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Everything posted by SharpeXB

  1. Sure. Perhaps 30 years from now when the info on those is open source
  2. They seem to be constantly having to ask for these to be removed when bug tracking. Some third party Devs complain about getting bombarded with bug reports only to uncover the problem being associated with mods. I would have to imagine ED’s experience is similar. In any case it’s not ED’s responsibility to test these.
  3. This should read: The left Volume Knob controls the volume of UHF radio (R1) with the outer inner (smaller) knob. The inner outer (larger) one is used for the second V/ UHF radio (R3). The same for radios 2 and 4
  4. Since unofficial mods aren’t tested with the game build there’s no way to know whether they’re compatible or what sort of problems they could create. The game can’t “scan” them for compatibility. It’s up to the mod creator to test and fix them to the extent that is possible. Not ED.
  5. Why? There are other apps to do this. I don’t think ED needs to be troubled with managing unofficial content. And the stuff just breaks your game and causes problems. Not worth it.
  6. Yeah probably “spherical” map is a different thing than “global” whole Earth map.
  7. I can’t imagine a global map with the level of detail that the regional maps have. That’s seems like an impossibility. One is really not a substitute for the other. I think most players would prefer detail and fidelity over size and local.
  8. There are enough maps and environments right now in DCS you couldn’t exhaust all the gameplay potential of them if you tried. The game can barely make use of them all as it is. Again the Dynamic Campaign could change that. Unless you’re just looking at DCS as a “collector” of content and just want every part of the world and every era and every vehicle and every airplane in it. There are limits… And all that paltry selection of maps only took like 14 years to create, so…
  9. The thing is, as nice as the other one of those is out there, it’s still not good enough for a ground support combat game environment like DCS needs. It looks very nice from 10,000’ but not so much if you were going treetop level in a helicopter. A combat game needs the entire map to look good, not just parts of it. I get it that this is the future but it’s a future that’s way out there. Yes you could use such tech for making smaller maps. Perhaps that’s what “Spherical Earth” means to DCS, not “global”. There’s just no real need for the entire globe to be in DCS. If you want to stretch your imagination for a combat sim map you could imagine more detail, more fidelity, more destructibility and interaction. But that’s an obstacle to just making it bigger.
  10. On many modules you can click on the stick to hide it. You could simply bind a button on your mouse to hide the body. Solved. Most of the pilot bodies look like muppets. They’re distractingly bad in their animations. I’ll say the F-15E one is the first I’ve seen that’s actually animated well and doesn’t look like a stick puppet. I still have it turned off all the time though.
  11. Unofficial mods no doubt cause such headaches for the Devs I can’t see why they’d put a manager for them into the launcher. Maybe a modder could make a launcher mod
  12. The Spherical Earth Map is useful for: - Flights longer than can be had on the smaller maps - Flights in locations not covered by the smaller maps Given the likelihood that typical players probably don’t make such long flights and the abundance and variety of smaller maps I don’t imagine a Global Map seeing as much use. The Global Map can’t be as detailed as smaller ones, nor is it probably collideable or destructible so it won’t be as appealing to use. That I can certainly see happening in the long run. But it seems a long time in the future. Maybe ten years out… It’s still quite farfetched to imagine a global map with the detail we have in the smaller custom ones. Plus there’s the need in DCS to do historical maps that can’t be auto-gen created. Plus the “small” maps in DCS aren’t exactly small. I’ve never run into the edge of one in all these years.
  13. Yeah that’s just a tiny fraction of a fraction of users though. I don’t think the typical player will have much use for the Global Map or find it that appealing.
  14. Only if you delve into the Mission Editor which is way too complicated and time consuming for most people. Outside of that there’s very little content or anything for the new maps. The Sinai map is gorgeous. Are there campaigns for it? No. Ever see it used in multiplayer? No. So you can do the free flight around it and see the Pyramids. Cool… whatever. DCS certainly needs the Dynamic Campaign so there’s something you can actually do with all these. I can’t imagine the global map supporting the DC though. Sure a global map might have some uses but I can’t fathom this having enough detail to be appealing at all. Most all the DCS aircraft have a ground attack role. The kind of auto gen scenery a global map probably has will be nothing special to look at.
  15. You know I say that with all due sarcasm It strikes me as amusing that there really isn’t much you can do with most of the maps. The Dynamic Campaign could make use of them. But I can’t imagine the DC working across the entire globe.
  16. I can’t quite see the use of this in DCS. The level of detail will probably be way too low to be appealing. I’d prefer more highly detailed smaller maps. Perhaps this thing is a big stretch goal looking way into the future where such detail becomes feasible but that’s rather mind blowing today. Honestly DCS hardly needs more maps, the ones we have now are very underutilized. They aren’t used by anyone in multiplayer, there aren’t many or any DLC campaigns set in them etc.
  17. Honestly I think they were equally broken in either SP or MP
  18. Aha I misunderstood your earlier advice. You meant not to run an Administrator.
  19. I was able to fix this by simply deleting my snapviews.lua and redoing this with Alt+Num0. There was some advice earlier about running the game as Administrator. Don’t know if that helps or not. You need to have Snap View Saving checked in the Options in order to save and to use these.
  20. You don’t need a server to save tracks. That can be done from single player/single PC as well. Just click Save Replay when you quit.
  21. DLSS is definitely an oversold hype train. It’s like any other graphic setting though. You’re trading quality for performance. Whether this is preferable or not is just a matter of taste. IMO if you can get a good 60 FPS without it, you'd do better to leave it off. Personally I like the DLAA in DCS. With a little sharpening added it looks great and eliminates the flickering and jaggies you can still see even in 4K with 4x MSAA. DLAA in other games looks terrible but the DCS version looks great to me.
  22. The Heatblur Phantom has a feature where you can bring up the manual in the game. Seems pretty cool. Honestly though it only takes a few minutes to assign HOTAS controls and it’s something you only do once. Not sure if it’s worthwhile making that so elaborate. Plus you actually can’t see most of these from the cockpit view so I’m not sure how useful assigning them from there would be. The current system is still super easy. You know the manuals have illustrations like this, right?
  23. Honestly I think this is the most significant improvement in the history of the game. Not really an understatement. With its focus on realistic gameplay and flights, DCS suffers from the fact that unless you’ve got over an hour to commit to it, there’s nothing much you can really do. It affects everything from broad appeal to sales of the DLC campaigns which are sorta unapproachable for the average player due to the time required. Besides the complexity and controllers required I think this is one of the chief reasons the game and genre are such a niche. Gamers tend to play in 20-30min sessions, even ED’s on data shows that about DCS. But again there’s nothing meaningful you can do within that time limit here. Now the future is wide open.
  24. Aha. I get what’s happening. The VV has a boundary or limit that’s separate from the other HUD elements. So it appears to be within the HUD when it’s actually outside it. It’s at the edge of its own limit and therefore flashing. When you’re trimmed for the approach and flying level that limit nearly coincides with the horizon line.
  25. I’ll have to post a track or video to explain this. You can see the behavior clearly when doing the landing pattern. On downwind when you’re flying level and therefore the VV is fixed on the horizon line, start increasing AoA to the required 20-22 and you’ll see it start flashing without leaving the HUD.
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