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Everything posted by MemphisBelle

  1. Well, half a year back that was an intersting Information, indeed. But as said...hald a year ago. Would be nice to know where they are now and how they progress, wouldn´t it?
  2. What do you expect? It's been out since just a few days. Lets talk about VR performance once it's fully released.
  3. And once again no single word about Huey Multi-Crew. It´s been mentioned around Kates Road map along with a little sneak peek and a release window of May. Since we passed that timeframe...dead silence. I know that it is still being worked on. But that's the case also for other stuff which is regularly mentioned in updates and newsletters as well. I don't expect to have a fixed release date, I know that this is not possible. I just want to have some signs of life, what's the progress, whats the difficulties...these are things mentioned for other things too, why not Huey Multi-Crew? Is it so hard to give us Rotor guys some info?
  4. Not the same topic, but... Has the Team any information regarding Huey Multi Crew? Dead Silent except for the infos you gave me concering sync issues. Haven't they yet be able to fix it, or has it even dropped in priority? Would at least be nice to read somethings about this in the next news...
  5. Thanks a lot guys, and also thanks to you Miles for the answer to my question. I highly apreciate it.
  6. Watching these Videos and listening to these click sounds really made me wonder how long they will last, don't get me wrong, it is just so that Videos doesn't necessarily represent the reality, that is the very simple Reason I asked for...so why is that an invalid question, I dont get it? Aren´t you questioning certain things before you buy anything? The last part of your answer would have been the only part you should have been written as it gives exactly the answer to the question I asked for.
  7. have you made a test of the buttons? How many clicks will they be able to perform before they don't respond anymore? Are there any values available?
  8. Hallo, I dont know whether this issue has already been reported, so far I wasn´t able to find anything. I stumbled about some randomly placed Trucks in the Town of Belorechensk, North West of Maykop Airfield in Grid EK65. They seem to be slipped through the latest map update and haven´t been removed before release. By the time I´ve tried to reproduce the issue, no mods were installed Video recorded Video Images
  9. after you hook the Cargo, record the length of the rope. Then on Approch to your dropzone just decent in a straight glidepath ca. 20 feet higher than recorded ropelength above the dropzone and gently drop it untill autounhook disconnects the Cargo.
  10. @BIGNEWY will we then have Huey Multi-Crew? It wasn't mentioned at all since the latest info updated. We somewhat have expected it to be available yesterday...any chance we´ll get it on June 3rd?
  11. @ED, thanks to this update, and thanks for the Supercarrier. But can we receive some information about Huey Multi-Crew? We somewhat have expected it to be available by today.
  12. oh well, Interesting the altitude you´ve set...trying it out as well OK..lol, it works now..great, thx...but the AI Infantry doesn't see them selfs nonetheless. Too bad, I had hope that BF Illumination will the AI Infantry finally make them see again at night. Too bad it doesn't.
  13. Hello everybody, I´m wondering how to use this trigger Action (Illuminating Bomb). When I´m activating it, then nothing happen. I know that these ones can be dropped by Aircraft, but why are these available as trigger actions whereas they only stuck in the ground.
  14. Welcome to the Community, or shall I say welcome back :). Unfortunately, I can't help you out with your Project. The only Tutorials I can direct you to are module related Tutorials which covers the "how to fly that damn thing", but no SimPit Tutorials. Good luck with your Pit.
  15. Does someone have experiences with using the Kneeboard current position mark point function on a custom map tile? I´m using a tile from a custom Caucasus map and brought it into the Kneeboard, but it´s not possible to get the mark point symbol displayed on it...is that something that would need to be modded?
  16. ok, that's then a weird thing. I was pretty sure he forgot that switch I was referring to, especially when he said that it does work in a hot Heli. I never had an issue with the RadarAltim, so I don't think that this is a bug EDIT: Stupid question @v2tec, but did you activated the inverter switch and set the generator switch from start to standbyGen?
  17. All these suggestions are right, but these guys forgot tell you to activate the Radar Altimeter by setting the Radar Alt on/off switch at the end of the Overhead Panel (behind the Cirquit breakers) - a single switch. Set this in the ON position and then use the left dial on the Radar Altimeter to switch it on.
  18. awesome work Avantar, thanks a lot
  19. at very first feedback...Your script example works, and the unit is spawning now randomly within the Trigger...so +1 for that :). Now I´ve another question if you don't mind. Is there a way on spawning smoke markers and signal flares on this particular unit after it was randomly spawned? My current issue is that the smoke marker will only remember the position placed in the ME but not receive the current and new position of the unit which is pretty odd considering that the trigger rule refers clearly to the unit... This is the trigger rule I´ve created
  20. yep, that is the solution I´m using at the moment and it works as very well. This thread is looking for alternate solutions and of course asking ED to add new features to the ME. Generally, I´m like you and try to maximize the ME possibilities.
  21. awesome Pikey, Your suggestion may not be a no-script solution but it is nonetheless exactly what I was looking for, I still hope that ED will consider adding features to the Editor so that more randomized Mission can be created. But with you suggestion, I´m having something good to work with, thank you.
  22. Yeah I know, but not everyone has the knowledge to write own scripts Imagine the following scenario. A Huey is supposed to pick up Casualties from an Area. You don't want to spawn the casualties every mission at the same spot, that simply doesn't make any sense...it is fun the first time, but with the 2nd or 3rd run it gets boring. I´m using flags to make it happen to randomly spawn Infantry on 7 different spots and each time we fly the Mission the Inf spawns at another spot...or not at all. This is what I mean with dynamic ...not linear. It would be so much easier with an (OR) Option in the Action rule to make the game spawn the Infantry (to stick with my example) randomly. If you know how to make this possible by using a script, I´d be more than happy to use it :)
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