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Everything posted by PLAAF

  1. I see. Thanks for letting us know. But still, it is a cool device for a fighter of that era nonetheless. Edit: By the way, do you have more info on this SIV-52? Any pictures of SIV-52 in its working state?
  2. PLAAF

    Campaign for La-7

    No! No!! No!!! We need 15+ missions. Shooting at nazis and racists is a fun way to pass the time.
  3. Thanks. But there are 5 versions, they have this drive A and B thing. Which one should I get?? Please let me know. Thanks. null
  4. I picked Su-25. But I still would like to point out that there are other planes that can be a great addition to DCS too. For starters, Su-7 would be good too. I heard that at its introduction, no plane can chase it down at low altitude, or something like that. Then there is MiG-21S and/or MiG-21PFM. According to the Wikipedia, there are 3 generations of MiG-21. The most capable one of the last generation is the bis which we already have. The most capable version of the second-gen was the MiG-21S. However, PFM was the most exported one. Either one would be cool. They would fill the hole of that part of the history of the Red Side in DCS. By the way, did you guys know that MiG-21S has a night vision? It's very cool for a plane of that era.
  5. PLAAF

    J-8 EBook

    Great find. Thanks. I have always been amazed by your research skills. I didn't find those even though I speak the language. But you somehow always find them even though you can't speak Chinese. I really wish that I had met you when I was writing my research paper.
  6. I heard this is the one that sunk UK's ships. Since we have the the map of the Islas Malvinas, I think this is a must-have. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=10150737840654969
  7. Can we get the mother ship, please?
  8. So you won't be able to receive any fuel? That's no good.
  9. Found this earlier. A nice introduction video for F6F. I have always preferred F6F over the F4U.
  10. Who is the guy in charge of this project? I want to kiss him.
  11. That's OK. If my experience can prevent other people in our DCS community from getting into the same trouble as me, it's all worth it.
  12. Agree. But that is assume you receive one without defection. Otherwise, once they received your money, they won't care about what happens afterwards. I am still not happy about the way they treated their customer when they send their customer a defective product. Their attitude is very arrogant and in a very perfunctory manner. Firstly, only after days of waiting did their promised technician show up. After they installed the driver, they immediately run off without fixing the axis problem. And when they ran off, they told me that "they will remake a new calibration tool the next day". That led me to believe that they knew about the axis problem yet didn't tell me about it before selling it to me. On top of that, they didn't contact me again to provide me with this new "calibration tool". That was the last conversation we had before they left me hanging on it for nearly a week. After that, I tried to contact them again, but they started to pretend they never said that, and it is a problem on my part. null Afterwards, they put me in contact with their engineer. That guy was very arrogant, and perfunctory as hell, gloating even. After I took the time to explain the problem I have encountered in detail again, all he replied was this. null One sentence. Go look at the DCS software manual. I had no idea what's this DCS software is. Is it some kind of accessory software to DCS? or is it software that they have developed? I don't know. So I asked them what's this DCS software. And I got this as a reply. This time without even a word. At least last time, I got a full sentence. Please tell me, if you are in my shoes, how do you interpret it? In the end, I figured out that the DCS software they were referring to was not any software, but just "Axis Tuning". What they were trying to say in this picture was to not use Deadzone and curvature, but to decrease the saturation to where the arrow pointed. As anyone who has used Axis tuning will know, that won't fix the problem, instead, it will make the problem worse. So I wrote back showing them that their idea won't work. Once again, I got one sentence back. Seriously, what other reasons can lead to this? Anyone could have seen that this is a defective product by this point, either in its driver or hardware. That was when I asked for a replacement, but never received any reply from them again.
  13. Thanks for the help. I will give them a try. As for the encoder, I haven't yet encountered any problems. But I didn't test all of them. I assume it may be their sensitivity issue. All encoders have this issue, not just from Wefly, but from brands like Virple and others too. You can try to rotate it at different speeds to test at which speed, the encoder is more sensitive to your commands. This is the exact reason why I prefer Axis to Encoder. For an encoder, if you rotate it too fast, the signal it received for each command is too short to be registered, thus they will ignore 90% of your commands. But if you rotate it too slowly, they may register a signal that is opposite to your command at the end of each bump you feel. So give my method a try. If the problem persists, it maybe a faulty encoder.
  14. Thank you very much my friend for providing us with this method to work around the switch problem. The thing is that we have to do it for every switch in every aircraft. Imagine the workload. I thought I paid my $1100 to have some fun. Not to increase the list of chores I have to do.
  15. I purchased the Wefly JF-17 right-side control panel a few days ago. I am sure that you are all dying to know how this US$1100 panel is. After intensive testing and communicating with Wefly, I have to say, this panel is less than ideal. Frankly, I don’t think their tech department knows what they are doing. OK, let me go through the problems I have encountered one at a time. First of all, let’s start with its switches. As you all know, there are 2 types of switches used on the JF-17, 2-position switches and 3-position switches. But the thing is that all 2 position switches on this panel have only 1 value instead of 2 for the 2 positions. So only its "on" position can be detected by the computer, which means you can only switch it on but can’t turn it off. Please see the video below. This video shows that the off switch can't be detected by the Windows This video shows that the off switch can't be detected by DCS. After a full day of discussing with people from Wefly, I realised that their switches are designed for JF-17’s control only. For example, for some controls in DCS, we can map our controls in 2 ways. Using the flap as an example, we have “flap up”, “flap down” and “flap up/down”. So, if you have a 2-position switch, you can map your "on" switch to “flap up” and the "off" switch to “flap down”. However, if you have only 1 button to spare, you can map it to “flap up/down”. So in this case, if you can map a switch to “flap up/down”, and when you switch down, the game will somehow be able to detect it and turn the flap down despite the fact that you have not mapped “flap down”, and the fact that your computer couldn’t detect the switch’s down position. At first glance, you may think that’s amazing and cool. Nope, it is not. Because it only works on JF-17. During my conversation with Wefly, they emphasised the importance of the “special device” category to me. Apparently, this only works for JF-17’s “Special device only” category. If you are playing anything other than JF-17, your switch will only have 1 position. You can turn it on but can’t turn it off. Well, think about it, you can. But you have to turn the switch off and then on again to get the same effect, which can be extremely awkward. What about the 3 position switches? It’s similar. They have only 2 positions that can be detected by the computer, up and down, but no middle. Let’s use the external light as an example. On JF-17, the external light switch has 3-position, which are “Normal”, “Off” and “NVG”. In the DCS, we are given the following 6 mapping options, “Normal”, “Off”, “NVG”, “Normal/Off/NVG”, “Normal/Off” and “Off/NVG”. Normally, if you have a 3-position switch, you would map them as “Normal”, “Off” and “NVG”. And if you have only 1 button, you would map it to “Normal/Off/NVG”. But in this case, you need to map it to “Normal/Off” and “Off/NVG”, and just like before, whenever you switch it to the middle, the game somehow knows that you are in the “Off” position. Hmm…. Only work on JF-17 and only work on the category “special device only” which isn’t available on other planes. Why am I getting this feeling that Deka may have contributed to the misery of the control panel? If so, Uboat, come out and get your butt spank punishment (Uboat,赶快出来挨屁股) . I don’t understand why they designed their driver this way. It would be much simple and easier for us if they make it like everybody else. Let the Windows detect them all so we players can map them as we thought fit. This is the same problem in their UFCP. They just had to make one of those software to take control of the UFCP instead of letting us map them. But during the conversation, I get this feeling that their technicians are proud of this. So don’t expect them to change this anytime soon. As for the 3-position switches, since only the mid position can’t be detected and you still have up and down 2 positions, you can still use them as 2-way switches on other aircraft. Now, let’s move on to other aspects of this panel. If you are an axis lover like me, you are going to be thoroughly disappointed because, except for the 3 knobs for lights, every knob on this thing is an encoder. And the worst thing is that those 3 knobs don’t work at all. Please see the video and picture below, notice that Windows can’t detect it and so does the DCS. The picture above: No Axis is detected by the Windows. Video Above: Axis can't be detected by DCS. I have been trying to contact Wefly about this problem. But they claim that it is just my setting which isn’t right and told me that one of their technicians will help me to get it right. I really didn’t know what to make of this. The switch problem was kind of fixed (well only for JF-17), but at least the game and computer can detect at least one of their positions. But for those Axis, both the computer and the DCS can’t detect them. I do not understand how is “a problem in my setting” as they put it, when both the Windows and DCS couldn't detect those Axis. so I waited for a while and checked in once in a while. But their technician never showed up. The next day, I received a message telling me that later, their technician will help me and that it was best for me to download an APP for the remote control of my computer. And their technician will help me by remote control my computer. I am sure you all know that the internet is a dangerous place, we all use different ways to protect ourselves from all the misdemeanours on the internet. But I chose to trust them and downloaded the APP. But then, I waited and waited, the technician still didn’t show. Since they claim that the device was OK and it is only my setting that is wrong, so they refused to give me a refund or replacement. I mean, who would? That’s US$1100. After 2 days, I asked them that haven’t their technician showed up for work in the past 2 days, their salesperson claims that their technicians are doing something else. Only by the end of the 2nd day, their technician showed up and took the remote control of my computer. During that time, they appear to have installed some kind of software (which they uninstalled right afterwards), that looks a bit like the configuration tool from Virple (not the same but appears to have a similar function) and through that software, they installed some kind of driver which allowed my Windows to detect those Axis. After a quick test, I noticed that the value of the 3rd Axis doesn't seem right. But I was told that "Let's leave it for now. Tomorrow, we will remake a calibration file and test it again". When they said that I assume they know the problem and that this is just another driver issue as it is presented in their UFCP. I trusted them thinking maybe they are working on it and it would be a matter of time before they fixed it, and they would contact me after the weekend. But afterwards, they never contacted me to address the issue. Maybe they were busy with other things and will fix the issue and contact me eventually, I thought. I thoroughly test them in the meantime. Please see the video below. It will show you that whenever you rotate the first knob, the value of the 3rd knob will change too. On top of that, the smallest value of the 3rd Axis is 30%, not 0%. The other problem you may have noticed is that they combined the first and second Axis into a virtual joystick instead of independent Axises. Why is that a problem? I will explain it later. For now, the problem is that to prevent the 1st Axis from affecting the 3rd Axis, I have to tune the 3rd Axis by giving it a 71% dead zone and 40 curvature. Because, the 3rd Axis starts with a 30% value, and if you rotate the first knob to maximum, that value will increase to 71%, that's why you need a 71% dead zone. So, after nearly a week without hearing from them, I contacted them again. But this time, they claim that this is how it suppose to be. And "The engineer said that this is just a matter of model value transfer, that's how it was developed"; "Flight sim software's calibration function exists for this very reason. So as long as you can use it, it's not a big deal. No need to get too tangled in this issue". Honestly, I don't know what to make of this. I didn't want to assume the worst of people and have always loved to give people the benefit of the doubt. On top of that, the salesperson had been very helpful to me. He didn't appear to know what is he talking about nor had any experience in flight sim. All he ever told me was what the technician told him to. So when he offered me to contact the engineer directly, I jumped at the opportunity. But that is when things get slightly more ....... questionable. After back and forth with the engineer, he insisted that my problem was just a matter of calibration on my part. If what he said was true, then the control panel is purposefully designed this way and every one of them would have the exact same problem. In the end, I told him that this may be a faulty device, if so I'd like to have a replacement, not a refund because I would still love to support new control panel developers. It's no big deal to have produced a faulty product. Every factory has them, even the best factories. If it is a driver's issue, all you have to do is to patch the driver. But after I said that, he stopped responding to me. For some of the more experienced players in the flight sim community, you probably want to suggest to used Windows to calibrate those Axis. But that's the problem of having a virtual joystick instead of 2 independent Axis. As a joystick, their default value is at 50%, not 0% or 100%. So after calibration, your smallest or biggest value for those 2 Axis will get stuck at 50%. At that point, you have to "reset to default". But when you do, all problems came back. Please see the video below. The calibration doesn't solve the problem. Now, let's summarise. The main problems we have here are as follows: 1: Just like their UFCP, there is still no software to synchronise the warning lights. 2: Switches are organised in a way that only works on JF-17. 3: The three Axis are not working properly. Of course, there are still some other minor issues. For example, all encoder knobs and a button feel a bit loose. Also, about the emergency landing gear handle. I wish people in Wefly take those issues seriously and face them. Especially when they want to charge people over US$1100 for it. At this point, because we don't have the software to synchronise the warning light, the entire warning light panel is still little more than a decoration. As I have mentioned before. It is a simple matter, or at least it should be. If the device is faulty, admit it and provide the customer with a replacement. If it's the driver's problem, simply patch it. It is not wise to charge people a premium price for faulty or incomplete goods while blaming the custom for your own mistakes. EDIT: Agree. But that is assume you receive one without defection. Otherwise, once they received your money, they won't care about what happens afterwards. I am still not happy about the way they treated their customer when they send their customer a defective product. Their attitude is very arrogant and in a very perfunctory manner. Firstly, only after days of waiting did their promised technician show up. After they installed the driver, they immediately run off without fixing the axis problem. And when they ran off, they told me that "they will remake a new calibration tool the next day". That led me to believe that they knew about the axis problem yet didn't tell me about it before selling it to me. On top of that, they didn't contact me again to provide me with this new "calibration tool". That was the last conversation we had before they left me hanging on it for nearly a week. After that, I tried to contact them again, but they started to pretend they never said that, and it is a problem on my part. null Afterwards, they put me in contact with their engineer. That guy was very arrogant, and perfunctory as hell, gloating even. After I took the time to explain the problem I have encountered in detail again, all he replied was this. null One sentence. Go look at the DCS software manual. I had no idea what's this DCS software is. Is it some kind of accessory software to DCS? or is it software that they have developed? I don't know. So I asked them what's this DCS software. And I got this as a reply. This time without even a word. At least last time, I got a full sentence. Please tell me, if you are in my shoes, how do you interpret it? In the end, I figured out that the DCS software they were referring to was not any software, but just "Axis Tuning". What they were trying to say in this picture was to not use Deadzone and curvature, but to decrease the saturation to where the arrow pointed. As anyone who has used Axis tuning will know, that won't fix the problem, instead, it will make the problem worse. So I wrote back showing them that their idea won't work. Once again, I got one sentence back. Seriously, what other reasons can lead to this? Anyone could have seen that this is a defective product by this point, either in its driver or hardware. That was when I asked for a replacement, but never received any reply from them again. EDIT 2: Still no response from them. Johnny415 also tried to contact them through email and WhatsApp multiple times, hoping to solve the issues on the UFCP. But they didn't even bother to reply to him at all. Also, there is another problem I forgot to mention. All of their encoders have NO push functions. Now I think it is safe to assume that Wefly products are defective by design. That is why everybody I have heard who purchased their products experienced the same problem. Their engineers are just not talented enough to design a proper controller. And they know it, they can't send their customers the replacements because all of their goods are the same, so they stopped responding to us because they cannot solve the problem.
  16. For the future J-8F module, I assume.
  17. Here is my button-pressing test without the software. You will see that every button responded to my pressing instantly. cd09b63c6286467f214b77be1d0878f5.mp4
  18. @diycockpit Hi, after intensive tests I have done. I have found that there are still bugs in the system. The buttons still have similar problems. But I have isolated different variables and I think I now know what's causing the problem here. Firstly, the problem appears to be software related. Because everything works very well without the software and I do mean very well. Every button reacts to my pressing very fast. You can do speed dial on this thing easily. Things change when the software is activated. First of all, almost every button becomes sluggish. If you dial too fast, the panel will not recognise some of the input. For example, if you dial 66 very fast, you will get just a 6. This is very similar to the problem we had a few days ago. All buttons' commands are recognised by the computer in the following way. pulse on press pulse on release Press and hold I guess that the software may not have clearly definition of the 3 types of commands I listed above. It may be the type of bug we are looking at here. But that is just my guess. But again, I am not a coder, I can't say for sure. But the bug's behaviour certainly suggests that way. The second bug is that if I press the same button twice or more times in a row, especially if I press them at a fast rate, 1 or 2 random buttons will lose their function. This is in fact the same bug we had before. Remember a few days ago, some of my buttons lost their function but I thought it was because of the conflict between the preset and the player's keymap. But turns out, it is not. A few days ago, when I had both the preset buttons and my own key mapping, I get 2 inputs every time when I press a button. For example, when I try to dial 42'24"56, I get 44'22'22. Because of that, I was constantly trying to re-type the coordinates. And by doing so, I would press the same button multiple times in the process. So we are actually looking at the same bug here. And I can see why Wefly didn't notice this bug before. Because they probably always start their missions in mid-air. So they only need to click those buttons once when needed. But a hardcore player like me, we always start our missions in the hangar and thus always need to dial in our coordinates. Please see my video attached below. It is me pressing every button at a consistent rate when the software is active. You will see that in the game, the buttons are not responding at the same rate as my pressing. There will first be sluggish and then pick up the pace. And in this video, you will also see that button 6 was not responding at all. As I mentioned earlier, if I press a button too fast multiple times in a row, 1 or 2 random buttons may stop functioning. And in this case, it was button 6. And this phenomenon does NOT exist if the software is not active. 5c8bfd66352c4a63c02588b38d79d79d.mp4 So the software clearly still has some influence over the buttons. Can you please ask your colleagues in the coding department to write another software that not just gives us the option to disable the preset commands, but has no codes for buttons at all? Thanks very much in advance. Phew, took me a whole afternoon and night to test them out. Every time I must turn off the power to reset the software in the computer. imagine the workload. I am on the verge of a mental breakdown. It appears we still have to make do without the display for now. Edit: The software is definitely influencing our controls. I forgot to mention earlier that whenever the software is active, our axis tunning would become a mess, particularly for the rudder. It would become very sensitive. A small input would lead to a 100% rudder value.
  19. Yep, I wish the knobs are axis instead of dials too. You can try to rotate them at different speeds. Some speed is more sensitive than others. That's why I dislike dials. It's the same on Virple controls. Wait, a stream deck? Do you have a channel of your own? What's your channel? I feel that too.
  20. Great News, everyone who is using the Wefly UFCP. The representative from Wefly contacted me earlier and gave me the updated software. That was a fast response from them. I thought I had to wait for a month before we can get our new software. But, it has only been a few days. They really took our calls seriously. I have tested it and it works like a charm. It gives us the option to not use their button preset function. So if you have a problem with their preset button, all you need to do is to turn it off. Just one thing before you use it though: Remember a few days ago I said this, It's the same deal here. After installing the new software, it won't work because the old software is still inside UFCP. So after installing the new software for the first time, you need to completely shut off the power of the computer to reset it. Once that's done, everything works as intended. So @jonny415, and any other people who are using the UFCP, I will post the new software below. Feel free to grab it. DCSCockpit.zip
  21. Despite the issues with the current software, the hardware has a lot of potential. There are a few things Wefly company can improve. Firstly, the knob. Most developers would make axis control out of them. But in this case, they are dials. Axis control offers the most realistic feeling. If I remember correctly, there was this one device made by Logitech that had both axis and buttons on their axis control. Basically, whenever you rotate the knob to 0% and 100%, the computer can detect a button. I think that was the best way to do it because we can use it for a lot of different purposes while still feeling realistic when flying JF-17. Secondly, about the overall design of the frontal panel. We can modularize it. Let me explain. Most of us purchase this for flying JF-17. But that doesn’t mean we won’t be flying anything else. So please see the picture below: On the left side of the UFCP, there is a vast space that can be utilized for other devices. For example, Wefly can make the yellow emergency brake and master alarm lights smaller in size and leave us with more space for a MiG-21 weapon system control. (Wefly did claim that they are going to make other cockpits for DCS after the completion of the JF-17 cockpit). Similarly, the space on the left side of the left MFD can also be used to house other future Wefly controller modules. Furthermore, most of the older planes have vertical side control panels. I am not sure how Wefly is going to make those vertical panels, but here is my suggestion. Please see the picture below. We may need something like an L-frame commonly found on bookshelves to combine the horizontal panel and the vertical panel. And the vertical panel need an increased height to prevent it from being blocked by the horizontal panel. Alternatively, you can have support at the back like the Thrustmaster MFD. But that way, the overall width may become too great for tables or desks commonly used. With the horizontal panels of JF-17, the vertical panel of MiG-21, and the weapon panel of MiG-21. A player can have more than enough buttons for any type of plane. Another thing about the frontal panel is its back structure. The Wefly representatives have sent me a picture of it. Judging by the look of it, the whole frontal panel can be simply put on a desk. Simple, direct and easy to use, but it comes with one problem. Most people don’t have a desk that is low enough to work. A usual computer desk is about 70cm in height. If you put the front panel on it, it will effectively block the view of your entire screen. For some hardcore players, they can just purchase another desk just for flight simulation. But correct me if I am wrong, most people here use their computer for both work and leisure. If we purchase a desk like that, we won’t be able to or at least hard to use the computer for work or even for other non-flight related video games. So I suggest that Wefly make some kind of adaptor and extension for things like Virple and other brands of joystick setups and mounts. In this case, Virple desk mount offers the best flexibility. You can see, different holes on the mount allow you to adjust height easily. All we need is an adaptor for the mount and an extension for the joystick. The last thing is about the MFD. It can’t be used for very much anything else besides the JF-17 due to its dimension. I had a chat with a representative from Wefly. He claims that it can still work for other modern aircraft with square MFDs, aircraft like F-16 and 18. While that’s good news. But still, it won’t do much on older planes that have no MFDs besides contributing to your electricity bill. Therefore I highly recommend that Wefly develop software that allows us players to preset which part of the aircraft to display on each non-MFD-equipped plane.
  22. I have checked out the link you posted. Your software isn't new. We have the same files. The same size same creation date etc. There are other issues too regarding the software. Noticed that some buttons in this picture appeared to be pressed down. That means the software is not sending the "press-and-release" signal, but the "press-and-hold" signal.
  23. Thanks. But no need, didn't you say FPM and HSM still won't work? Also, as I mentioned before: So I am going to wait until they make the new software where we can map the key ourselves.
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