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Everything posted by Love_Beam

  1. I've tried to snap it off, but that thing is super tough.
  2. Love_Beam

    Skin request

    Hey all, I have a request if anyone is interested, I am willing to "tip" for your time. I would involve making some VF-41 skins PM if you are interested
  3. If you land overweight will it rip off?
  4. No, STT is single target track. Hooking a track does not STT that track, you have to press one of the STT buttons to do that.
  5. what is the difference like percentage wise? if its that simple haha
  6. @IronMikedo you know if we will be getting a VF-41 skin?
  7. Here is what I'm taking about Iron Mike, watch at the :24 mark
  8. What about the horrible high G/AOA random wobble they make when they go active, they bleed so much energy when that happens...
  9. Can we get a VF-41 livery?
  10. Anyone else see that you can fly mach 1.1 at mil power at angels 5? only on Syria instant action though...
  11. can we get an update on this please?
  12. How hard would it be to add a 3rd allied flight? I have a potential for 12 people to play this.
  13. Hey whenever I say "Jester BVR" voice attack recognizes the phrase but in DCS nothing happens and Jester says, "roger" "Hey Jester" used to pull up the menu but doesn't anymore What am I doing wrong
  14. I need better installation instructions.... these are horrible and Ive been through it at least 5 times and it never works. Are there any videos out there on how to set this up?
  15. Not being able to use the tomcat on the carrier for a month now... someone needs to light a fire under someone. Especially with the free trial coming up they need to fix this already...
  16. If you went over 6-8Gs it can happen
  17. I think we fixed it, the guy who makes our mission was just duplicating the F-14 flight out of one of our F-18 flights... so he deleted that one and made an F-14 flight from scratch and I had zero issues last night. Chalk that one up to DCS weirdness.
  18. How ever long it takes Jester to say "Ready to taxi". We had ASH for these missions so like 3-4 mins if I had to guess.
  19. Any suggestions would be awesome, just assume I'm an idiot:pilotfly: I'm having a problem with some pretty strong INS drift in my squadrons missions... Its making waypoints off and my datalink contacts will be off by 30 miles fifteen minutes in to the mission... What could be causing this? I cannot recreate it in single player. I'm flying with jester. Startup 1. arm 2. start engines 3 jester says ready to taxi 4 taxi to cats and take off Edit: Could anything in the mission design cause this?
  20. The point of doing this is the tomcat doesn't slide around on deck until you start the engines. when you have a deck full of tomcats its the only way to make sure you don't have any sliding mishaps.... DCS.....
  21. Examples from Heatblur, and why so bitter??
  22. They have stated several times that its a hard issue to get right
  23. Having to not only try to solve some hard issues like TWS auto, but having to put out fires that they didn't start with these broken core updates.... I don't see how you guys make any progress. Really appreciate your hard work guys!!
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