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Everything posted by peeter

  1. Hello, Watching a Kiowa video I got an idea. The pilots put a lot of stuff behind the windshield, would be great to have a kind of book/kneeboard and when we click on it, the kneeboard appear. So we don't have to keybind something to see the kneeboards. http://prntscr.com/rvy5is
  2. But if I remember, ED want to release the P47 with the chanel map. I don't know if this is still up to date
  3. Me too... So they can work on the mossie instead xD
  4. Well, to keep it not "balance" but "accruate" we could have a Tempest V after the 262. Those bird were fast :D
  5. Yep, first 2 engine, ground attacker in dcs warbird :D And if you sneack behind a fw190, those 4 20mm can do some damage ! But I think the k4 and D9 are still faster than the mossie with their cheat.. i mean MW50 on
  6. What are those 2 big red button on the right side ?
  7. Cancelled I guess, this aircraft was never in use anyway
  8. Hello. Will we get only one version of the mossie or two ? (like the spit with two set of wings) i'm thinking about the mossie with the 57mm autocanon to attack u-boat and tanks :D
  9. peeter

    N430 nav?

    Well, it's up to player to buy or not the GPS. It would be very great to see it implemented in the huey. Is this really difficult to do ? I mean both are ED product and the huey have some space on the dashboard. maybe I don't realize the amount of work needed to do so...
  10. Now we can't refuel/rearm anymore when engines are on. We have to stop both engines, request rearl/refuel and then turn on engines
  11. Well, I'n not EDIT: sorry this bug is for the f-14 tomcat, can you delete this topic i'll create a new one
  12. Now we can't refuel/rearm anymore when engines are on.
  13. Even with no contest or map to win we would be happy to create skins and "help" DCS development, so ED could use their ressources for other tasks ! (But I assume creating the paint kit is by far the most time-consuming task) Yes maybe choose 10 or so skins...
  14. Here is an other one: Fw 190A-4 of II./JG 2 flown by Group Commander Dickfeld, Tunisia 1942 Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/v0yysu27ovjwbcc/AACRUz5RnIsxEJ-JcF0Y53v4a?dl=0
  15. Hello, Here is my skin, it is inspired by the 5.JG54 who fight on the USSR front. Screens in game: The wing tip are not yellow because some aircraft didn't have it (cf. picture) EDIT: - White outline for the board number - Yellow under the nose - camouglage on the nose extended lower dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/j8kfp1t1njcgq1h/AAAte6HW_RVgMUTYZWHWcGBaa?dl=0 Edit2: Weirdly, you have to be on a computer if you want to see the in game screenshots...
  16. Hey Polychop, will we be able to change the pencil marker picture in the DCS settings (like a cross, dot, chevron etc))
  17. it's an "AN/AAR-57 Common Missile Warning Systems" http://prntscr.com/pvkw61 The screen come from this document: https://books.google.fr/books?id=57UHMjhYcpsC&pg=PA20&lpg=PA20&dq=kiowa+CMWS&source=bl&ots=2KwzkOwKRS&sig=ACfU3U3cEd9dC-Ug1X4pglXf3KfIsJg3Pw&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi5z5_n_-LlAhWRMBQKHRtbBqMQ6AEwBXoECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=kiowa%20CMWS&f=false
  18. I belive polychop already have plans for the next chopper after the oh-58D Kiowa
  19. I think it will be part of the new damage model. First, warbird, then jet and ground units
  20. Talking about balancing, the fa18 (and f-16) are much more capable planes with next generation avionics. The top players are often fa18 for exemple. It's sometimes hard with the f14 withing 25nm because the radar struggle to lock and have an iff is a nightmare. Hopefully de have the TV camera but de need to get 8nm from enmy to iff visually. That is why I rather have 2 mk60 than 4 mk47. (Also that is an other topic but I Wonder which team will get the oh58D kiowa :D)
  21. hey I have a question : Why does the AIM-54 Mk 60 are ban ? I rather only have 2 Mk 60 than 4 Mk 47... And if you said "because it's OP" what about the aim-9x ? Anyway thanks for this fabulous server :D
  22. Hi, I have a question Can you operate the MMS and the hellfire on the pilot position or do we need to Switch co-pilot ?
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