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Everything posted by 104th_Maverick

  1. Sounds like an issue with your system, no such issues here or in the MP community that were flying last night. Everyone reporting this patch increased the performance immensely.
  2. [No Bug] Pilot needs to be in A2G mode on PDCP, he also needs to not have any weapon selected (trips up a lot of people) and the ACM cover switch needs to be closed with the master arm on. The auto laser is working just fine, you need to make sure that you do not press Full Action Trigger again after the weapon has been released as this will redesignate the target and mess up the Time To Impact timer that the Auto Lase takes its cue from.
  3. Rctrl + radio button for radio 1 Ralt + radio button for radio 2 ;)
  4. Understood, looks like there is more to it than just the Slot Blocking Script. I'll pass this on, thanks.
  5. I refuel up to 20,000lbs with no issue, without fuel tanks the most you should be able to take is 16,400lbs however there is a bug at the moment where if you jettison your tanks it will still fill you up to 20,000lbs. The 11,900lbs thing is something I've not seen yet. Even with the probe switch in FUS Ext you should be able to get 16,400lbs. I'll take a look at the instant action mission and test it out to see if I can reproduce. @Rikkles, check out this tutorial video I did, hopefully it will help you out.
  6. Ralt+ Radio button for radio 1 Rctrl+ Radio button for radio 2
  7. Can you have a look in your Saved Games / Scrips / Hooks folder and see if there are any scripts installed there sir and let me know what they are please?
  8. Turns out this an ED issue, the GBU-24 won't work with any aircraft, we'll have to wait for them to fix it.
  9. Until a fix comes down the line guys, go to the Crew Contract in the Jester Menu and Turn Off talking when hitting the tanker.
  10. We've found out that this is being caused by the Simple Slot Blocking script. The developer is writing a fix for it that should hopefully be available for everyone soon. In the mean time to get the RIO permissions to work, simply remove the SSB script from your Saved Games/DCS World Open Beta/ Scripts/ Hook folder and clients will no longer be able to join without permission from the pilot.
  11. What you dont see here is that as you get faster the mach part of the gauge moves around clockwise so that mach 1 will be where the orange 5 is on the picture above. As you accelerate and the mach numbers move clockwise you will see 200knts, 300kts, 400kts etc all start to show up where the orange 3 position is in the picture above. The needle (orange 1 in picture above) will show what your airspeed is and mach number as you accelerate. So for example at approx 23,000ft doing 400 knts (pictured below) you'll see that the needle shows you doing 400 but will also be pointing to mach 0.90. This means at that altitude doing 400kts will give you mach 0.90 however this will change with altitude, so at 40,000ft you could be doing 300 kts at mach 0.90 (not accurate just an example) and the gauge would show 300knts and mach 0.90 instead of 400kts and mach 0.90.
  12. Multicrew permissions have now been fixed! RIOs can no longer get in the back seat without getting permission from the pilot. Huge thanks to Ciribob for his help on getting this one identified and fixed!
  13. SMH...If you'd bother to check the forums before you went on your rant you would have seen they have already set up a sticky post for requesting key binds. No one has said you won't get any more key binds in fact quite the opposite.
  14. Press Ralt+ radio button if tuned on Radio 1 Press Rctrl+ radio button if tuned on Radio 2 ;)
  15. No you're not dumb but you are a little guilty of underestimating the module. Remember this is pretty much like (don't get triggered people) learning to operate the real aircraft. Its not something you're going to pick up 100% over a few hours. Stick with it, time and effort will take you to the top. God Speed!
  16. Also, make sure you are pressing Lshift + U ... on my system Rshift + U doesn't work and I think some users are getting confused. (for anyone not seeing the salute)
  17. Yes and no. You dont need to tell Jester the freq he will know it automatically. You go to the Jester menu and select. Datalink Tune Host Select E2 He will then couple with the Link 4 system on the E2. The freq seems to change with every newly spawned E2 aircraft so until we get the kneeboard working again the only way to find out the freq manually is by doing the steps above then have a human join in the back seat and tell you what freq Jester has set.
  18. Radio 1 - Ralt+radio button Radio 2 - Rctrl +radio button
  19. Thanks for the time that went in to it sir... can't wait to start working up the skills to nail it properly!
  20. Ralt+radio button for radio 1 Rctrl+radio button for radio 2
  21. Nothing like a little in game screen shot love! Image by [100☭] Coxy To changes these images yourself navigate to C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\Mods\aircraft\F14\Skins\ME And rename the image you want to use to base-menu-window
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