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Everything posted by XeNoise

  1. 8gb is just fine dont worry. The best thing is that now it gives a feeling of speed it never gave before. Can't wait for tonight!!
  2. It's a version of the 80' sadly, so from what i understood no data link.
  3. I dont think thats ok, everytime youstart the updater, the Ed server needs to tell to the client that "no 1.5 is not out yet". If everyone would use that it wouldnt be much different than a ddos attack. Just relax and check the official update section.
  4. Yet 3 hours of work. Specially parked my car so i can get out of her as fast as possible. Mentally prepared my woman for the evening also.
  5. I would also praise the community. Its amazing how the users care about this product. The hype and passion in the posts is something i've never have seen before. See you over the black sea guys. :)
  6. Thanks for explaining. C'mon people only one more week. :D
  7. there was a question thread for the 27th but it got replaced today with the 4th october thread.
  8. mhh will look into that, because i didn't noticed big changes, maybe 2 frames more in average.
  9. In effetti dimentico avvolte che il pc non esiste solo per dcs (a casa ormai lo uso solo per quello) e che per altri giochi il rift non è un gran che. (3rd person in generale):) Ero davanti ad un simile bivio e visto che windows non è un gran che in 4k, ho deciso di prendere uno schermo da 100€ 24" 1080p per poi investire come si deve in vr.
  10. What about the q&a video, i didn't see any amd nobody speaks about it.. Ups found the answer in chit chat.
  11. Yep, this cpu really likes oc. Need to say that even at standart frequencies it will never reach an usage of 100% (max. was 70% with gta V) Oc won't make any difference in games, not yet, i would keep my 2500k for other 2-3 years but i will need to change it next year since there won't be any mobo with 1155 and nvlink bus for gpu.
  12. Hai completamente ragione, dico solo che imho non ha senso investire per un anno e mezzo di gaming o massimo 2. A gennaio escono htc vive ed oculus, non ci metteranno molto a fare una versione 4k. (il sony xperia z5 premium ha 4k, quindi tecnologicamente e' gia' fattibile il 2k ad occhio) Senza contare che l'anno prossimo uscira' nvidia pascal che con il processo produttivo a 16nm deve essere una bomba.
  13. Das ist mir bewusst, du musst aber nicht vergessen das "mitte bis ende Monat" angegeben wurde. Natürlich gehe ich davon aus, dass der Release im Oktober stattfinden wird, in diesem Fall sollten die es trotz bekannten Bugs rauslassen mit einer "known bugs" liste. Ich kann gerne warten, das ist kein Problem, ich sehe jedoch dass die Community völlig am durchdrehen is und es hat schon am 10. des Monats angefangen. :lol:
  14. Ich bevorzuge die zweite Variante. Es heisst ja nicht für nichts "Open beta", falls es so verbuggt ist kann ich ja immer noch die stable Version starten. Ich will einfach die Wahl haben. Ich HASSE hype XD
  15. Imho ogni monitor/televisore e' uno spreco di soldi, visto che fra poco arriveranno i visori vr. Sopratutto se si parla di simulatori. Ho fatto un volo sull f-15 con l'oculus una volta ed e' stato magnifico. Quando son tornato a casa non ho piu' giocato a dcs per mesi, visto che mi era passata la voglia di giocarci sullo schermo.
  16. Got it! Can't wait to fly formations with you guys. :)
  17. I would rather calculate it in usd rather than in years
  18. Totally, the experiences as a kid were the spark which ignited my passion. I wish you good luck with the license, one day i also will have cash and time for this maybe. I plan to fly a real mig-29 for 20 minutes though, it would cost 2500€ in czech republic. (organized by a german company)
  19. I would love to fly the f-16, specially because of the cockpit. The "columns" are placed behind the pilot giving an awesome visibility.
  20. Checking the forum for 10-20 min before and after flying, also on the smartphone, when i'm at work. (specially during the brakes) Since i heard about 1.5, edge, mirage, f-18c and so on, i don't want to miss anything. Wasn't flying from a long time (had to stop for a year or so for work and relationship) In 2 years this is going to furfill the biggest dream i've ever had as a kid (besides flying in real), when i was flying f-22 (DID) and asking myself how cool it would be to be able to use the enemy planes.
  21. If i would be rich i would totally open a studio and create a map of all world. Even if i would need to pay google in order to use them pics and ed to adjust them engine. Will let you know, if i win lotto.
  22. I hope for the best. Every other server lags, despite my 60mbps connection. Im sure as soon as you will be online again, there's going to be at least a 30-players party. :)
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