting further away from carrier on your downwind leg. Then make two 90 degree turns to final approach. Then keep moving closer to the carrier on downwind until you make a smooth 180 to final.
  17. HUD shows in range, but HAD shows out beyond white line - buy a lot ( 5-15nm).
  18. Around 4 or 5 HAD lock/unlocks without firing HARM will cause HAD not to work, cannot see cursor/unlock/lock targets..
  19. In rain/fog at low altitudes, HMCS is not working/visible. Even when parked.
  20. Have you trimmed ailerons with the wheel , Left rear panel?
  21. I still cannot get SP to work correctly to boresight the F16 Mavericks. Regardless of what I do (TMS down, up, etc), when i hit SP, the TPOD moves to 130 degrees magnetic (able to see square with HMCS)- regardless of aircraft pointed heading, on tarmac. This is in SP or MP, waypoints (not in 130 degrees direction) or no waypoint. I have also noticed that TMS down/twice does not CZ under some circumstances.
  22. With the F16 my analog mini joystick/hat is way too sensitive around the center point with Mavericks. Especially when FOV narrow on the Maverick WPN screen. NOTE: MAV screen appears to have a large DEAD ZONE for the XY axis joystick/RDR Cursor control. TPOD does not have a dead zone and I'm able to make fine adjustments in X/Y. YES, I've put in a big curve, up to 50, but it's still too sensitive. I also reduce the total rate by 50%, but this slows the max speed too much. I also adjust the VKB configurator X and Y numbers from 4, up to 32, still the same thing. Andy help would be appreciated. Thx
  23. Thanks @Flappie. Interesting history: I HAD DICE installed, but was getting IC errors in MP. So I removed DICE, but still got IC errors. I reinstalled F16 module twice, same results. Then I went to the file locations for the flares and chaff, manually deleted the files, did a reinstall - then locked the file properties so nothing can change the CMDS_ALE47.ua file and I have not been getting IC failures. Based on what you see, DICE did NOT uninstall completely. My export.lua in saved games only has: local Tacviewlfs=require('lfs');dofile(Tacviewlfs.writedir()..'Scripts/TacviewGameExport.lua') pcall(function() local dcsSr=require('lfs');dofile(dcsSr.writedir()..[[Mods\Services\DCS-SRS\Scripts\DCS-SimpleRadioStandalone.lua]]); end,nil)
  24. I corrected Page File to 32gb min and max. Works better, but still had a crash on 4YA, see attached. Never crashes on GS MP. I was thrashing on the buttons for AG when this crash happened, changing MFDs, zooming in, etc. dcs.log dcs.log-20230825-022206.zip
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