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Everything posted by AZDane

  1. Has to go into C:\ProgramData\Ultraleap\OpenXR Pimax has confirmed that the angle is indeed 15 degrees. After measuring the various distances in Fusion 360, the following values works for me. Your values may need to be slightly different depending on how deep your eyes are set and if you use different foam padding. file name api_layer_config.json { "log_level": "warn", "pos": [0.0, -0.06, -0.09], "tilt_angle": 15 } Also, be aware that everytime you update DCS, you have to either copy LeapC.dll from C:\Program Files\Ultraleap\OpenXR into D:\Games\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\bin-mt and D:\Games\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\bin or DCS will not boot into OpenXR VR. Alternatively you can just delete the LeapC.dll everytime from the DCS folders.
  2. Ok, I had a similar problem, but that is because I use UltraLeap Gemini software for handtracking.
  3. For people that use UltraLeap, the version of LeapC.dll that DCS ships with is incompatible with the version that UltraLeap Gemini ships with. This causes both DCS Leapc.dll and the Ultrleap OpenXR API layer to be active and generally leads to OpenXR failing to initialize at all with XR_ERROR_RUNTIME_FAILURE and a failure of VR to launch. Solution is to copy the Gemini LeapC.dll into DCS's bin and bin-mt directories every time DCS updates, but it would be nice if DCS could ship with the most current version of the DLL instead.
  4. Do you use quad views? When you open it from the desktop icon, does it use OpenXR or Steam? I had to repair/ reinstall Quadviews for some reason.
  5. Awesome that we now have ability to map show/hide hands, but it would be even bette if there was mapping to switch betweens the "no pointers" and "no pointers or touch" settings in the VR menu dropdown. Many of us VR users have part physical cockpits and it would be great to have the hands in view always, but be able to change their behavior to touch based on a modifier. Also, right now with "no pointers or touch", you can't use the mouse anytime any portion of your hands are in sight. It would be awesome if there was a way to change this so you can use your mouse regardless.
  6. Play around with the angle part if your cockpit has a lot of depth like in the F16 the difference between the ICP and MFDs. I believe the 25 degree number was posted by Pimax, but for me to match up my MFDs to my fingers as well as ICP, it’s closer to 15. EDIT: I just measured the actual angle on the tracking module and it’s actually 15 degrees, so not sure where the 25 degrees come from EDIT2: The Pimax Crystal mounting surface is not 90 degrees to the screen, so maybe there is where the missing 10 degrees are.
  7. Don't know if this classifies as a bug or just something that's confusing at least to me. There are two ways to enable UltraLeap Hand Tracking. Either Special - UltraLeap - Check Box or by going to VR - Dropdown under Use Hand Controllers - UltraLeap. Both settings can't be enabled at the same time. I am using Pimax Crystal with their Hand Tracking Module (LeapMotion IR170) OpenXR/PimaxXR & QuadViews and in order for this Hand Tracking Module to display correctly, I have to modify UltraLeaps configuration file api_layer_config.json its not enough to adjust the sliders inside of DCS. IMPORTANT Note: These configuration settings only works if UltraLeap is activated via the drop down method, not if its activated via the check box on the "Special" Page. There might be a reason for having two ways, but I can't tell. The drop down option is the one that works correctly for me and also has the most settings. Was just confused by the checkbox on the "Special" page. Any reason its there? A couple of actual bugs I have noticed after activating UltraLeap via the dropdown method: - when you go back to VR menu after activating UltraLeap, the entire menu is often blacked out and you have to go out and reenter to make it come back. - The mouse cursor disappears whenever the hands are in view. So you either have to place your hands where they are not in view or remove them via a command. This doesn’t seem to be the case if UltraLeap is enabled via the check box on the special page.
  8. After a lot of testing I figured it out: 1. Had to download and install Gemini from here: https://leap2.ultraleap.com/gemini-downloads/ 2. After activating Hand tracking in PimaxXR, initially VR wouldn't boot because there was a conflict with an older OpenXR dll in DCSs bin/bin-mt, so I had to copy LeapC.dll from C:\Program Files\Ultraleap\OpenXR into D:\Games\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\bin-mt and D:\Games\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\bin to make it work. 3. There are 2 places inside DCS where you can enable UltraLeap hand tracking. Either Special - UltraLeap - Enable or by going to tab VR - Drop down under Use Hand Controllers - UltraLeap. Both can't be enabled at the same time. The latter has a major advantage for two reasons 1. It's possible to adjust UltraLeaps configuration so it matches the actual install of the handtracking module. The in-game sliders alone were not able to adjust the position of my hands to actually match my simpit. See below in 4. how to adjust the configs. The configs don't do anything if you use the Special - UltraLeap option. You have to use the drop down under VR. 2. Another drop down in the VR menu allows you to select "No Pointers" or "No Pointers or Touch". 4. Details about changing the configuration file can be found here: https://docs.ultraleap.com/openxr/configuration/index.html make sure not to place the file in the wrong folder. The folder it needs to go into is a hidden folder “ProgramData\Ultraleap\OpenXR”. I found that the following settings work well for Pimax Crystal as a starting point: { "log\_level": "warn", "pos": \[0.0, 0.0, -0.08\], "tilt\_angle": 25 } With those settings I am 0,0,0 inside DCS and my hands match up perfectly with my cockpit.
  9. Any Pimax Crystal with hand tracking users? The hands sits too high, so I have tried to change api_layer_config.json, but my changes are not being accepted. I know the file is being read because I’ve tried to change the log level to debug and it’s writing to the log file. I’m suspecting maybe the config is being overridden by DCSs position values, but not sure what is going on. Any suggestions?
  10. Did you guys find a resolution to this?
  11. Not really sure if the MLU F16s always had this option, but I know at least M5.2 fwd did.
  12. I find it strange that the APG 68 is not capable of this. You can do it with the APG 66.
  13. Personally I would prefer all the apps to be "custom apps" I hardly use any of the hardcoded ones, but I am maxed out on the custom ones.
  14. Ok, so If I launch the game with the App does that mean I can’t change the settings from within the game? Also, so changing the App presets doesn’t change the game settings at all?
  15. Thanks. What I meant when I said I can’t see what preset I’m using I meant in the game itself. When I select a different preset in the game, the setttings change obviously, but it doesn’t tell me what preset is the active one. You would think he button would highlight or something.
  16. First, thank you for a great product. I'm still very much confused as to how the Graphics Preset Editor works. Is there an explanation somewhere? - For example if I load ED MED. How do I get that in Preset 1? - Does the Presets in the Launcher Override the settings in the game? I assume it does. - This is more game specific, but why can't you see what Preset you are currently using on the graphics screen. You would think it would hi-light or something. Also, Advanced Launcher option. It would be nice if the External Apps Launched could be different between VR ON and VR OFF.
  17. Yes. It only happens when I click Graphics Preset Editor. EDIT: I fixed it by Seecting a preset up at the top of that page. After doing that the error went away.
  18. I'm getting a Sim Settings File Not Found, Generate Default File Now? error. When I press Yes, I get an Unhandled exception: See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box. ************** Exception Text ************** System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: path at System.IO.Path.GetFullPathInternal(String path) at Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.FileSystem.CreateDirectory(String directory) at DCS_Updater_GUI_Utility.Form_Main.GENERATE_PRESET_SETTINGS_FILE() at DCS_Updater_GUI_Utility.Form_Main.PRESET_EDITOR_LOAD_PRESET() at DCS_Updater_GUI_Utility.Form_Main.PRESET_EDITOR_CONTROL() at DCS_Updater_GUI_Utility.Form_Main.TabControl_SelectedIndexChanged(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.TabControl.OnSelectedIndexChanged(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.TabControl.WmSelChange() at System.Windows.Forms.TabControl.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)
  19. Have noticed this behavior in F16 Instant missions OBFM & HI Aspect. When I have Full selected in Label, I am showing 2 Aircraft names. Sometimes different ie. Mig-29S, SU-27 Right. I'm seeing this behavior both in Stable/Release and Open Beta Don't know if its related, but it also seems like the radar sometimes has a really hard time maintaining lock in the two instant missions.
  20. @SkateZilla is there a way to move the app location and retain all settings? When I try, all the settings are lost.
  21. Just noticed your flight stats in the screen shot. That’s some serious flight time. 3+ years in the sim.
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