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Everything posted by johnv2pt0

  1. Known long standing bug. Well, known to the community...who knows if razbam knows or cares. As a fellow exporter I feel your pain.
  2. Thanks Hardcard. You will never convert me into your Alces cult!
  3. Is a unit's current heading listed somewhere in the SSE? I'm trying to reference a stationary unit's heading.
  4. Solved. Thanks to Wrangler and the information found here: https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3881663&postcount=15 Forcing the issue through the controller works even after mist.respawnGroup
  5. The triggered actions for a group don't seem to get captured upon respawning. Is there a way to pull those over for the respawned group or to build them after? Context is a constantly running mission where a kc-135 will respawn but it has triggered actions to have it switch waypoints to allow for different AR speeds. Those actions aren't duplicated with everything else upon mist.respawnGroup. Printed group names before and after respawning are identical.
  6. getAmmo() doesn't unless I'm doing something wrong. getSensors() references vehicle capabilities as far as I can tell. Is there any way to detect if an aircraft has one loaded?
  7. I'm trying to make a weapon loadout check script that is handled by S_EVENT_TAKEOFF. The part of the script that should see that I have a restricted weapon type on board is not working though. I'm printing the weapon names to the log, so I know what they're called, but I'm missing something. For reference, the aircraft unit name is "TIGER" and it has a Mk-84 and 2 GBU-12 onboard...for testing. It always outTexts the debug message "No problem with your loadout" so my conditional checks aren't correct. Also, getAmmo doesn't seem to pick up targeting / ecm pods. Is there another api that can detect these? Any help is appreciated. --Ordnance Restriction Script -- env.setErrorMessageBoxEnabled(false) clients = { 'WOLF', 'PIG', 'BOAR', 'COLT', 'PONTIAC', 'TIGER', 'THUNDER', 'BISON', 'ROOK', 'FROG', 'FLANKER', 'FULCRUM', 'SHARK', 'SHOOTER', 'STING', 'VENOM', 'CAT', 'DOG', 'RAMPART', 'SPIDER', 'FANG', 'HAMMER', 'NASTY', 'HAWG', 'DRAGON', 'WANG'} restrictedWeapons = { 'Mk-84', 'Mk_84', 'GBU-12', } --------------- ClientOrdnanceCheck = {} function ClientOrdnanceCheck:onEvent(event) if world.event.S_EVENT_TAKEOFF == event.id then local _player = event.initiator local _playerName = _player:getName() --env.info(_playerName) for j = 1, #clients do if _playerName:find(clients[j]) then local _playerLoadout = _player:getAmmo() for i = 1, #_playerLoadout do env.info(_playerLoadout[i].desc.typeName) env.info(_playerLoadout[i].desc.displayName) if _playerLoadout ~= nil then for k = 1, #restrictedWeapons do if type(_playerLoadout) == 'string' and _playerLoadout:find(restrictedWeapons[k]) then trigger.action.outText("".._playerName.." you have an unauthorized loadout. Please RTB and rearm.", 30) else trigger.action.outText("Debug--No problem with your loadout.",30) end end end end end end end end world.addEventHandler(ClientOrdnanceCheck) env.info("Ordnance Restriction Script Loaded!")
  8. Multiply the .MM by 60 to get SS example: 053'45.500 -> 60 x .500 = 30 -> 053'45'30
  9. Just to be clear, this problem for me is new to 2.5.6. I had no measurable fps loss in 2.5.5 at all. Also, the fps doesn't just tank when turning on the radar initially or during a maneuver. As long as the radar is on, the horrible fps is there, even if just flying straight and level (minimal new terrain processing) Hope the information helps!
  10. I have extreme fps loss when turning on AG radar. Using free flight instant action I go from 75 fps to 15. Just a datapoint for you guys. 2.5.6 is a complete mess, so I imagine it's not a deka issue per se, but it is a problem nonetheless. All graphics low/off except: Textures: high View Distance: high MSAA 4x Cockpit Display resolution: 1024
  11. FA also shows for Rapier FSA SAM
  12. Roger thanks. FML. :) Edit: Since you make so many mods, fyi, it looks like the civ omni lights from "civilian" mod pack, and hospital from "229 objects" both crash...likely because of changes to lighting effects. I made a bad assumption before on the troubleshooting path...
  13. Has anyone been able to fix this file for starting aircraft from ground? Not FC3, but regular aircraft. I've tried comparing the new to old files and adding back in what was changed as appropriate to no avail...dcs crash when loading mission in ME.
  14. Ok, thanks. I was thinking I needed it in the parameter format for the mist function, but I can probably add a separate function to set the dynamically spawned subs invis after they're created. Thanks for the idea
  15. Hey guys, I've got a little script to randomly spawn a few subs, but I can't get them to get SetInvisible true. Script works in all other aspects, they just don't seem to inherit the invisible setting. Any ideas? Still on 2.5.5 function SpawnRandomSub() local zone = trigger.misc.getZone("SUB") local subTable = {} local subNumber = mist.random(2,4) for k = 1, subNumber do repeat --Find a random spot of WATER within the large AO SUB unitSpawnZone = mist.getRandPointInCircle(zone.point, zone.radius) until land.getSurfaceType(unitSpawnZone) == land.SurfaceType.WATER local units = {} table.insert(units, { ["x"] = unitSpawnZone.x, ["y"] = unitSpawnZone.y, ["type"] = 'KILO', ["name"] = 'I-SUB #00'..k, ["heading"] = mist.random(359), ["skill"] = "Random", ["route"] = { ["points"] = { [1] = { ["task"] = { ["id"] = "ComboTask", ["params"] = { ["tasks"] = { [1] = { ["enabled"] = true, ["auto"] = false, ["id"] = "WrappedAction", ["number"] = 1, ["params"] = { ["action"] = { ["id"] = "SetInvisible", ["params"] = { ["value"] = true, }, -- end of ["params"] }, -- end of ["action"] }, -- end of ["params"] }, -- end of [1] }, -- end of ["tasks"] }, -- end of ["params"] }, -- end of ["task"] }, -- end of [1] }, -- end of ["points"] }, -- end of ["route"] }) mist.dynAdd({country = 'Iran', category = 3, name = 'I-SUB #00'..k , hidden = false, units = units }) --Create and spawn the group mist.groupRandomDistSelf ('I-SUB #00'..k, 100000, nil, mist.random(1,359), mist.random(8,20)) end end SpawnRandomSub() OPERATION DUGONG - RANDOM SUB.lua
  16. Barring new updates that I'm not aware of, I don't think so. When I've asked in the past on how to get that info the answer has been to load up a mission with an aircraft with the weapons where you want them and then open the .miz and look at the unit table for that aircraft in the mission lua.
  17. Yikes. ...it hurts so good. Thank you, I was looking at Mist and didn't see what I needed, but now I see mist.utils.get2DDist, so with your example above and that I think I can muddle my way through. With MOOSE I guess I should look at core coordinate? Do you know of a script out there that has some of these things I could go rummaging through to learn from?
  18. How do I get the closest object from a table of units to a specific point?
  19. Thanks Hardcard, for my education, is there a reason you can't use the raw function and arguments in the scheduleFunction? EDIT: Also nevermind on the outTextForGroup question...I was using Unit.getByName():getID() instead of Group.getByName():getID()
  20. Hey guys, great idea OP! I'm trying to make it work with a scheduled delay to no avail. If I use trigger.action.explosion everything's fine, but as soon as I try to schedule it with timer.scheduleFunction or mist.scheduleFunction, nothing happens (no errors). Anyone know what's happening here? function Ped1() if trigger.misc.getUserFlag(311) == 1 then local Pedro1 = Unit.getByName('ROT PEDRO 1') local Pedro1ID = Unit.getByName('ROT PEDRO 1'):getID() Ped1Pos = Pedro1:getPosition().p Ped1Pos.y = 0 trigger.action.setUserFlag( 301, false ) timer.scheduleFunction( trigger.action.explosion, { Ped1Pos , 100 } , timer.getTime() + 10 ) --trigger.action.explosion( Ped1Pos , 100 ) --mist.scheduleFuntion( trigger.action.explosion, {Ped1Pos,100}, timer.getTime() + 1, 10, 1 ) end end Also, I can't get outTextForGroup to work...are the group level functions still broken?
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