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Everything posted by _e10

  1. Hm... that would explain why I killed a friendly some days ago when I was sure I locked up the bandit... good to know, thank you!
  2. Yup, same here. 2k resolution. Would be nice to have a little "cheat" overlay which you can enable like the controls overlay (ctrl+enter) which shows you the ball.
  3. Performance boost can have sooooo many reasons :) I would not expect to see vulkan any time soon.
  4. Threat database is awesome! :thumbup: I guess a weapon list is to come in the future?
  5. Hi, I guess my question is already anwered somewhere else but I could not find anything. Why is it that the weapons of the Viggen are still not listed in the DCS ingame encyclopedia? Do I miss something or is this still "WIP"? Thanks!
  6. Greate server/mission. I wonder if there are weather changes enabled? Everytime I joined the server there was the "default" weather (day, clear sky). I guess you already considered making the weather more dynamic? Sorry if that was asked before.
  7. So am I the only one who thinks the trailer is a bit too "boring"? :music_whistling: Compared to e.g. the new warthog trailer ( ) this seems to be the right plane for a sunday morning flight when the weather is good... if you know what I mean. Dont get me wrong, the trailer is not bad at all, its just not the right choice for a combat plane imo... :)
  8. Sure but a big step closer. And DCS on Linux could also be very interesting for dedic servers in the future.
  9. Same here. More hyped for Vulkan (+Linux support) than for the Hornet :music_whistling:
  10. Hope they add some Insurgency skins...
  11. Meh, had to vote for realism. Would be nice to have a better redfor fighter but... at the end DCS is (and should be) still a simulator. When we now start to trade realism for balance what will come next? Remove the aim-120c? ;)
  12. Very entertaining to watch. If you allow a little feedback: Maybe you could use a controller or joystick to move the camera in some (kind of cinematic) situation which looks way smoother than using the mouse. Thanks to everyone for the efforts!
  13. Really? Where do you have this information from? Good news...
  14. More related to DCS in general if allowed... I would like to hear one or two more words about Linux support (dedicated server, Vulkan, etc.) Thanks.
  15. All good but I dont understand why this was not mentioned before to avoid all that "misunderstanding" of the last few days... A good example of failed communication :smilewink:
  16. You mean someting like texture streaming I guess and I agree, this could help but its not the root cause. I have DCS on my m2 SSD, 1GB+/s read speed. It takes over 5 seconds until some planes are loaded in the encyclopedia... I cant find a valid reason for this...
  17. Looks really greate but I wonder if the transition between sand/grass and runway or streets in general is WIP? Looks a bit weired when there is zero sand on the runway, not even on the edges... yeah I know... very minor :)
  18. _e10

    RSS Feed?

    Hi guys, is there a possibility to subscibe to a forum (e.g. Official Updates) via RSS feed? Afaik only email is possible or do I oversee someting? Would be very cool... email is so.... 20th century :thumbup: Thanks!
  19. Yup, me too. Maybe you should have created a vote because its easier to see the result of your question :)
  20. Call me crazy but... its Vulkan for me (still hoping to run DCS on Linux some day) :)
  21. _e10

    Intel CPU Bug

    https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=KB4054022 Vorsicht, Microsoft sagt selber es gibt "known issues"...
  22. _e10

    Intel CPU Bug

    Wenn das so stimmen würde... leider nicht der Fall, der Kernel spielt bei vielen weiteren Dingen mit... allein schon bei so "Kleinigkeiten" wie Datum/Uhrzeit :) Wer technisch ein wenig bewandert ist, sollte sich die Papers dazu durchlesen, interessant. Ich habe den gesamten Thread nicht gelesen, daher entschuldigt falls ich gerade jemanden wiederhole. Es ist im Grunde nicht EIN Bug... sondern zwei (Meltdown/Spectre). Außerdem ist nicht nur Intel betroffen. https://meltdownattack.com/meltdown.pdf https://spectreattack.com/spectre.pdf
  23. Alles auf max und dann Hardware nachschieben bis es flüssig läuft :music_whistling: Wirf beim Testen noch zusätzlich zum FPS Counter ein paar Hardwarestatistiken (CPU, GPU, Memory, Festplatte, etc.) rein, dann weißt du auch direkt wo ggf. ein Flaschenhals ist. Ich würde mit den Tests aber auf DCS 2.5 warten... da wird sich einiges ändern...
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