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Everything posted by Zebra1-1

  1. My guess is that actual customers (eg. RAF, Luftwaffe, USAF, RAAF etc.) asked for these modules and provided the maximum amount of unclassified data to create the modules. Politics....
  2. That crossed my mind too. Was hoping it would be mentioned in the credits. Fingers crossed.
  3. Just Google it. There are many discussions on Vulkan VS DX12 where the former performs better than the latter. VR generally performs better with Vulkan too. But this is not the place for that discussion. As a VR user, I've been eagerly waiting for it to be released in DCS. For at least the last two years.
  4. Definitely not boring. There are many benefits to using Vulkan and It's improvements that will happen over time. Especially for VR users. There will likely not be any performance improvements at the initial release, but Vulkan would be huge. Releasing Vulkan should be priority for 2025 IMO.
  5. VR is amazing. I would never be able to go back to using monitors. But it does come at the cost of clarity and is more difficult to spot or keep eyes on targets. Also hits the wallet since you pretty much need to run a beefy GPU. Not sure about the 4080 series, but my buddy was hitting VRAM limits on his RTX 3080 (don't recall if it was 10GB or 12 GB) which is what made me go with the RTX 3090 (which I'm still using).
  6. Maybe. I'm looking forward to the reviews once the 50 series is available.
  7. Negative. Frame Gen was exclusive to the 40 series and the Multi Frame Gen is exclusive to the 50 series. Anything 30 series and below will not have any kind of Frame Gen.
  8. Well....Looks like Vulkan won't be making an appearance this year unfortunately.
  9. I'm having the same issue. Just got the Nevada map while on sale and tried it out after updating to the latest patch. Pretty sure I'm using DLSS, but I'll have to confirm after work. I feel like performance has taken a bit of a hit in the last two patches too.
  10. If you are that impatient, you had plenty of time to learn coding and help with the development. Sounds like you must have some understanding if you know how long it should or should not take.
  11. VR will have an improvement off the bat, but it might not be as big as some hope. Non-VR users will see less improvement. Most improvements will happen over time. Lol. Version number doesn't mean much, 2.8 went to 2.8.18.
  12. I read somewhere that this will likely only be resolved when Vulkan arrives.
  13. No prob. Happy to help and glad it worked. You don't have to do it every time. Right-click on the .exe and go down to Properties, then select "Compatibility" at the top. Check the checkbox to "Run this program as an administrator". Not sure, but maybe something to do with OpenBeta folder? That's honestly why I just decided to do a fresh install with this release. I was using OB since I started playing, but now that OB and ST are dead, figured I may as well just start fresh.
  14. Try right-click the .exe and Run as Administrator.
  15. Thats what I'm thinking too. I don't have the Kola map, yet. I could be wrong, but I think Steam only downloads the updated files too.
  16. Have you seen the change log? There are a lot of map improvements. Also, you lose a lot of performance when your drive is near full. Time for a new larger drive.
  17. My Steam update said 40 something GB before I did the reinstall.
  18. Busy doing a reinstall,
  19. @BIGNEWY Not really a bug, but the Steam properties still has the Betas entry. Also outdated (as of today) launch options,
  20. One the first page, null
  21. That is an impressive changelog!
  22. It's your hardware dude. A laptop RTX 2070 is not the same as a desktop RTX2070. Laptop GPUs are in general vastly underpowered compared to desktop GPUs. You also have a 9th Gen CPU (which is also under powered compared to desktop CPUs), your RAM is probably also slower (even though you have a good amount). NVMe drives are also faster than SSDs. DCS is a demanding Sim and you basically meet the bare minimum specs for VR. Ditch the laptop and build a new Gaming PC (desktop) my friend.
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