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    DCS, IL-2 Great Battles, IL-2 1946, MSFS

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  1. Ah yes, ive since been told that but dont know how to close a thread.
  2. User on discord reported some strange behavior for HARMs when the emitter shuts down. Upon testing it looks like the HARM doesn't have an INS or at least doesn't remember where the target was in general and just keeps flying in the direction it was already heading in the moment it lost track, if it was turning at that moment I've seen the control surfaces lock up and it keep flying at a gradual turn. Another thing of note is a notice that HARMs wiggle a little now when it seems to have locked onto the emitter. The test was done on a hornet against a P-19, the HARM was launched in PB mode from about 60Nm away. Track attached below. HARM lost its INS.trk
  3. IndiaFoxtEcho discord "a preview of the lamp test for the G.91. Please note that this is a work in progress and the textures do not represent the final product."
  4. Someone in the ED discord brought me to light a potential bug regarding the input of BRG for adding an offset aimpoint. I distinctly remember the value to be inputted as just in degrees in the UFC in "DDD" format. Right now it seems to be in "DDD MM SS" format instead. In my track file below the humvee is located 162 degrees T from waypoint 1, I'd need to input 162 00 00 in the ufc to get the desired result. I'm not sure if this is intentional or not so I've made a report and provided a track file to show it. hornet offset aimpoint brg input bug.trk
  5. I was playing around with the new arleigh burke sliders and noticed that no matter how i set up the sliders it's always the SM-2 ER that is fired at a target. Even with sliders all set to zero pictured below. I've attached a short track and the .miz below as wellnull arleigh burke loadout.miz arleigh burke loadout.trk
  6. I shall also participate in the annual bumping of this thread, I'm also curious about this. As well as if the MK 108 could be swapped out with an MG151 or if that was more of a field mod.
  7. Testing the newly added vehicles and noticed the new MRAP has the back right wheel stuck. Attached a short track file below. Also, the other wheels look like they don't match up to the speed of the vehicle as it accelerates but not sure if that's just me. MRAP stuck wheel.trk
  8. The option is on by default but you can turn it off to make it engage the ARMs instead of attempting to flee/hide. It'd be nice if SHORAD had them off by default though
  9. Sorry for the very late reply, I only got around to testing it just now. It does seem to be fixed now yes. In fact i notice some jinking around during flight which seems like new behavior i have not seen before.
  10. International MaxxPro Dash M1235
  11. I was playing around checking out the S-3 after the recent patch to see if anything had changed. The in cockpit pilot models got the necessary enhancement they deserved. However as I was watching it land and shut down. I noticed the "external pilot models" (the pilots that come out after shutdown, or when shot down) are the Russian pilot model. Picture below and for convenience I'll also attach a short track file. null S-3 spy pilot.trk
  12. After the hotfix dropped I went to work and tested if there were any changes. And there was, to the GBU-38 at least. The SA-15 still can see and engage the GBU-38 while completely ignoring the GBU-12, so the issue is still there. However, the SA-15 can not hit the JDAM at all, so there is some improvement at least. I even tried to do it manually in combined arms, the SA-15 AI can detect, lock and shoot the GBU-38 but it can't seem to track it as the missiles just go straight after the initial turn from leaving the tube. I will provide tracks for GBU-12 and GBU-38 as I did originally. As well as my attempt in combined arms. GBU-12 Test post hotfix.trk GBU-38 Test post hotfix.trk GBU-38 Test post hotfix combined arms.trk I'm not sure how this relates to the topic?
  13. There are 2 variants of Tor in Russian service afaik. The M1 and M2, which I believe we have the M1 While the Tor M2 has a different dish, more modern and likely much more capable of detecting and intercepting smaller targets (up to small drones)
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