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Everything posted by Revan

  1. Personally, I do not care what aircraft come out first, just so long as, eventually, we will get a decent amount of aircraft from all eras(F-15E, F-4E, B-17, P-40, MiG-15 F-105, IL-2, etc.) and a decent selection of maps (Vietnam, Korea, modern Europe, the Middle East, West/East United States, WWII Pacific theater, etc.) *Edit: Actually, if anyone ever decides to make it I would love an F-4E next.
  2. I will once again say the F-4E Phantom II, it would go perfectly with the MiG-21BIS once it comes out
  3. it is is nice idea, although it might take a while to model the entire Earth. maybe they should make the aircraft first.
  4. sounds very intriguing, I will look forward to it's completion. Good Luck!
  5. that has been asked many times, the answer is always no. idk if it is still too classified, or BMS, or just too hard to make.
  6. Revan

    X Series

    My friend bought me the superbox just after albion prelude was included. I started with X2 and tried Beyond the Frontier (though i was never able to get through the campaign). Eventually, I moved onto the X3 games and loved them. I had thought that X2's menu system was the most complicated. I was very confused as to why all the ship designs changed from X2 to X3, but I got over that. (like a Mk3 Titan going to a MK4. and a Mk1 colossus going to a MK2.)
  7. Revan

    X Series

    I do know that there was a mod for x3: Terran Conflict, and X3: Albion Prelude, that added more ships, reintroduced the cockpits for the ships, and tweaked the designs to be similar to those of X2. However I found the ships to be fine in X3.
  8. Revan

    X Series

    Did anyone every play any of the games in the X series besides me? The first one came out in 1999, which was way before my time, but I got the X superbox a while ago, and have been recently getting back into the series. I have not touched rebirth with a ten foot pole. I really enjoyed X2: the Threat, and X3: Terran Conflict, and X3 Albion Prelude. I even ended up struggling through X: Beyond the Frontier!
  9. umm, there was this other space sim, it was called orbiter 2010....
  10. I'd prefer the devs to work on some more Vietnam era airframes, such as the F-4E, A-6, A-4, A-1, MiG-19, Ah-1, etc...
  11. wargames (would you like to play a game? How about a nice game of global thermonuclear war?)
  12. I believe that the 3rd party company that said they would do the hind, died
  13. And by -L cobra means F-4E riiiight????? (please?)
  14. Revan


    look guys, I'm sorry that I came off as hostile, I am just tired of waiting through all the delays.
  15. Revan


    What is taking so long? It was supposed to be done and released 3 months ago! I know that the whole beczl issue slowed down if not stopped development for a while, but last month the devs were telling us that it was basically done, so..... WHERE IS IT?? they have been telling us it should be released next month for the past 3 months now, why such a long wait?
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