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  1. Miles or not the $56 price tag seems more than fair to me. It is cheaper than the Mirage and is a model of a much newer air frame.
  2. With so many features being added to all of DCS' modules, the training missions seem to suffer in lack of updates to include new features. This makes learning a module harder than it should need be! And while there are YouTube creators and content out there in the wild. It is a huge pain to scour the net to find something that should be in the training to begin with. Pleas oh please on bended knee upgrade your training missions so we can all be better pilots.
  3. There is an amazing TWCS Bearing upgrade kit on ETSY that is a must have for that throttle. It can be found here = https://www.etsy.com/listing/968346749/slider-upgrade-kit-thrustmaster-t16000m?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=twcs+upgrade+kit&ref=sr_gallery-1-3&edd=1&pop=1&organic_search_click=1 As for a better Stick that the Thrustmaster I recommend the KVB Evo. It is the best mid range stick out there. It has many buttons and adjustable clutching and also comes with different spring sets to customize to your liking. If your a Helo only person you can even take the springs out all together.
  4. Ibuypower & cyberpower pc are good places to start if shopping for a new PC. That said your 1080ti will run a quest 2 on dcs just fine. Using a quest 2 you will want to get "Neck Saver" so you can check six.
  5. I was going to start a topic on this and see there is one. George constantly crashes the Apache when I am in the CPG seat. If I ask him to hover so I can search for targets he fails to control torque and nothing to stop a stall once it starts. He's crashed me at low alts and high alts at fast speeds and slow speeds it does not matter. Also in Combat Mode when I've asked George to break right or left he likes to drive the Apache right into the ground. Poor George needs to concept of how to manage his torque and have some understanding that the ground should be avoided. And no, I don't have track files because I have anger issues and rage quit when ole George crashes me into the ground.
  6. Weapon Utility page, make sure the Laser is armed. That said; I've had this issue as well after changing a load out on instant action. I'm not sure if it is a bug or an error on my part.
  7. Your the monkey in the cockpit that is suppose to be paying attention. =P
  8. These might help. I can't take credit for them. Think I found them in the User Downloads. APACHE_PILOT_V3-3.pdf APACHE_CPG_V3-2.pdf
  9. A person needs to take into account that everyone runs on a different system. When it comes right down to it, YOU the user are responsible for your OWN optimization. By that I mean your are limited by a host of factors on your end rather than the developers programing. Your CPU, GPU and RAM will always dictate what you can and can not do. If you are biting off more than your PC can chew then it is up to YOU to scale things back. Mission editing and latency also play a role. And latency can be a real killer if your high ping.
  10. I use a TWCS throttle with bearing upgrade and just reverse the direction, rather then push forward I'm pulling back and it works just dandy! But, at the end of the day the devices we put our hands on really effect the immersion value. So it will be down a persons want/need vs budget. If your a smart cookie there is always Arduino and the 3D printer and building your own!
  11. What quarter of 2022 can we expect the F-4? Is it coming sooner or later?
  12. HUD pitch ladder brightness doesn't seem to be working. While flying instant action in the Nevada free flight it sets you up flying at dusk. The hud gives green glare and when I attempt to adjust the huds brightness rolling the dimmer switch has zero effect on the hud. I'm running an older Nvidia gtx 1070 and seem to recall there may be a setting that needed to be changed? Not sure. Is this a bug or an operator malfunction on my part? Added a photo. The green blob really makes it hard to see!
  13. If I were a betting man, I'd say we may not see the Apache until Valentines day.
  14. I doubt it. The Apache has to carry a lot of weight for its own weapons load. It is a tool designed for a specific job and sling loading ain't one of them. That said, I'm not ED and am just offering my own guess.
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