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Everything posted by funkyfranky

  1. Hey, Highwayman. I just tried it with the Retro skin. But the 737 was spawning fine for me. Can you attach the mission please?
  2. I have to sincerely apologize for my rather harsh words above! That was the heat of the moment, I guess. I fiddled around with some audio settings in the Oculus app and was able to get back to my normal "workflow" quite easily. In fact, I begin to like the new feature (without quotation marks intentionally :)). But making it optional seems to be a good idea for people who have more problems with their additional hardware.
  3. Thanks, HiJack! OvGME version is much appreciated :thumbup: And thanks to Mustang, of course!
  4. Wonder if HB will hide an Easter egg to make Jester do "the finger" :D
  5. http://cam.em-key.de/2018/05/03/airbus-a320/ :D:thumbup:
  6. Super infos, die man sonst kaum bekommt. Danke!
  7. You can find every function of RAT here https://flightcontrol-master.github.io/MOOSE_DOCS/Documentation/Rat.html However, these are really all functions, i.e. also the ones which are used internally in the code. But the internal functions usually (but not always :music_whistling:) start with an underscore. I'll try to find it :)
  8. Let me know how it goes. And if it still does not work, attach the miz file so I can have a look :)
  9. Or conveniently RAT:AddFriendlyAirportsToDepartures() RAT:AddFriendlyAirportsToDestinations() would at all friendly airports for either departure or destination.
  10. Here is another approach. Actually also heavily based on Ciribob's great script but using MOOSE. https://flightcontrol-master.github.io/MOOSE_DOCS/Documentation/Range.html
  11. +1. Good documentation and great support by the developer Hollywood as well!
  12. Is there a way to get the firing range of units (in particular artillery) via scripting, i.e. can these be found in any of the descriptors? I'd like to check if a target, which has been assigned to an arty unit is within range. Because if not, the task fire at point will not be executed. I know where to find the min/max range values in the lua files but I'd like to avoid building my own data base for all arty units. Or alternatively, is there any other way to check that the fire at point task cannot be executed by the arty unit? At the moment I check after a certain time interval if the event shot occurred for the unit. But it would be nice not to wait ~5 min before it is clear that the target is out of range.
  13. Hi pmiceli, good that you attached the miz file straight away. Lua is case sensitive - and in your RAT lua file you have --RAT EMS local RAT1=RAT:new("RAT1") RAT1:spawn(3) --B747 local B747=RAT:new("B747") B747:spawn(3) You need to capitalize the ":New" and ":Spawn" commands, i.e. --RAT EMS local RAT1=RAT:[b]N[/b]ew("RAT1") RAT1:[b]S[/b]pawn(3) --B747 local B747=RAT:[b]N[/b]ew("B747") B747:[b]S[/b]pawn(3) Then it should work :) If not, let me know...
  14. That vid is exactly one year old. But I guess you also knew this already.
  15. Just did a quick test. No issue like describe here either. Any special setting to reproduce?
  16. Frankly, this is not a even a "feature" in quotation marks for me. This is a pain in the :censored: No explanation why, no info that this was changed... First thing you think is that something on your hardware side is not okay. You spend quite some time to figure out what it is until you realize that it was changed in the game suddenly. Bottom line, things like this should be mentioned in the change log. That's what it's there for - old story, I know. Probably many hours of customer time in total wasted because ED could not be bothered to take one minute to write this into the log. Actually, I still don't know what is going on exactly. How is the audio output handled now in comparison to the previous DCS version where my default audio playback device was used?
  17. @Raku, es liest sich lustig aber ich kann mir gut vorstellen, dass es als Betroffener echt nervig ist. Gerade, wenn man dann noch bei der Arbeit Stress hat und seinen Schlaf braucht. Wenn der ganze Umzug etc über die Bühne gegangen ist, kannst Du aber hoffentlich auch drüber schmunzeln.
  18. Hi maverick, code looks fine and should work. Can you check the name of the template group of the F-16 and that it is late activated. If it does not work, attach the mission file please. Then I have a look :)
  19. Already posted in the other thread. But I´'d also like to state here that this new "feature" is very annoying.
  20. Same problem here. I switch my default sound device via the normal windows GUI. However, since DCS 2.5.1 changing the default playback device has no impact any more as soon as DCS has been loaded. Setting the default playback device only works now, if one sets it before starting DCS.
  21. Is is?! Well done, guys :D
  22. Oh, that is fixed?! Nice :beer:
  23. Cool, thanks for the update!
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