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Everything posted by MagicMeeks

  1. Have not had a chance to test either but am also very curious. Anyone have an update? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. This issue is still present as of 11/18/21 on latest Open Beta
  3. @davidp57, I tried changing the .lua file and it worked for the first server boot. After that, I am noticing that it will auto select the 2nd mission in the list and then only load that mission. The "listStartIndex" no longer works. To walk around this, I have been editing the .lua and deleting out all the "missionlist" names before re-loading the server and then manually loading the mission I wanted to host from the gui.
  4. I will try making that change later this evening. Thank you for passing that along!
  5. I am having the exact same issue! I was just going to start a thread until I saw yours. When hosting my own dedicated server, I cannot change missions. It will basically default to one mission in my mission list and cannot be changed or deleted. I can start any of my other missions and it will show running new mission but on the client side it still shows and loads into the “defaulted” mission (not the indicated mission). The only walk-around I have found is to delete the contents of my “saved games” folder and treat the server like it is fresh but the issue will still persist after a shutdown and restart.
  6. This issue is still present in 2.7. Is anyone at ED looking at this?
  7. I tried again this morning after a repair. It still is doing the same thing. Also tried different modes before I SSS Depress. Attached is Trk file. 8-1-19.trk
  8. I am currently having this same issue. I have unbound Sensor Select Depress and rebound it and have the same result.
  9. So maybe this has already been answered. But with this hotfix/walkaroud, if we restore to our old custom bindings but then after, re-save them, will they be in the new correct format that the new default bindings are now in? Edit: by re-save, I mean save so that they export out and can be re-loaded/imported back to the game
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