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Everything posted by johnv2pt0

  1. Would you mind sharing your work? This would be extremely useful for my squad
  2. +1 You seem to get punished a lot more in the F-5 than anything else when doing BFM. It's pretty frustrating especially when compared to the AI F-5 SFM. Only had 1 ride in the T-38 many moons ago, but I remember it regaining speed way faster than what's currently in game (acknowledging F-5 and T-38 are different airplanes). As a little extra data point, a guy that flew multiple fighters and currently flys the T-38 recently did a video and he mentions in passing that the sim seems to have more drag than it should while flying the break. Take that FWIW.
  3. Sedlo, I was having weird issues with one of my missions a little while ago and the solution might apply here. If your units waypoints that define the polygons cross, even if they are late activated and never would actually be there, the flag might get tripped. I had two borders that were defined by late activated helos, and it seemed that the flag was getting tripped at the time that the helo's would have crossed paths had they been activated and flying at their assigned speeds. I moved the waypoints around to make sure they didn't cross and the problem was solved. I don't know if this applies in your case because it is random for you but it might be worth checking out especially if you have randomly activated units that might cross that boundary. Good luck ~
  4. Is this mod still working with the current open beta? It's been a bit, but I've used it quite a bit in the past and when I jumped in last night I couldn't get the pod to unstow...everything else seemed to be working as intended. TYIA
  5. Ok Grimes, reloading the scripts into the mission fixed most of it, but I was still getting some weirdness with the flags being triggered like an airplane busted a zone, but no airplane was active or anywhere near said zone. And it was triggering after a set amount of time...which also didn't make sense because the mist function starts almost at mission start. TLDR, I have two zones defined by the waypoints of 2 helos, both late activated, that butt up against each other in some areas. The helos are of opposing coaltions... I changed them to the same coalition and problem solved. It seems to me that mist.flagFunc.units_in_polygon was detecting when, given it's flight path and speed, the opposing coalition late activated helo WOULD have crossed into that polygon had it been active. Anyway, original question of getUnit vs getGroup seems to have been faulty. I hope that's a datapoint that's useful somehow. Thanks ~
  6. For me, Black Sea and aircraft. Both by name and by using the built in filters... blue, airplane, helicopter, etc. As far as I know CTLD was still working fine, so IDK. I'm going to fly it a bit tonight as check out the logs and such and see if I can provide more info.
  7. Flew a mission last night with many folks that used to work and now doesn't. Going to investigate, but it heavily uses get.unit. mist.flagFunc.units_in_zones and mist.flagFunc.units_in_polygon...that sort of thing. A while back get.group was broken and so we were forced to use get.unit...maybe something similar is happening here. Not sure how mist.flagFunc.mapobjs_dead_polygon works, but I'm guessing ED changed something in the base scripting engine. I also would love any insight one of the smart people on here might have to share.
  8. Is there documentation somewhere explaining what SPOT on the jester menu actually means? I'm glad to hear you guys are working on this because voice attack getting borked is driving me crazier than my wife hopped up on trash tv.
  9. Not sure how you're running it in the triggers section or how you're combining your scripts, but I don't think you need the "do" and "end"
  10. Razbam is reaping what they've sowed. Respect, patience and funding is hard earned and easily eroded. By my estimation, they've run out of the early 3rd party grace period from eager and plane hungry enthusiasts. Now they'll get compensated for work performed and nothing more, which is exactly as it should be.
  11. It's whatever monitor setup lua you are using within DCS\Config\MonitorSetup\
  12. As a separate module? Or is it going to be a free addition kind of like the 2 variants of the P-51D? Only reason I'm interested in the A8 is for the ground attack capability, so if the F8 is going to be another purchase I'll hold off on the A8. Do you have a link to this information? Thanks
  13. johnv2pt0


    I agree, but there's nothing stopping them from making the briefing correct though for the users of the missions that don't know about the problem. For a study aviation simulation (ish), it really is a big problem. Seems like a simple math conversion in the auto generated briefing would make sense...
  14. Same here. Because of my monitor setup only part of my second monitor is visible and they are oriented vertically. this means the bottom of the wheel is completely hidden and therefor the f-14 is unusable with this bug. Not everyone has a horizontal arrangement. Just fyi.
  15. Was going to put in a quote from Billy Madison, but decided the light hearted humor wouldn't land well in written format... Let me just say that "the combat thingy stuff," is kind of important to most people that want to fly a high fidelity combat jet in a combat sim.
  16. My advice is don't buy anything from them early access. Based on past interactions and performance I think the only reason they've said they will focus on av-8/m2000 is because the mig-19 didn't quite help their wallets as much as they'd hoped. Hopefully this will change, although I kind of doubt it since they said the 19 was good to go and ED had to step in and say..."yeah, naw." I like a TON about the harrier and mirage, but get equally frustrated every time my mission gets screwed because of another bug. Or I have to try to work around something that's been broken for a year and quite central to the proper employment of the jet. Don't buy hopes or promises...that's the only way quality levels will rise.
  17. Don't know Moose well enough off the top of my head, but you can accomplish what you want with MIST. mist.cloneGroup (string groupName, boolean/number task) ex. mist.cloneGroup("fighter1", true) The true means that it will have the tasks you set it up with in the ME.
  18. The actual hookup position is far forward of the shuttle. Just keep slowly rolling forward until it will let you hook in.
  19. Anyone know what it would take to add the dust cloud effect from bomb explosions to the RN-24/28 scaled to match the sized of the explosion?
  20. Change the appropriate picture in this folder: DCS World\Mods\aircraft\F14\Skins\ME It needs to be png format AFAIK
  21. I don't even bother using rockets when there's any wind because the CCIP does the behavior you're describing. It'll compensate the wrong direction making your shots double off the opposite...if that makes any sense. CCIP is bugged...lots of things are coded wrong. It's frustrating and likely will not get fixed any time soon.
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