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Everything posted by PLAAF

  1. The WS-15 is marked for mass production, and the airforce is upgrading the J-20 fleet with them. The new engine is said to have a thrust of 18.5 tons, which is better than the F119's 17.7 tons thrust.
  2. As far as I know, the plan is to phase out all 2nd and 3rd gen fighters by the end of 2025. So I do expect Deka to get their permission after that.
  3. Thanks. Do you have any info on J-6III or J-5A? I am really keen to get those. Because those variants are unique, better than the original Soviet counterparts on which they were based on, and they are all retired. So we may get them in DCS in future.
  4. OK, maybe ask the museum manager, ask him/her very very nicely and see if they would let you take a photo. You know what they say, "there is no harm in asking", right?
  5. Do you have a drone? If you do, you can take some photos of their cockpits.
  6. Nice details. Show us more, please. Give us every single photo you took
  7. How so? Did you take any photos there? If so, please share.
  8. What do they have there? Do they have J-6III or J-5A?
  9. Are you in Shenyang at the moment? If you are, can you help me to take some photos of J-6III cockpit? Thanks
  10. Man, you guys are fast. Just one quick question. The radar of the F-4E, is it a monopulse radar or a doppler pulse radar?
  11. Since you guys are making this, I just have to ask, is there a plan for the map of vietnam? Also, any chance we can get "Fortunate sons" as the main menu music for F-4 module?
  12. So the L variant can carry HOT missiles. Do you mean we used to have an official Chinese livery, and it just disappeared? Wow, the developer team must really hate Chinese. lol
  13. Hi, please correct me if I am wrong, but in DCS, the SA-342L is the variant with a cannon on one side and a rocket pod on the other, right? But I found some photos of SA-342Ls in service with the PLA, which are armed like this. The first one, I have no idea what's on its wing. Maybe two very small bombs?? Like 50kg each? The Second one has one anti-tank missile on each side instead of 2 like on the M variant. The third one has one anti-tank missile on one side and some kind of rocket pod on the other. Lastly, this picture shows that their L variant can carry two anti-tank missiles on both sides, just like the M variant.
  14. Trust me, friend, if I had that kind of money, I would. I have a passion for flight sim. If one day you heard that I won 2 million dollars from a lottery, you can safely bet that I will spend half of that money sponsoring DCS modules.
  15. The recent announcement made by Razbam got me thinking. The only reason that they can make multiple modules simultaneously is that they have multiple teams. That's why they can work on both the F-15E and MiG-23. So my wish is that, hopefully, people in the Deka team can hire more people to tackle more modules. Thanks in advance for any consideration.
  16. Look great. Any plan to make more for sale?
  17. The note says "Start-up sequence: HUD -> MFD -> Radio".
  18. PLAAF

    Theme Music

    Since the first time I noticed you, you have been what we called "热血青年“ or hot-blooded youth, so I knew you weren't meant to be disrespectful. But what you suggested will be interpreted as so and will not be just me. And it may even break the law. That's why I had to get my message clear. Anything that might lead to a violation of the law is a serious matter. I don't remember being strung up by this, but if you felt that way, I am sorry.
  19. PLAAF

    Theme Music

    BiliBili? That depends on how it was used. As people say, it doesn't matter what you say, only matters how you say it. As for youtube, how many videos you have seen that used the anthem in a respectable way? Unfortunately, many of those are done by foreigners outside of China. The logic stays the same. It matters how were they presented and for what propose it was presented. That's not a cultural song, and "blasphemy"? That's an interesting choice of the word since no religion is involved here. In what cultural environment did you grow up? Did you grow up in a Christain country? What you do behind a closed door is none of my concern. I do not understand what are you trying to prove by telling me that you will do it on your own if others won't do things your way. I was merely trying to point out that what you suggested is considered disrespectful in our culture and it might violate the law, nothing more. My words might have sounded a bit headstrong since English is my second language and more often than not, I can only speak in a very direct tune. If that was the case, I apologise, but I never tried to stop you in any way.
  20. PLAAF

    Theme Music

    By the way, making a martyr into a game so people can shoot at, is also disrespectful and against law. The law states that: "No organization or individual may in any way slander or belittle the honour of a soldier, insult or slander a soldier's reputation, or deliberately damage or tarnish a soldier's honour mark" Here is a full copy of the law https://www.mva.gov.cn/sy/xx/bnxx/202106/t20210611_48036.html
  21. PLAAF

    Theme Music

    Unless you are not Chinese, then there is no cultural difference between you and I. Or at least there shouldn't be. That is correct. The game is for entertainment. Putting an anthem in entertainment is disrespectful just like making the rock and roll version of the anthem. It doesn't matter if it is the first indigenous system. An anthem is used to represent the spirit of an entity, not the first tool it made. It is too trivial. Using your logic, why not use the national anthem? It is the first indigenous aircraft designed by PRC. But just let me remind you, in 2017, the 28th Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People's Congress reviewed the "National Anthem Law of the People's Republic of China". The law specified the occasions on which the anthem can be played. The 8th article of the law stated that "it shall not be used in or in disguised form for trademarks and commercial advertisements, and shall not be used in inappropriate occasions such as background music in public places etc". To summarise, there is no cultural difference between you and me. It's just that many youngsters nowadays were never educated or taught at home in this matter to show proper respect. I highly doubt that Deka members are ignorant in this matter, so we shall see if they make the anthem into their module.
  22. PLAAF


    I remember they once said that MiG-19S would be a part of the MiG-19 module pack. So in that sense, people who paid for MiG-19P paid for S. Yep, you are right. They didn't use as many polygons as other modules in DCS. That's why I am not happy with the MiG-19 module. Not only they used so few polygons, we rarely get updates for this module compared with others. Many buttons are still unmappable and many axis don't work as intended. For example, axis like the light, gunsight won't even move until you move your axis pass 50%. And if you tried to map them onto buttons, hehe, for a single press of that button, it will increase or decrease the volume by a light year, making micro-adjustment impossible. And we only have 1 cycling button for the airbrake, which has 2 positions.
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