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Everything posted by petsild

  1. By default it is limited to 180 fps, but there are several ways to change it.
  2. petsild

    What is SSLR?

    Yes, certain materials will need to go through revisions.
  3. In such a short time so many important findings, thank you for testing.
  4. petsild

    What is SSLR?

    The effect exists, but it is necessary to search carefully.
  5. Mirroring the water level is part of the details of the water - High. Put on medium and you have the problem solved.
  6. Such a slap in the face to the ears, pretty disturbing sound.
  7. I don't want to be ungrateful, but this gun improvement is for me the only positive improvements in the last beta.
  8. New lighting V2.5.6 are the light sources in the cabin even more pronounced.
  9. petsild

    What is SSLR?

    Visually no difference even on the surface of the water. Before comparing the deleted fxo/metashaders2!
  10. Now, I've tried many combinations of reduced detail, but to performance 2.5.5 I can't get. I was expecting the arrival 2.5.6 improvement, what has changed that is the complete opposite of that?
  11. Hi. I followed the instructions, but when loading the mission I can see only map. The module KA-50 works, I have to recopy the files? Apache on the pictures looks :thumbup: great, thanks for sharing.
  12. After the release of the Hornet is in the cockpit of several :angry: defects.
  13. First is the need to correct the angle of the image mirror, now it is shifted about 90 degrees upward: https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=228516
  14. For default the line is SA page unreadable. Using the instructions from the user LiveBait can be easily corrected, thank you very much.
  15. It's about the same problem of black flickering.
  16. In the menu special add the possibility to tick the repair of the Antenna elevation on the axis, a similar adjustment feature is already there.
  17. It may a lot of users to help, Mustang thanks :thumbup: for sharing.
  18. For such a long time there has been no correction of the errors, please @Bignewy to ask the team, how it looks, thank you very much?
  19. Can someone share the original EN manual the JF-17 Tunder from the Doc directory, thank you very much.
  20. Blurring of the entire image is not for flight simulators solution, how to get rid of jagged/shimmering effect.
  21. Very frankly, TAA is just as ugly and useless as FXAA antialiasing.
  22. There are no shadows pilot in the cockpit, it was meant in the first post?
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