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About attackdebris

  • Birthday April 10

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  1. I had very similar issue on one of the Heatblur training missions. Simply removing the Gripen mod fixed it for me.
  2. I've just had the same issue. This fixed it for me: 1. Exit DCS 2. Remove the JAS39 (Grippen) mod (C:\Users\[username]\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Mods\aircraft\JAS39) 3. Restart DCS
  3. Apparently the flickering wheels on the pan are a known issue. It's a real shame, it's the perfect mod aside from this. It would be great if they could revisit the bronco and resolve this long standing bug.
  4. Really enjoying this map having spent some time on the Falklands circa 2000, I think the islands barren nature is well reflected. Whilst I also like the satellite imagery it would be nice if some of the obvious anomalies could be removed or tidied up. It does break immersion flying past a flat house and jetty next to a lake (for example). Is it not possible to simply copy the surrounding land textures to replace the house imagery and replace the jetty with water textures i.e. removing these features from the satellite imagery (assuming you’re not able to model everything in). My only other gripe at the moment is poor performance around urban areas, it still seems to be an issue at low level even after the latest update. I look forward to your future improvements to this great map!
  5. I had the same experience on my very first Sinai flight and a few times since, not too often but enough to be a distraction. I saw the same issue on some of the beta tester preview videos, so I can only assume it's a known issue. Be nice to get confirmation though.
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