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Everything posted by Floyd

  1. Here's a link to the thread: http://forum.lockon.ru/showthread.php?t=14088 a link to my solution: http://forum.lockon.ru/showpost.php?p=169851&postcount=65 some many more info on page 8 of the thread. I think it was related to dual core processors and new SF drivers in patch 1.12a.
  2. IMHO the problem is related to the new game he installed and which uses StarForce, too. If this game came with newer drivers there is a chance that Lockon may not run/start any more. One can test this by uninstalling all Starforce drivers (removal tool and checking in non-PnP-drivers manually to be sure all got removed) and start Lockon. The old drivers should be installed again. Btw, uninstalling the new game probably didn't uninstalled the SF drivers (therefore the removal tool, check http://www.star-force.com). As he told about activation keys he is running the non-CD version - and Lockon run ok before installing the new game. Best would be to contact SF support.
  3. A link to the old thread, but i use the CD version: http://forum.lockon.ru/showthread.php?t=14088
  4. Ok, i'm no StarForce-expert, but you may try this: start device manager, click 'view' and select 'display hidden devices' (running a non-englisch XP here). You will see a list of non-PnP-drivers, including Starforce. Make sure nothing is left over when you uninstalled the drivers. Otherwise you can email to StarForce and explain the problem: support@star-force.com
  5. I was asking because i had the problem that the game froze at 30% of the Starforce identification window at startup. So, you click the icon on desktop and what happens then?
  6. Hi, can you be more specific? When and where does it stop exactly?
  7. Well, i was reading Cali's posting and it was my first thought as i saw this 'ED Testers Team'-label with his name. I'm surprised that after several patches, addons and enhancements there are still these problems with missiles and sensors. You may find it 'out of line' but i'm really wondering why we have to 'fight' and discuss over something that is so essential for a sim with modern jets. The missile's model have changed several times over the last 2 years or so and it looks as if they reinvent the wheel with every patch and it is always the next patch that might fix the problems, but "No promises!" Oh, and I won't call the testers lazy - my remark is to be seen in context with Cali's posting.
  8. Now tell us what you've tested - enlighten me ;)
  9. Makes me wonder what the "ED Testers Team" tested ... and if you want us to adept i'll ask you to what? This "sim" is going downhill - just the same way we saw it with F/A-18.
  10. He won't make half a mile to the Darwin award - what a loser ... and lousy player.
  11. Never installed it, my XP language version required some support contract.
  12. Ok, some more info there: http://forum.lockon.ru/showpost.php?p=82426&postcount=6 in this thread: http://forum.lockon.ru/showthread.php?t=9207&highlight=dual+core
  13. It will do no harm. Get the zip file and and unzip, no matter where. Then change the command line for Lockon to something like this: C:\procaff\procaff.exe /run 1 "C:\Programme\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\lockon.exe" You have to choose your drive(s) and path(s) and put spaces around "/run" and "1". If you want to "uninstall", just delete it. There is no fancy install/uninstall and nothing will be changed in the registry. Source code is included.
  14. I'm reading from your compu's specs that you run dual core. Are you using the 'procaff' tool to bind the lomac process to one core? IIRC you'll see lot of stuttering w/o it. I own an X2 4400 and there is no need for a FPS tweak. Here's a link - just in case: http://www.stefan-kuhr.de/procaff/main.php3
  15. Yeah, and that's what i'm worried about. The step from Flanker 2.51 to Lomac 1.0 took several years, IIRC. So it's Tank Killers in 2007 and the F-16 sim in 2008.
  16. I might be wrong and can't find the first discussion of the sequels in this forum, but wasn't it said that the F-16 sim needs a new game engine and general overhaul? So i don't see that sim in the 1 year realease cycle.
  17. I've read it on SimHQ, but the site is down atm due to disk error. Some reading there: http://forums.frugalsworld.com/vbb/showthread.php?t=102291 and there: http://forums.frugalsworld.com/vbb/showpost.php?p=1169788&postcount=55
  18. Some other people see flight simming not as a game, but as their hobby and get a bit nervous and frustrated seeing a diminishing community. Therefore it's ok to ask for more planes/features etc to keep interest and pilot numbers high. The tone is sometimes too sharp, but just shows how sensible the simmer is when discussing "his" simulation (i wouldn't exclude myself here :redface: ) Soon? This is IMHO a very optimistic perpective. I remember the time from an official Lockon announcement to the actual release date and the problems in the beginning. If they'll develop a new game/graphics/sim engine i'll gues it will take several years (wasn't there a sim called "Tank Killer" planned before the F-16 sim?) 1.2 must not be the only sim to keep one happy, there will be BoB and Lead Pursuit announced the work on an F4:AF sequel with DX9 graphics (no details yet, so it might be a different plane than the F-16).
  19. Yep, checked it. I'm a relict of a more civilized period long ago ... and outta here.
  20. You say you've read in the briefing of a 169th map that vulching is ok? Not doubting your word, just wanna clarify. Edit: ok, they allow it; checked it.
  21. Maybe in your squad - all squads i've known so far damn it.
  22. extraneous should be the word of 2006 :D If people fly this game in the way that's most fun for them then let'm fly with 54's all day long, vulching and all else.
  23. I know the 169th back from the F/A-18 days and i can tell you they are top notch pilots so anyone who is willing to fly versus more than 2 of them (being on comms) must be new to the game ... eh, sim ... or stupid. But if you wanna lose ... ever thought there's a reason for ICE to fly with his team? Same story for the other squads :D
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