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Autsch! Das klingt unerfreulich. Na dann teste ich mal MSAA für dich, so dass Du dann (hoffentlich) gleich mit der vollen Pracht wieder einsteigen kannst, wenn das Problem gelöst ist :)
Ja, der Bereich am Anfang sieht etwas komisch aus. Eigentlich sollte ASW aus sein. Ich drücke immer fleißig CTRL+Numpad 1. Man sieht es ja auch im weiteren Verlauf. Warum die FPS anfangs auf 45 gelockt sind, ist mir schleierhaft. Evtl. muss ich mal das Oculus tray tool mitlaufen lassen. Echt? Ich hab doch schon fast alles recht hoch gedreht und Schatten an ;) Was ich heute Abend noch mal testen werde, ist der Einfluß von MSAA=2x. Dadurch, dass mit dem Mod AA wohl nur auf einen kleineren Ausschnitt angewendet wird, könnte AA wieder möglich sein, ohne dass einem gleich die Hälfte der FPS flöten gehen. Mal schauen... Was für settings benutzt Du den normalerweise? Ich hab ja den Track im englischen Thread gepostet. Wäre auch interessant zu sehen, wieviel FPS Du mit Deinem System rausbekommst.
Ja, hab ich gestern mal angetested: Definitiv ein guter Sprung in den FPS. Auf die Graphik hab ich gestern nicht mehr so genau achten können.
VR Shaders mod for better VR experience
funkyfranky replied to Kegetys's topic in Utility/Program Mods for DCS World
I had a quick go with this mod and it gave me (8700K+1080Ti) quite a boost. To quantify, here is a comparison of the FPS using the DCS vanilla (purple line) and modded (green line) shaders: (click to enlarge) This was a free flight with the F-86F over and near Batumi from south to north. I recorded a track (attached) and let it replay with and without the mod enabled. The first ~45 seconds are over Batumi with the city in the center of the view. After passing Batumi, I briefly looked west at the open sea and then into the sky. After that, I turned east into a forestal area. Over Batumi the FPS increase from 45 to 75 (+-5) so a relative increase of >60%. In the forestal areas FPS with the vanilla shaders increase to 65-70 while the modded shaders are >80 (+20%).. Over the whole track the vanilla shaders give 58 FPS on average. The average with the modded shaders is 82 so a gain of ~24 FPS or around 40%. I used a pixel density of 1.5, MSAA was off, shadows high and terrain object shadows flat. These are the remaining settings: (click to enlarge) So far I only looked at the FPS and not at the graphics quality. But for pure FPS this looks really good :) -
DCS World 2.5.x Caucasus Terrain Textures
funkyfranky replied to Mustang's topic in Texture/Map Mods for DCS World
Thanks for the vid, mate :thumbup: -
JSGME ist gut aber urlalt. Viel besser ist OvGME https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=171956 Die Snapshot Funktion gibt es übrigens auch ;) Aber wie schon gesagt wurde, ist in beiden Fällen unwichtig für das Aktiviren/Deaktivieren der Mods. Nur wenn man sehen möchte, welche Dateien sich nach einem Update geändert haben. Aber das steht auch in der "autoupdate_log.txt" Datei im DCS Installationsverzeichnis. Wie auch immer, eines der beiden Programme ist fast Pflicht, sobald man Mods installieren möchte. Ich könnte jedenfalls nicht ohne.
For me that is not working any more. I'm also on the Oculus beta branch. It was working like a charm but then stopped after some update. Now when setting Oculus home to run as administrator, DCS starts in VR mode, but the screen in the Oculus stays black.
Ich glaub, da müsste man sich wegen des Geschindigkeitsunterschieds was anderes überlegen. Ich denk mal drüber nach. Interessiert mich nämlich auch :)
Oh bugger, I miss that feature. I liked opening DCS without the Oculus home nonsense, which I do not need :(
Wie schon gesagt wurde, ist das mit den ME Tools ziemlich frickelig. Mit ein paar Zeilen MOOSE Skript aber kein Problem :) Hier ein Quick'n'Dirty Video Hab das im englischen Teil mal genauer beschrieben https://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=215825 Da gibt's auch ne Demo Mission, die man sich runterladen und einfach mal laufen lassen kann. Man braucht sich keine Gedanken darum zu machen, die Geschwindigkeiten der beiden Einheiten (Heli-Schiff) aufeinander abzustimmen. Wenn dem Heli der Sprit ausgeht, landet er automatisch auf dem Carrier, wird respawned und nimmt wieder seine Position neben dem Schiff ein. Wegpunkte des Carriers kann man setzen, wie man lustig ist. Nachdem der Carrier seine im ME definierten Wegpunkte abgefahren ist, fängt er wieder beim ersten Wegpunkt an. Das läuft also alles 24/7.
I've seen some people asking about the possibility to have a helo fly in formation with an aircraft carrier. With the ME tools this seems to be quite a hassle when defining the waypoints, i.e. matching the speeds or ETAs of both units etc. Also the situation when the helo runs out of fuel seems problematic. So here is a little MOOSE script where no fiddling around with speeds etc is necessary. Carrier can have any number of waypoints or any speed. The exact offset of the carrier can be specified. When the helo is out of fuel it will land on the carrier, be respawned and then go back on station again. When the carrier has reached its last waypoint, it will automatically start again at its first waypoint and so on. So this script will run 24/7. UPDATE The rescue helo script has now been integrated into an own MOOSE class. This makes the scripting part even simpler (two lines). Here is an example of two rescue helos. One for the "USS Stennis" (spawned in air) and one for the "USS Tarawa", where spawning will happen on the flight deck. -------------------------------- -- Rescue Helo Example Script -- -------------------------------- -- Rescue Helo @ USS John C. Stennis. rescueheloStennis=RESCUEHELO:New("USS Stennis", "Rescue Helo") rescueheloStennis:SetTakeoffAir() -- Helo will be spawned and respawn in air. rescueheloStennis:Start() -- Rescue Helo @ USS Tarawa. rescueheloTarawa=RESCUEHELO:New("USS Tarawa", "Rescue Helo") rescueheloTarawa:Start() -- (Optional) Make carriers patrol their route indefinitely. UNIT:FindByName("USS Stennis"):PatrolRoute() UNIT:FindByName("USS Tarawa"):PatrolRoute() In the script, you only need to specify the name of the carrier unit (here "USS Stennis") and the name of the helo group (here "Rescue Helo"). Features Close formation with carrier. No restrictions regarding carrier waypoints and heading. Automatic respawning on empty fuel for 24/7 operations. Automatic rescuing of crashed or ejected pilots in the vicinity of the carrier. Multiple helos at different carriers due to object oriented approach. Finite State Machine (FSM) implementation. Please find the documentation here. It contains information how you can customize settings via user API functions. Download Note that the Moose.lua file is currently only available on the Moose development branch, which you can download here. An example mission containing the latest Moose.lua and the script above is attached to this post. Hope it helps :) RescueHelo102.miz
VR Shaders mod for better VR experience
funkyfranky replied to Kegetys's topic in Utility/Program Mods for DCS World
Thanks! :thumbup: So to clarify, is it recommended to activate MSAA in combination with this mod? I saw, you use off in your DCS settings. Would that mean, no AA at all or is MSAA done automatically within the "mask area"? -
VR Shaders mod for better VR experience
funkyfranky replied to Kegetys's topic in Utility/Program Mods for DCS World
Cool stuff! Need to check this out tonight :) -
[Official] SimShaker for Aviators
funkyfranky replied to f4l0's topic in PC Hardware and Related Software
Yeah, I would have been surprised if you had not considered all the other options already :) :thumbup: -
[Official] SimShaker for Aviators
funkyfranky replied to f4l0's topic in PC Hardware and Related Software
Could anything correlated like nozzle position or fuel flow be used as a workaround? You think it is worthwhile to open a wishlist thread for the RPM export? I guess there are many guys around here who would love to have that effect included. -
[MOOSE] RAT - Random Air Traffic
funkyfranky replied to funkyfranky's topic in Scripting Tips, Tricks & Issues
Your code looks fine at first glance. Can you attach a mission miz file so I can have a look? -
+1 :dunno:
[MOD] Viggen Warfare Kneeboard Pages
funkyfranky replied to funkyfranky's topic in DCS: AJS37 Viggen
Just tested and it's still working here after the patch. Maybe something went wrong when you reactivated the mod? -
Second that question. Actually for all airports which have two runways.
I strongly agree on this. LDT has many advantages with makes it worth installing it: The intellisense and auto completion (tab) avoid a lot of typos which make your script crash. The intellisense suggests all the right functions available for each MOOSE object. Something you would otherwise need to lookup in the documentation (which not many people do). So you don't miss out functions you might need or are not aware that they even exist. If you put your cursor over a MOOSE object variable, you get the documentation at a glance. If you put your cursor over a MOOSE object/function and hit F3 it automatically jumps to the MOOSE function in the code. You can easily check what is happening in the function which is better than any documentation at times. Probably more that I forgot :) It might be a hassle to install it the first time, but once you got it running, it saves a lot of time.
Which firmware and version are you using?
[Official] SimShaker for Aviators
funkyfranky replied to f4l0's topic in PC Hardware and Related Software
I would also suggest you turn it down a notch. Olaf is developing this program for free in his spare time. You cannot request anything let alone start a rant in this threat. This is totally out of line. And yes, it is my business because if more people start behaving like this, Olaf might just say, "Well, :censored: you guys. I quit." Ever thought of that? So be grateful for what you got. Someone did spend hundreds of hours to develop a software and give it to you - for free. -
Wer gehört denn bei uns zu den "backern" der Pimax?