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Everything posted by funkyfranky

  1. :megalol: I gotta try then :)
  2. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3493517&postcount=9
  3. Im englischen Teil hört es sich so an, als wäre es keine gute VR Option...
  4. Okay, thanks for the heads up, mate. I'll try it out in VR but won't expect much if anything then.
  5. Any first experiences in VR, guys? Have not had the chance to test myself...
  6. In den Einstellungen gibt es jetzt neben MSAA auch eine SSAA Option :) Hat jemand damit schon rumgespielt und kann erste Erfahrungen berichten? Wird das Flimmern dadurch reduziert? FPS Hit in VR etc...
  7. It's worth every penny :)
  8. Thanks! That's great :D And back to topic now...
  9. Cool, I thought this would only be for the Hornet for now. Any idea which other modules have this effect already?
  10. Geschummelt :music_whistling: Big smoke and Fire Objekt auf der Spitze platziert ;)
  11. Kerze brennt ;)
  12. This! They will never include all the functions we need. At least not for my setup. Using OvGME is the best option.
  13. Jap, nach 9 GB update jetzt noch mal 13 GB für die Karte :D Und ich dachte, ich wäre fertig...
  14. Find ich alles super mit den Releases :) Freu mich sowohl auf die Map als auch auf die Hornet! Auf die Map fast noch mehr, die sieht echt klasse aus - sogar bei Nacht :D
  15. Does that mean the lighthouses of the "old" Vive are not supported?
  16. “RAT Zone” is the name of a trigger zone defined in the mission editor. That’s where the planes will fly and despawn. I put it rather close to McCarran because you create a lot of new planes in this example. If the old ones are alive for too long the performance drop. So you have to find a good balance.
  17. I have done a few tests with artillery units using the task FireAtPoint http://wiki.hoggit.us/view/DCS_task_fireAtPoint However, the radius parameter is at least partly ignored. One task was to fire 50 cruise missiles at targets. The radius was set to 300 meters. But all missiles hit at the very same point. It's similar with cannon fire. There the shells spread only in one dimension. So the area that is hit looks more like an ellipse than a circle. Note that the cannon fire does not only affect ships as shown in the image but also other arty units. Here is also a video
  18. Okay, I see. Maybe "enum smoke preset" should be defined somewhere more clearly (or I missed that). I tried 1-8 first and got a "shifted" result because trigger.action.effectSmokeBig(vec3, [b]0[/b], density) gives the small smoke and fire.
  19. This is very strange! I had a look at your script and the mission. Looks fine to me. But somehow, the RAT script was not loading at Mission start. Finally, I deleted the condition "TIME MORE" and it worked. Please try that :)
  20. Thanks Grimes, great news :thumbup: FYI, I think the enumerator numbering is slightly off. It should start at zero (small smoke and fire) and end at seven (huge smoke).
  21. With 2.5.2 my Simshaker stopped working. Removing the vaicom entry in the export.lua makes Simshaker work again. Putting the line back in ==> no Simshaker.
  22. Thanks Hollywood!
  23. RAT v2.2 Showcases High Frequency Outbound Traffic At McCarran International Seven aircraft are spawned at McCarran and begin their journey. Each time an aircraft takes off, a new aircraft is spawned at McCarran. This generates a lot of outbound traffic. The aircraft will fly to a zone at Lake Mead and will be despawned there. MOOSE RAT script: -- Liveries local b737skins={"Air Algerie", "Air Berlin", "Air France", "airBaltic", "Airzena", "AM", "American_Airlines", "British Airways", "C40s", "Clean", "Disney", "EA", "easyjet", "FINNAIR", "HARIBO", "JA", "Jet2", "kulula", "LH", "Lufthansa BA", "Lufthansa KR", "OLD_BA", "OMAN AIR", "PAN AM", "Polskie Linie Lotnicze LOT", "QANTAS", "RYANAIR", "SouthWest Lone Star", "ThomsonFly", "TNT", "Ukraine Airlines", "UPS"} local b737=RAT:New("RAT_B737", "B737 Outbound") b737:SetDeparture("McCarran International Airport") b737:SetDestination("RAT Zone") b737:Livery(b737skins) b737:SetMaxRespawnTriedWhenSpawnedOnRunway(0) b737:StatusReports(false) b737:SetSpawnDelay(60) b737:SetSpawnInterval(10) b737:SetTakeoff("cold") b737:RespawnInAirNotAllowed() b737:RespawnAfterTakeoff() b737:Spawn(7) Activate Uncontrolled Aircraft 44 aircraft are spawned at Henderson Executive Airport in uncontrolled state. Only 30 are activated and begin their mission. They will be respawned (again in uncontrolled state) at the airport they arrived and continue from there once they get activated. During the mission only 30 aircraft will be active. The aircraft that get activated are selected randomly from the pool of uncontrolled aircraft. MOOSE RAT script: -- Skins local cessnaskins={"Blank", "D-EKVW", "HellenicAF", "Muster", "N9672H", "SEagle_blue", "SEagle_red", "USAF-Academy", "V5-BUG", "VH-JGA"} local cessna=RAT:New("RAT_CESSNA", "Cessna Henderson") cessna:SetDeparture("Henderson Executive Airport") cessna:Livery(cessnaskins) cessna:SetSpawnDelay(30) cessna:SetSpawnInterval(0.5) cessna:Uncontrolled() cessna:ActivateUncontrolled(30, 120, 120, 0.5) cessna:ContinueJourney() cessna:Spawn(44) McCarran_Outbound.miz Uncontrolled_Demo.miz
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