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Everything posted by PLAAF

  1. Not so simple, J-10C is known to have more advanced avionics and ECM suits than JF-17 Block 3. Besides, the J-10CE shares the same flight character as the domestic J-10CE. That's why I highly doubt that it will become available in DCS before the J-10C retires.
  2. JF-17 was designed to be capable of carrying PL-8. It's just that Pakistan didn't have the budget to get everything. Besides, PL-5 with HMD is good enough. As long as we can launch for a wider angle, it's a win for us. J-10CE won't be possible until J-10C retire from PLA service I think.
  3. During the initial release of JF-17, in an interview, Deka said that they may upgrade the JF-17 with block 3 stuff as they go. That's why we got the refuelling rod. I hope we can get more features from block 3, not just the HMD. Let's start with the HMD. Then, the forward Missile Approach Warning System. Then, the 2 extra under-air-intake pylons. With those, we can put our ECM and Targeting rods there and save the central fuselage pylon for the fuel tank for a longer range. Lastly, if possible, let's update the UFCP as well. PL-8 would be good enough for me.
  4. Of course, they will. I still remember when JF-17 was introduced initially, the SD-10 overpowered AIM-120 and those guys cried hard about how JF-17 was OP and wanted ED to nerf it, even if it meant reducing the realism level of the missile. Can you imagine that? We play DCS for its realism and yet they want to reduce it. I had to reply to their posts to comfort their glass hearts saying that it may be better if we buff the AIM-120 instead of nerfing the SD-10 because the AIM-120 in DCS isn't performing as well as its real-life counterparts.
  5. No harm in asking, no harm in asking. I think we may actually have more chances with the FC-31. Because the J-10CE shares exactly the same flight characteristics as the domestic J-10C. But if the FC-31 is significantly smaller, that means it won't share the flight characteristics as the J-35. So people won't be able to predict the performance of the J-35.
  6. haha, You didn't even bother to read the first post of this thread, did you?
  7. This may actually be doable. Have you guys heard the news? The FC-31 won't be the same as the J-35 which is adopted by the Chinese Navy. The FC-31 will remain as an "export only" jet while the Chinese Navy uses J-35. The recently released photo showed that the J-35 is significantly larger than FC-31. It is roughly the size of an F-22. So it is basically a heavy fighter now. Picture: J-35 Picture: FC-31 Picture: Size Comparison The smaller FC-31 will be the export only. It uses either the RD-93 or WS-13 engine, while the J-35 uses larger WS-19 engines. Moreover, recently, the Pakistan Air Force has officially announced the plan to purchase FC-31. (please see the video) Afterwards, the Indian government expressed their concern as their own 5th gen fighter jet would not be available before China delivered the FC-31 to Pakistan. So, hopefully, we can get it in the near future for DCS. Flying a 5th gen fighter in DCS, wouldn't that be beautiful? @uboats 看看您是否可以动用人脉问一下沈飞。After China delivers FC-31 to Pakistan, can you please ask Shengyang and see if they will grant us permission to make FC-31 just like you did with FC-1? You know what they say, "There is no harm in asking".
  8. There you go, why not make both the A and G then? By the way, anyone watched this video yet? It says we are getting the A this year.
  9. o_O? Only recently? This thread has been here for years. I don't have the exact data. However I once read 2 articles, one stated that "F-16A has no advantage over the J-7E in a dog fight" and the other one said that "the J-7E is comparable in manoeuvrability and general performance to early versions of F-16A and can make a serious challenge to a modern fighter in a dog fight".
  10. I found a new video showing J-7G manoeuvres for the celebration of the new year, also as a part of the retirement ceremony for their pilots. This old bird still looks as gorgeous as ever. At 2:36 we finally get a glimpse of its cockpit. It looks so cool. I hope Deka make it to the next module after the J-8PP.
  11. According to a former pilot, J-10A will also retire soon. Let's hope we can get it in DCS in the near future.
  12. Thanks very much for clearing things up for me. So we are getting 2 variants for a price of one? That's good to know.
  13. Look like I triggered a nuclear response. lol I said "original F-4E", not "original". Leading edge stats and a bunch of other features are presented on the original F-4E. That's why it was called an "E variant". If we are getting a variant with the "upgrades done to the F-4E over the course of its service life" as you have put it, then what's wrong for me to suggest that we "go all the way"? Because what I have suggested is also an "upgrade done to the F-4E over the course of its service life ". That's all I am going to say here. If you are just bored and want to pick a fight, I suggest a therapist, professionally speaking.
  14. Found a nice video to share. Don't forget to turn on the subtitle at the bottom right corner. They are translated by YouTube's auto-translation, so some of them won't make any sense. But overall, you should be able to understand what they are saying. Enjoy Story 1: A-10 is not a plane with a cannon, but a cannon with wings. Story 2: The plane shoots down himself. Story 3: What happens if you fire a cannon in space?
  15. I thought that F-4E could only carry AIM-7F. So this is not an original F-4E, but an upgraded variant. If so, why not go all the way, and give us this instead?
  16. I didn't notice this before, but according to this link, the best dogfight missile F-4E has is AIM-9J. So F-4E doesn't even have an aspect IR missile? And it is less capable in a dogfight than the later F-5E?
  17. I was thinking. MiG-29A, G, and S all have exactly the same cockpit, right? So if you have decided to make a MiG-29A module, then why not make all 3 versions of them? According to the video posted by Raven earlier, the info you have is MiG-29G from Germany anyway.
  18. I don't get it. We don't really need Russia's permission to do this IMHO. Poland has a bunch of MiG-29. Why can't we ask them for info? I doubt Poland would care since they are handing out them to Ukraine so they can clean up their hangers for newer fighters. I don't really understand why Russia cares about MiG-29A either. I heard they only operate much more advanced SMT variants nowadays anyway.
  19. If I remember correctly, La-7 is capable of carrying 2 FAB-100.
  20. So what's the word now? This FF MiG-29 project is still ongoing, right?
  21. Still no response from them. Johnny415 also tried to contact them through email and WhatsApp multiple times, hoping to solve the issues on the UFCP. But they didn't even bother to reply to him at all. Also, there is another problem I forgot to mention. All of their encoders have NO push functions. Now I think it is safe to assume that Wefly products are defective by design. That is why everybody I have heard who purchased their products experienced the same problem. Their engineers are just not talented enough to design a proper controller. And they know it, they can't send their customers the replacements because all of their goods are the same, so they stopped responding to us because they cannot solve the problem.
  22. Thank you so much for letting me know. I didn't know this. So now my wishlist is to have this as Razbam's next project.
  23. Hi, thanks for the help. I have just received my LCD. But there is another issue. Firstly, which side of the LCD? If I set it up randomly, is there a chance that my MFC will be upside down? Secondly, about this plug. There aren't any markings so I don't know which way I should plug it. Please see the pictures attached. Should I plug it in like this? OR like this I am afraid that I may damage the circuit board if I plug it in the wrong way.
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