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Everything posted by 104th_Maverick

  1. I do 100%... this is DCS not BMS tho is it? And I don’t ‘need’ any type of spray and pray head on to win, if you actually paid any attention you would have noticed that I killed both F16s from the back and not using head on shots, so your argument falls on its face. If you seriously think fighting ai in DCS will make you as good as fighting against people will you’re seriously wrong. DCS ai are dumb beyond belief and regardless how good their energy management is they don’t hold a candle to fighting against a real person with any sort of training. They are good for learning aircraft handling and the core basics of BFM, implying that they will elevate your skill set above the level training against people will is misleading and plain wrong.
  2. I replied on the video too. I regret saying “cheat” I could have chosen my words better, I watched your video today and was very impressed with your explanations and how you qualify the ai shortcomings. I’m not trying to trash anyone with ai BFM vids, again it’s something I could have worded better, I just see a lot of videos that frustrate me, as someone who has had to work very hard for years on my BFM skills watching others blast the ai then try to teach people how they did it triggers me. I know it shouldn’t and you’re 100% right, different strokes for different folks, I’m just a bit of an a-hole who doesn’t appreciate that not everyone has years of BFM training under their belt and might not find it as easy as I do.
  3. Great points Snake! I just want to clarify that the series is more about demonstrating how easy it is to defeat the ai rather than teaching people how to dogfight. I see a lot of people trying to “teach” people on YouTube by fighting the ai and feel they are sort of cheating the viewer a little. Im in total agreement that if you want to improve you train against people, shooting the ai is basically showboating blasting fish in a barrel.
  4. No nothing to do with being in a cult and more to do with calling out a fellow keyboard warrior who has never flown the aircraft in his life for saying he “feels” the fm is off, and on top of that is to ill informed to realise that there are real Tomcat drivers here. One of whom was heavily involved in the fm tuning. When he comes out and says the fm is off I’ll listen to him, I won’t get worried because some gamer can’t fly it the way he thinks it should fly.
  5. Based on what? Your extensive experience flying Tomcsts in real life?
  6. Started a new BFM series on my channel fighting outnumbered against the AI set on the highest skill level guns only, first up is the Tomcat vs 2 SU27 Flankers and then taking on 2 F-16 Block 52s
  7. It happens with all modules, its been broken for years.
  8. No but like 6Gun says you can use, Rctrl+Rshift+ numpad 8 for eye point up or Rctrl+Rshift+ numpad 2 for eye point down Numpad 5 resets it
  9. Mission updates -Added F-14B to Red Side. -Added USS Phoenix Carrier Battle Group to Red side (we know this isn't realistic sorry but we love boat ops). -Added public slots to the Blue Carrier Battle Group. -Changed AJS37 and M-2000C from Red to Blue Side. -Changed both AWACS to E-3. -Increased the number of Blue ground units at Sochi, Gudauta and Sukhumi. -Added Blue Patriot site to Batumi. -Added Red SA-6 sites along the Inguri River area. -Added IR SAMS to FARP Gali.
  10. Tornado is the king of kings! (come at me!) GR4 is the best mud mover in the world F3 can't really dance but it can carry the AMRAAM :D Nothing would make me happier than to see HB do the Tonka, please Universe... make it happen!
  11. It doesn't really fly through the mountains, this is a graphical bug related to the de-syncing of A2A missiles between different clients. The person who actually fires the missile will see it loft 'above' the mountains and then come down on its target. Very often however the 'target' aircraft will see the missile trails just head straight towards him with no loft at all.. hence the flying through mountains issue.
  12. After the last update the player list now seems to be bugged. Often DCS will show a player in Spectators and a slot at the same time. Also, When a client leaves a slot to go back to Spectators his name remains in the slot and doesn't show on the spectators list until he clicks on the same or another slot again. Then his name goes back to spectators.
  13. Sadly not no, the WCS from the aircraft is instrumental in the launch sequence and needs the radar to be on.
  14. You need to be in A2A mode to see the modes on the HUD.
  15. No sir, this switch needs to be in the NORM position for the RIO to have launch auth in the back seat. Activating the ACM cover or the Boresight switch will mean only the pilot can fire the weapon.
  16. I literally quoted what Moltar said on the Stream, so I couldn't have been that wrong. Great to hear that the stream delay will be implemented!
  17. When this happens immediately press your QDES button (Hat switch right) to instantly lock back to the last place you went Full Action on.
  18. We train with both 18 kts and no wind and 18 kts with 12kt wind down the deck. Both seem to work very well in MP.
  19. Yes, the GBU24 is bugged in DCS not just with the F-14. Its something ED have to fix.
  20. Need more info guys... What SAM shot at you? What Server? Human and Jester or Human and Human? Does it happen in Single Player or just MP?
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