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  • Flight Simulators
    X-Plane, DCS
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    Zurich Area
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  1. We are still is Open for F-18 , F-16 , F-4, AH-64D and OH-58D.
  2. I suggest you add US Tags and maybe a [US] in the title so ppl can quickly figure out that you guys fly in US timezones.
  3. I'm not sure if that's disabling quad views tbh, but I'll check FPS, was running 45 average with QuadViews so I'd expect to see stuttering without. Edit: I have comparable FPS as before, are you 100% sure disabling eyetracking disables QuadViews?
  4. FYI if you disable Eyetracking (in the Pimax software for my headset), it works. Just without eyetracking obv. but tbh I'm surprised how little of a difference it makes for me with 25% width+height on quad focus area at 100% resolution 75% sharpness and 10% on the surrounding with 20% transition area.
  5. 13th Combat Aviation Brigade (Helicopter wing of CJTF-13) Recruiting AH-64D and OH-58D pilots and CPGs https://forum.dcs.world/topic/350507-13th-cab-eu-milsim-helicopter-bde
  6. All the best guys, greetings from the rotorheads
  7. EUROPEAN BASED - 13th CAB - Combat Aviation Brigade Part of CJTF-13 Joint Task Force Recruiting AH-64D and OH-58D Pilots and CPGs We follow real-life procedures as closely as possible, we use strict radio communications, and train HARD to get to a high level of virtual flying! This type of flight simming is not for everyone, because it requires a certain mindset, time commitment, and motivation to do it right - like holding a stationary hover, applying tactics, and radio communications. If you are looking for short, action-packed missions that are all about killing tanks and risking the helicopter, 13th CAB is NOT the place for you. the 13th CAB is THE PLACE TO BE if: - You are looking for realistic, in-depth planned events that include fighter jets. - You are willing to train in parade and tactical formations. - You are prepared to train the basics like hovering and radio comms to the extent that they become muscle memory and automatisms. - You can take just as much pride in a successful mission without a shot fired, but a safe landing back home, as one with 16 enemy vehicles destroyed. 13th CAB staff provides organized training events and supports you on the way to becoming mission-qualified. The 13th CAB holds its weekly Mandatory Event on SUNDAY @ 1945 CE(S)T (Summer Time 1745Z, Winter Time 1845Z). The 13th CAB holds its weekly Training Sessions on Thursday @ 2030 CE(S)T (Summer Time 1830Z, Winter Time 1930Z). The minimum requirements for joining the 13th CAB are as follows: – Being PROACTIVE, willing to read study material and perfect your skills in your own time, outside of regular training events – Being able to conduct a stationary hover pedal-turn to maneuver around tight forward bases (FOB and FARP). – Demonstrating basic experience using the navigation, sensor, and weapons systems. – Able to speak and understand proficient ENGLISH; communication is key to success, we need to understand each other – Using HOTAS or HOCAS and pedals, as well as head tracking or virtual reality – Owning the aircraft module of your choice and required maps (see CJTF-13 recruitment post) If you are interested in joining us please visit our website or join our discord and simply contact one of our recruitment officers (with CJTF Staff tag) Website: https://tawdcs.org/battalion/cjtf Discord: https://discord.com/invite/tawdcs If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or directly message me on Discord: my ID tag is @eteokles
  8. Ok it can be closed, I had some ammo crates standing around in my ARP Pit within my FOB, removing them cleared the issue.
  9. In several occurences when landing and taking off from the ground, especially near N34° 01.103' E036° 03.740', I encountered issues that the wheels glitch into the ground. In the trackfile attached, I landed and felt the right wheel just not stop on the ground and my helicopter rolling over. In the other trackfile it happened on lift-off. Now we use Mods to build the FOB here, but on the ground itself there's nothing, no AM2mat or anything, just plain wheel on ground. Trackfiles here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NRd1CWnasS78nAayVJ74p-g3c7bQFUre/view?usp=sharing
  10. According to physics, .57in should be +500ft altitude. In the F-15E, it's 1:10 exactly
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  11. Yeah we did, SH works, but that's a workaround, not a solution.
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