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Flight Simulators





Found 12 results

  1. Introduction SharkPlanner has started a MOD for entry of waypoints into ABRIS and PVI-800 of DCS Ka-50 attack helicopter. The mod enables entry of: waypoints into ABRIS/PVI-800/NADIR fix points (used for INU/INS corrections) target points (used for autopilot ingress, SHKVAL slewing and DL operations) review of elevation profile along route Meanwhile SharkPlanner supports additional modules... FAQ How does it work? SharkPlanner runs as a LUA script hook and is able to utilize DCS's native UI in order to deliver minimalistic UI without requiring external application. Does it break integrity check? No, SharkPlanner is not deployed in your game installation folder. Do I need binary/exe? No, SharkPlanner runs within the DCS, and as such does not require external tools to run. Which DCS versions are supported? Minimal requirement is 2.8 either stable or openbeta. Which airframes are supported? BlackShark 3: Ka-50 version 2022 BlackShark 3: Ka-50 version 2011 BlackShark 2: Ka-50 Combined Arms (only information gathering) Gazelle: SA-342L Gazelle: SA-342M Gazelle: SA-342Minigun F-16C JF-17 Thunder How do I report bugs? Open the issues, read existing open issues to quickly figure out if your issue is already reported, and if you find none create new issue. Please try to be precise and provide the steps for reproduction and if needed: screenshots if available links to video if available mission file if available (needs to be renamed into zip, I recommend my_mission.miz.zip) dcs.log, located at %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Logs or %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\DCS\Logs If you do not have github account you can post error report here and I will create the issue on github page. Installation instructions Download the latest release. The needed package is named like this: SharkPlanner-VERSION.zip Unpack the content of the zip file into %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Scripts or %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\DCS\Scripts depending on version of the DCS you are using. Start or restart DCS Usage instructions Start DCS Hop into your Black Shark Switch to F10 mode Hit: CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE You should see a crosshair in the middle of screen. Above crosshair the following buttons are located: Hide, Add, Reset, Transfer as well as label showing current and maximal number of waypoints. Use your mouse to zoom and pan to your point of interest, and use Add button to select your waypoints. Once you add at least one waypoint, you can click on Transfer button and SharkPlanner will start entering waypoints/fixpoints/targetpoints into ABRIS and PVI-800. It is recommended to do this on ground for maximal accuracy. If you would like to create a new route, hit Reset and go to step 5. To hide SharkPlanner hit again: CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE Removal instructions To remove SharkPlanner: Delete file %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Scripts\Hooks\SharkPlanner.lua or %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\DCS\Scripts\Hooks\SharkPlanner.lua depending on version of the DCS you are using. Delete folder %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Scripts\SharkPlanner or %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\DCS\Scripts\SharkPlanner depending on version of the DCS you are using. Restart DCS if it was running Kudos TheWay is a very cool project which enables entry of waypoints for a rather large number of DCS airframes. My initial motivation was to provide the ABRIS support as code contribution to TheWay, but ABRIS proved to be very challanging to implement within existing framework since coordinates entry can be done only non-numerically through dials. This limitation has resulted in large changes that could not be easily harmonized and tested with existing code base. Please note that TheWay remains to be the most comprehensive software for waypoint entry in DCS and is highly recommended to use for all other supported aircrafts. You can use both SharkPlanner and TheWay as long as you remember not to invoke transfer of waypoints at the same time! DCS Scratchpad provided the idea how to inject the UI and trigger it with a keyboard shortcut.
  2. I am getting this error inside my dcs.log in latest openbeta invalid cx data <weapons.missiles.MBDA_Mistral><./CoreMods/aircraft/SA342/SA342_Weapons.lua> As a consequence I gather that mistral is not configured as declared.
  3. Hello fellow DCS World players, For some reasons, I am trying to find a way to make the helicopter flight model in the game easier for some kids to learn with. Specifically, I would like to reduce the movements around the yaw axis so that the helicopter is more stable at low speeds for exemple . I have a few ideas for how this might be achieved and I was hoping to get some feedback on their feasibility: 1. Using a script to modify the behaviour of the aircraft in real time (it would act like a kind of auto-pilot, modifying the axis if they go under a certain value). I know how to export the different flight data thanks to the Export.lua file and I was wondering if we could use this data to modify the behavior of the aircraft. 2. Editing the .lua files (like the fm or the general configuration of the game etc). Also, is it possible to set a minimun altitude wich the helicopter cannot go below ? If anyone has experience with moding or scripting in DCS World, or if you have any other suggestions for my project, I would greatly appreciate any help or guidance you could provide. I understand that it might not be possible to make significant changes to the flight model, but I would still be grateful for any insights or advice you might have. Thank you in advance for your time and help!
  4. 11th Separate Army Aviation Regiment - EU Based We are a small Group of Casual DCS Players. We are simulating a real existing Ukrainian Helicopter Squadron. Our Language is English and we are flying all Kind of Helicopters but also Fixed Wing Aircraft. Mainly playing PvE but also looking into maybe joining Blueflag again. Open for new Players with certain maturity but still focused on Fun. No Skill requirement, new Players welcome to learn together to fly Helicopters and Planes. We Fly Transport and Attack Missions and are trained with CTLD/CSAR Script. Roster: 11thSAAR Tobas 11thSAAR Vanguard 11thSAAR RedEffect 11thSAAR Azvel 11thSAAR Scase
  5. Now Available for Public Download! ⟽ ★ FARP Hollywood Caucasus [Helicopter Sandbox] - All Helo Modules (Single or Multiplayer) by Element ★ ⟾ Tasked based helicopter sandbox mission for the Caucasus Map that will offer hours and hours of flying time with over 100+ LZs for all DCS Helo modules. This can be played in single or multiplayer. From troop transport to ground assault tasks this sandbox has a little of everything! Features: - 100+ LZs - CSAR Tasks - Troop Insertsions - Troop Extractions - Logistical Operations - Attack Chopper Target Area - View Player Stats via F10 Menu (If enabled), plus much more! FARP Hollywood Other FARPS Instructions: Select an assignment using F10 menu. All assignments will vary in difficulty and be within range 12-28nm distance away from home base, logical task can run even further. Runtime could be between 25-45+ minutes depending on distance. Logistical task can take even longer. You must be at FARP Hollywood on the ground to select a task unless its a logistical crate mission. Troops will auto load and unload if doing a troop transport operation such as insertions, extractions, CSARs provided you are landing in the correct LZ. Want to fly with a buddy/friends? No problem. Just have the lead select the mission using F10 menu while the budd(ies) wait for instructions by the flight lead. (Ex. Have an escort for your troop ins ert operation) ⟽ Ambush Attacks⟾ Hueys and Mi8s must always be vigilant while in enemy territory as you may run into enemy ground forces in route to your LZs. You must survive throughout your entire mission even on the return trip. Smaller allied FARPS are also located within the mission to assist you on your journey for repairing, rearming, and refueling. Possible SAM THREAT. Fast and low is the way to go. You have been warned! ⟽ Ground Assault Tasks ⟾ All helicopters can perform ground assault strikes. Selected via F10 Ground Assault menu. Then Select how many players using F10 menu again. A will be taking on the mission. You will be assigned a target area. Fly to this area, seek out and destroy your targets and return to FARP Hollywood. ⟽ Troop Transport Tasks ⟾ Missions for the Uh-1 Huey and Mi8 can be selected via F10 menu. If landing in the correct area/lz troops will auto load and unload. No menu diving. While other FARPs are available to assist you, FARP Hollywood will always be your finial destination UNLESS otherwise instructed. (This does not apply to logistical operations as your finial destination could be away fr om FARP Hollywood). ⟽ Logistical Tasks ⟾ This mission also provides logistical tasks transporting crates and other containers through the campaign.You may be assigned to transport objects to other FARPS and or warehouse/supply depots. Most locations will have an ADF freq to assist with navigation. See below for freqs. Simply Select task using F10 menu. ★ Radio Freqs ★ FARP Hollywood: 40 Mhz FM Homing FARP London & MASH (Rearm, Refueling, & Hospital) Freq: 41 Mhz FM Homing (Hospital for Medivac Use Only) FARP Dallas Camp (Rearm & Refueling) Freq: 42 Mhz FM Homing Pad 1 ATC: 126.3 Mhz AM ★ Warehouses/Supply Depots Freq ★ Muhuri Supply Depot - Freq 49.10 Mhz FM Homing Zugdidi Ammunitions Depot - Freq 49.50 FM Homing FARP Freq Above ★ SRS and Other Freqs Recommendations for Servers ★ General Comms: 32 Mhz FM (SRS) KA-50 & SA342s Presets: Ch 1 - FARP Hollywood 40.0 Mhz Ch 2 - FARP London 41.0 Mhz Ch 3 - FARP Dallas 42.0 Mhz To Enable LIVE STATS You will need to edit your MissionScripting.lua file. Edit your MissionScripting.lua ("C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\Scripts") so EasyStats may create and save data. Comment out sanitizeModule('os'), sanitizeModule('io'), sanitizeModule('lfs'), and require It should look something like this... do --sanitizeModule('os') --sanitizeModule('io') --sanitizeModule('lfs') require = nil loadlib = nil end Things to Know: ADF Homing Audio Signal - Please be aware the morse code audio may come in and out during your mission but signal should remain. Ambush Attacks: Uh1 Hueys and Mi8s will need to stay vigilant as its very possible you may be attacked randomly by insurgents while in Enemy Territory. SAM Threats: SAM Threats are very likely , fast and low is the way to go when performing troop transport ops Download Mission https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3313795/ **************************** Change log / Updates 12-15-202 : Fixed issue with Ground Assault Tasks 6-16-2021 - Added the New Mi-24P Hind & Added the latest version of Easy Stats
  6. Blades of Steel - Syria [Helicopter Sandbox] - by Element All Helo Modules (Single or Multiplayer) After the Syrian President was assassinated, that country fell into civil war as various groups fight for power. The city of Damascus is currently under siege by ruthless insurgents. Major airports and Syrian strongholds have been captured. As part of the Combined Joint Task Force (blue) we are to push the insurgents (red) out of Damascus and return peace to the city. Blades of Steel - is a PvE sandbox operation for all current DCS World helicopter modules and Syria Map. While I did develop this mission mainly for the huey and transport ops I do have missions and targets for more advanced helo modules such as sam sites, convoys, airfields, ect. You are able to play many different rolls from troop transport ops to recapturing airfields to completing ground strikes/attacks. Mission can also be play in singleplayer or multiplayer. This mission will provide hours and hours of flying fun with over 100+ different LZs for transport ops an even an option for Live Player Stats using my already included and installed EasyStats script. Features: - 100+ LZs for Troop Transport Ops - Troop Insertions - Troop Extractions - LZ's will smoke during the day and Flare at Night time.. - Combat Search and Rescue Operations (CSAR) - Ground Attack / Strike Missions - EasyStats for live player stats To Enable LIVE STATS You will need to edit your MissionScripting.lua file. Edit your MissionScripting.lua ("C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\Scripts") so EasyStats may create and save data. Comment out sanitizeModule('os'), sanitizeModule('io'), sanitizeModule('lfs'), and require It should look something like this... do --sanitizeModule('os') --sanitizeModule('io') --sanitizeModule('lfs') require = nil loadlib = nil end Strike / Ground Attack Missions Use menu to check for the latest targets for your unit. Also use F10 map to pinpoint its location. These will include convoys, SAM & EWR sites, as well as airfields and road outposts ect. Troop Transport Operations (DO NOT USE CTLD IF SELECTING ONE OF THESE MISSIONS) Inserts, Extractions, CSAR If you choose one of these roles and if troops are required they will be loaded and/or spawned automatically. No need to load troops via CTLD menu. Plan your route wisely! After you are assigned a mission and doing a transport operation be sure to check the F10 map so you may avoid problematic areas such as SAM sites, outposts, and strike/ground operation areas as they may provide a serious threat to your Huey or Mi8. You may wish to go around to avoid these areas during your mission. Manually Loading Infantry Troops - CTLD Menu Transport helos also have the options to transport troops into battle at any one of the current Strike / Ground Attack operations. Just be sure to drop troops within 3000 Meters of a target and troops will march and attack target. Check out the F10 Map for current ground/attack missions. Use the CTLD -> Transport menu to load troops. Most of these operations will be very tough for transport helios alone. Load troops at White Smoke at airfields or anywhere on a FARP. Things to Know: Ambush Attacks: Uh1 Hueys and Mi8s will need to stay vigilant as its very possible you may be attacked randomly by insurgents while in Enemy Territory. SAM Threats: SAM Threats are very likely , fast and low is the way to go when performing troop transport ops Download Blades of Steel Syria - By Element Support Developer - If you enjoy this mission or any other my other missions and/or scripts please consider supporting! Enjoy!! Element ********************* Updates / Change Logs 12-10-2020 - LZ's fill smoke during the day, and flare during night time ops 12-11-2020 - Fixed bug with CSAR tasks 12-15-2020 - Added 10 Addls CSAR LZs 6-16-2021 - Added the New Mi-24P Hind & Added the latest version of Easy Stats
  7. Force Feedback (FFB) doesn't really work. You can use instatrim, but you quickly get disorientated by it, and then the whole point of FFB is lost.
  8. Non ho trovato nessuno discussione ufficiale su questo modulo in caso esistessse mi scuso. Nessuna notizia sul Kiowa intanto spero stiano lavorando bene su questo modello di volo.
  9. Hi everyone, When landing at a certain speed the sound of tires skidding on the tarmac is triggered. Since the Gazelle has skids, this seems to be unintended. Thank you. gazelle_tyre_sounds.trk
  10. Всем привет. Приглашаю всех желающих принять участие в вертолетном догфайт турнире. Присутствуют все типы вертолетов. Только неуправляемое вооружение. Дата проведения 17 сентября 2023г. Карта Кавказ, время 20.00 МСК. Событие будет проведено в дискорде Виртуальный Пилот https://discord.gg/QnjPQyJ8 Таблица для записи: Helicopter Dogfight Tournament - Google Таблицы
  11. Hi everyone, Let me start by saying that this may not be a bug. I'm reporting it only because it's different from how it sounded in 2.8 and it may not be intentional. So the issue is as follows: The Mi8 now sounds a lot like the Gazelle. With the engine running, you can hear the sounds of the Mi8 and the "whining" sound of the Gazelle engine. I'm not sure I can describe it any better. I've tried already to clean and repair (slow) my DCS instance. This had no effect. I'm also not running any mods. I'm attaching the 2.9 track and miz. Since I don't have handy a 2.8 track and miz I'll link a video of an earlier version Mi8: Thanks in advance. Mi8_Sounds_Like_Gazelle.trk Mi8_Sounds_Like_Gazelle.miz dcs.log
  12. http://youtu.be/heoMcZYev3Q FONTE: http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=2101806&postcount=328 Bye Phant PS: modulo NON ufficiale ma con buone prospettive di diventarlo.
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