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Everything posted by LawnDart

  1. Have you tried removing the Saved Games\DCS\Config\options.lua file and set up your graphics settings from scratch? There are differences between 1.5.8 and 2.5.0, and my install looked off until I followed this advice and now it’s stunningly gorgeous! This is per ED’s suggestion to get lightning to appear correct again in OpenBeta.
  2. My goodness! I read the news day it was posted, and four days later there are 40 pages asking the same thing basically. Hahaha! Who wants to explain it again? The next person who posts without looking for the answer first gets to buy donuts for everyone - deal!!!
  3. Seems like a non-issue to me. I'm sure the devs didn't just begin to consider the implementation of interchangeable handles... :music_whistling:
  4. Live at E3 2017: What the world has been waiting to see! https://www.facebook.com/VirtualTbirds/videos/10155413326704287/
  5. Yes, I'm having the same issue. I'm hoping this is something they're aware of whether it is a Viggen/LS bug, or the way DCS handles some of these EFMs. https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=182058
  6. Was curious if this was an EFM issue, but even in "game mode" the replays don't playback correctly.
  7. Same problem here, I suppose that's on their list of things to correct (beta product). I'm just using the clickable cockpit for now.
  8. What a shame! :( How are people recording their flights into videos with LS planes?
  9. Since I had tested with nothing but SP missions, I went ahead and hosted a MP mission flying the Viggen. Sadly with the same results, in fact so bad that the playback never even made it to the runway for takeoff, and the replay of what should've been me tracking the centerline on the takeoff roll was my jet in a ditch going into the 3rd afterburner stage while blowing up dirt. Is anyone having any success recording any tracks?
  10. Has anyone successfully been able to record and playback a track with the AJS-37? Latest version of 1.5.6 here, same outcome.
  11. I concur. Can't confirm the MiG-21 since I don't have it, but all other DCS planes I own seem to replay fine while the Viggen "strays off track" almost right away in a replay.
  12. Retrofly, that sounds familiar for me, too. When flying a single full-stop pattern, occasionally the replay will have me continuing to climb on downwind (instead of being straight and level), and getting slow... which makes for an "interesting" base turn and mishap to follow.
  13. Samsung SSD 850 EVO 1TB Load times are significantly longer since the 1.5.6 update for me.
  14. Just got a chance to finally test out the Viggen (not just reading the manual and committing startup and checklists to memory without having a seat in the jet), and what an awesome job LNS!!! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: I've been playing around with the cold start mission mostly, but created a few other missions myself from various airbases. Regardless of what I've done thus far, none of my track replays work. In the very first turn after taking off I can already tell it's off course and/or altitude, and inevitably the replay has the jet crashing or doing any number of things that never happened. The track seems to get broken the moment the wheels leave ground, maybe sooner... I flew a single pattern from T/O to LDG, and my landing which was on the numbers and centerline ended up offset by about 500ft laterally and somewhat in length as well... This might be a 1.5.6 issue for all I know, but I figured I'd report it somewhere. Haven't had any track replay issues in other planes I've tried. None the less, the AJS-37 is a beautiful beast and great add-on!
  15. Good write-up, definitely worth reading! :thumbup:
  16. I had a similar issue when firing up 1.5.5 recently, where seemingly the zoom axis was reversed and/or not doing much. Turns out my Rift sensor had gone offline. Unplugged it, and re-plugged it back in and went through a full setup and everything worked again.
  17. Awesome first post, awesome lookin' bird! I'm stoked to try this jet in DCS!!! I grew up a few miles from F 16 (Flyglottilj 16) outside of Uppsala, Sweden and idolized the pilots who flew the JA-37s; one of my favorite planes of all time. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on this module. Just need to quit my flying job (and work hard at not working) so that I too can fly the AJS-37 in my underwear, lol!!!
  18. "Shitter jitters" remain in latest 1.5 and 2.0. :cold: Bouncy bouncy. :bounce:
  19. Thank you for your info! We will test... :thumbup:
  20. Rest assured this giveaway is 100% authentic. The instructions to enter the raffle are outlined right from within Rafflecopter itself. Bonus entries are given for the social media entries (and those are optional). Good luck to everyone & Happy Holidays on behalf of Thrustmaster and the Virtual Thunderbirds!
  21. Great job!!! :thumbup: That song always makes me smile, too. :music_whistling:
  22. We'd like to take a moment to honor the veterans today, whose service and sacrifice have kept us safe, and given us the freedom and opportunity to follow our dreams and make them (virtual) reality. Thank You! [VV]110877386[/VV] Watch us fly the complete U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds air show routine. Live stream recordings often have some lag. This video uses each pilot's own recording in the simulator, thus providing for a smoother playback than you'd see through a live stream. The flying was recorded and edited using our performances December 5, 6 & 7, 2012 and later merged with an updated songs list and narration to more closely match what you'd hear if you went to an air show performed by the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds during the 2014 season. This is the way the show is meant to be heard and seen! The presentation matches the timing, coordination and choreography of the demo very closely as seen in any of our live stream replays. And yes, we skipped the ground show and cut right to the action instead and added a few new camera angles, too. Enjoy! Flying performed by: VTB1 Kris "Lawndart" Langdell VTB2 Randy "Tailhook" Thom VTB3 Rick "Ray" Charles VTB4 Tab "Redeye" Harris VTB5 Stephanie "Panther" Lessentine VTB6 Tom "Teej" Kopp Narration by: VTB8 Allen "Thumper" Hartford
  23. I just updated my DCS to 1.2.4... including P-51, A-10, FC3... under the Module Manager it says "no key" for my A-10 module while the other copies display the keys just fine. I went through a manual activation of my A-10 copy following the steps listed on the DCS website, and it says it is already activated... I can play it just fine it seems, but under the Module Manager in the DCS World interface it still lists "no key" for my A-10 copy... I bought the key via Steam when A-10 was first released years ago (I know... old school), prior to the DCS World days... so maybe that has something to do with it, IDK? I just wanted to bring this to your attention. It appears I can play A-10 just fine and it says activated when I start multiplayer while holding the shift key down to do a manual activation... but in the DCS interface it shows "no key" in the list of installed modules... Thanks for your time!
  24. Sounds to me like this is a simple matter of ED overlooking where the forum banner links/thumbs are pointing.
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