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Everything posted by upuaut

  1. Hi, you can find some Skins in my Dropbox-Folder.
  2. Hi FalkonDCS, I did notice this behavior from the Helis (Mi8 and UH-1) on the VA-Server. I think it is a DCS-Bug. Greetings.
  3. Hi Skulleader, I have removed the "hangar" from the "StructTable.sht", it's not inside "helipads only". The "db_units_ground.lua" looks ok to me, I can find the two lines in the file.
  4. Hello Skulleader, with the 1.5.4 Update some lua-script-files have been changed. Also added two new cargos. The "Complete_upuaut_Mods" is still available for download. It's for all DCS versions. Link.
  5. Hallo, die gibt es doch. "Haken externe Zuladung" hängt die Ladung an, wenn Du direkt neben der Ladung landest.
  6. Hi, the Links on the first page are updated and should work now. In my Signature is a Link to the Dropbox-Folder with the Mods, if the Direct-Links are not working. The filename is "ships_tents_oil-rig_Mods(complete_upuaut_mods).exe", or the Link on the first page.
  7. Hi, the Mods are updated for DCS 1.5.4. Also added a Weapon Mod for the Gazelle, it adds the MilanER and Maljutka to the Gazelle and the Wolf Mod can be downloaded.
  8. Hi, in the "description.lua" use "empty" (transparent) for numbers you don't want. Important is also the "true" at the end. e.g. {"mi_8_BALKA_2_1_NUMBER_100", DECAL ,"empty",true}; For numbers you want to have, use instead "empty" the name of your numbers-file. And "false" at the end. The numbers-file must be in your skin-folder. e.g. {"mi_8_BALKA_1_1_NUMBER_001", DECAL ,"Number_GR",false};
  9. Hi, add custom_args = { [1000] = 1.0, --civil } to the "description.lua".
  10. Hi, add custom_args = { [1001] = 0.0, --exhaust off } to the "description.lua".
  11. Hi, I have some "Wolf" in work, equipped with MG3, .50 and Milan AT.
  12. Hi, please make a screenshot, it helps to identify the missing texture.
  13. Hi uboats, this mod is really great and I have long waited for something like that. But with DCS 2 it shows no Skin for the UH-1 in the preview window, only the standard Skin. For the other Helis it's working great.
  14. Hi, the external Fueltanks for the UH-1 are not working with DCS 1.5 at the moment.
  15. Hi, the files are selfextracting rar-files. You can open it with winrar or 7zip.
  16. Hi, at the moment I don't know if I will release it, because the behavior of the weapon is sometimes realy strange. Especially with DCS 2.0. @Aginor We had in our Fallschirmjägerkompanie a Milan-Zug with Wolfs, but I can't remember, if they shot it from the Wolf. But a mounting for the Milan on the Wolf is available.
  17. Hi, if you send me a link with the model, I will add it to DCS. Textured would save some time. Hi, I will make a list with the models and names, if I have some time.
  18. Hi, the missing textures are "barrel.dds" and "pad1.dds". Please check if these files are in the "staddons.zip" archive. Did you add the "table.insert..." line to the "autoexec.cfg"? You can extract the "staddons.zip" file to "...your DCS Folder/Bazar/TempTextures" folder.
  19. Hi, you can find it in my Dropbox-Folder (Skins). The link is in my signature.
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