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Everything posted by _e10

  1. Habe keine AMD CPU aber ich denke die sollte noch reichen. 8gig RAM mehr werden schon helfen. Wobei du dir überlegen musst, wie lange du Mainboard+CPU noch behalten willst, da dein nächstes Board bestimmt DDR4 Memory haben will und du somit ggf. die +8gig DDR3 RAM "verschwendest"... SSD ist auch nicht verkehrt, m2 (pci) SSD wäre erste Wahl, wobei eine sata SSD auch schon sehr viel bringt (keine Ahnung ob du zwischen m2 und sata beim Zocken wirklich einen Unterschied spürst). Schau nur dass du mind. 256GB nimmst, DCS wird so schnell größer :) Kleiner Tipp: Im Januar soll die neue MX500 Reihe von Crucial verfügbar werden. Könnte Preis/Leistung ganz gut werden. Grafikkarte... hmm... ja da musst du wohl auch was machen :) Allein die 2GB VRAM sind schon zu wenig. Frag nur nicht nach Empfehlungen, erfahrungsmäßig rennen danach alle mit brennenden Mistgabeln durchs Forum... AMD vs Nvidia (u know...).
  2. So... which gift card do I need for the Tomcat? ;)
  3. Ich warte immer noch auf diese "Überraschung"... denke die meinte ja eine im positiven Sinne. Kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass die dermaßen "blind" sind und für einen COMBAT Simulator so einen großen Hype auslösen, nur um am Ende sowas (mit allem Respekt) anzukündigen. Hätten die das Flugzeug ohne Trommelwirbel angekündigt, hätte sich keiner beschwert. Von daher würde ich mich nicht wundern, wenn heute/morgen noch etwas (MiG25 :music_whistling:) bekannt wird. Ansonsten habe die sich damit mindestens ins Bein geschossen.
  4. Thank you so much! Hoping that implementing the Vulcan API makes it possible to create a native linux build (someday) :)))
  5. @Glowing Amraam, any chance to get another awesome wallpaper with a carrier included?
  6. Wenn man das wenigstens genau(er) wüsste... Ich werde mir in naher Zukunft wohl nur EIN Modul kaufen können, daher bin ich mir momentan mit dem Harrier unsicher. Wenn ich wüsste, dass die Hornet noch bis nächstes Jahr braucht, würde ich den Harrier kaufen... ansonsten warten... Leben kann so schwierig sein :smilewink:
  7. Afaik newsletter still on friday and updates on wednesday. There was no update this wednesday because it was not ready yet so the next one will be next wednesday.
  8. Using Linux whenever its possible. I hope DCS will step away from DirectX to Vulkan or whatever in the mid/far future...
  9. Nearly :) Only keep extracted data of "important" mods, not for all mods. Thats the cache. I guess I know what you mean but I am not sure... lets keep it this way before we get kicked for being too "political" :music_whistling: Would have benefits but your argument is valid of course :) So maybe you might want to keep it at the back of your mind for the future, did not test it but it seems to be a good mod anyway.
  10. To this point this is true. When you install a mod it will take the same time but when you enable/disable it you have no performance impact. Hey why are you insulting me that hard? :lol: But yes, the procedure you describe is exactly what I am saying.
  11. I mean something like: Step 1 and 2 like you said above (backup is of course slow when its on a second partition but no change to improve this I guess) 3 - Extract zip data to a folder which is not the game directory and keep it there. This is the "cache" which I mean. Enable mod: Create symlinks to modded data Disable mod: Create symlinks to original backup data Not sure if this breaks the multiplayer integrity check but technically this should work fine. Maybe you can "opt-in" this method so that you have a method (yours) which is slow but works 10/10 and the method I mention which is fast (instant) but might not work in MP (not tested)
  12. Hi, yes I am aware of the "zip optimization". However you could create a small cache for that so the "no time"-replacement kicks in when you just enable/disable the mod but not when "installing" it. There should be no risk of losing data when moving files on the same partition because the actual data is not moved at all only the references in the filesystem are updated :)
  13. @sedenion Hi, I did not try it yet but as far as I understand you are replacing mod files "physically" which means backup the old file and replace (copy) it with the modded file? How about just moving the old file into a backup folder (which takes nearly 0 time) and then replacing it with a symbolic link to the modded file (which takes again about 0 time)? I tried it some time ago and it worked fine. Should give the same results but there is no need to copy files which can take some time... hope you can understand my idea? :) Best regards
  14. Yeah sure but it should just not play the file instead of crashing the game :)
  15. Love the walkman but there is a little bug. I inserted a custom ogg file and removed Song1.ogg. I did not rename my file to Song1.ogg. When I pressed the play button the game crashed. Used the current stable DCS build. No big thing but I thought I mention it anyway :)
  16. Hi, yes I found this one but its not good for wallpaper because of the black border on the top and bottom...
  17. Hi, is it possible to get this... picture in wallpaper size? 4k maybe? Could not find one :( Thanks
  18. _e10

    GUI Style Poll

    Why not adding both and let everyone decide which one he wants to use?
  19. Same here. Tried "Instant Action" free flight and cold start. Cant move throttle. I tried with Keyboard and MS XBox 360 Controller for Windows. DCS repair did not help. I checked the log file and did not find anything special but I attached it anyway. Have a nice day, plane looks awesome, cant wait to start it up ;) dcs.zip
  20. Hi, I´m trying to play some missions generated in the mission editor. But I cant play more than about half an hour. I have created a crash dump of dcs.exe which I can upload for the devs... I wont provide the link here for privacy reasons. Please PM me so I will upload the file (7gb could take a while...) and send you the link. edit: upload should not take a while anymore... compressed to 900mb...
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