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Flight Simulators





  1. Salute, Having only recently started playing with the tanks in the Combined Arms module I discovered that I did not have any vehicle engine sounds in a large number of vehicles eg, the Abrams MBT, WW2 Sherman Firefly. So, I set about finding the cause. It turns out that this issue is caused by installation of certain mod planes and the sound file structure they use. The A4-E, Bronco and UH60 Blackhawk helicopter are three so far that been identified as culprits but there may be others. Planes such as the T-45 Goshawk and Phantom mods use a different method and they do not seem to be a cause. Ships also do not seem to be a conflict. If you discover an aircraft that is not included below, check the file structure and if it is the same as what I describe below, this same fix hopefully should work. When I set about finding the solution to this issue I contacted the development teams of the A4-E and the Bronco and a big shout out to 08jne01 Joshua Nelson from A4-E dev team who responded quite quickly with a fix. It was through this fix that I was able to work out how to transport the fix to other aircraft. I would also like to give a shout out to my squad mate DD_Sid who also assisted in getting this solution together. The fixes are very simple but do involve the renaming of one file and the editing of one file per aircraft (I used NotePad - other editors are available) so you may want to do a quick back up if you feel uncertain about editing the files. Please find below the steps required, as I say, if you have any other installed mod aircraft and still do not have vehicle sounds after completing these steps, check out the files and you should be able to replicate the changes I describe here on those. Please add a post if you do find another aircraft that this change works for. The fixes have been tested on 3 individual set-ups plus a server where the A4-E and Bronco are mandatory mods on our server (www.dangerdogz.com why not come and check us out, we are a fun group with no set rules about flying. We play DCS on Monday and Thursdays in the evening UK time from about 19:30 until 23:00 approx). We also fly GBS on Sundays and Tuesdays. Please Note I am not some coding guru so can not answer any questions other than what I have described below. These fixes were worked out via a desire to resolve the issue and a curious mind. Use the steps below for each applicable aircraft. I reiterate, this fix only applies to aircraft that use files within the "Sounders" folder. If you have an aircraft that does not use the files listed below and can fully prove that the plane still causes an issue for you, please let the community know. Testing Notes DD_Sid when testing has reported back that the engines sounds when flying the Bronco do not now seem as loud as before the fix and also lack sound bass resonance. If anyone reading this knows more about this (anyone from the Bronco devs perhaps?) and can contribute I am sure the community would be grateful. EDIT: Please see following post for solution to this issue. Fix Navigate to your DCS "Saved Games" folder. The default location will be on the "C:" drive under users and your name. You may have moved yours. When there, open the "DCS" folder. Open the "Mods" folder. Open the "aircraft" folder. Within this folder will be all the folders for your installed mods. You may also have some folders that relate to saved custom views for example. When these fixes were being tested on one of our squad mates he had a Spitfire folder and that was because he had saved his cockpit view. A4-E Open the "A-4E-C" folder. Open the "Sounds" folder. Open the "Sounders" folder. Rename the "Tools.lua" to be "A4Tools.lua" Open the "Aircraft" folder. Open the "Engines" folder". Edit the file called "J52P8.lua" with notepad or similar. Edit the first line which says dofile("Tools.lua") to read dofile("A4Tools.lua") Add a second line that says dofile("Curve.lua") Save and close the file. Bronco Open the "BRONCO V1.08" folder Open the "Sounds" folder Open the "Sounders" folder Rename the "Tools.lua" to be "OV-10ATools.lua" Open the "Aircraft" folder Open the "Engines" folder" Edit the file called "T76.lua" with notepad or similar Edit the first line which says dofile("Tools.lua") to read dofile("OV-10ATools.lua") Add a second line that says dofile("Curve.lua") Save and close the file. Blackhawk Open the "UH-60L" folder Open the "Sounds" folder Open the "Sounders" folder Rename the "Tools.lua" to be "uh60l_Tools.lua" (this reads uh'sixty' lower case L) Open the "Aircraft" folder Open the "Engines" folder" Edit the file called "uh60l_engine.lua" with notepad or similar Edit the first line which says dofile("Tools.lua") to read dofile("uh60l_Tools.lua") Add a second line that says dofile("Curve.lua") Save and close the file. Start up your game and hopefully enjoy the magnificent tank engine sounds!
  2. Hey, just went to fly the Warthog today and noticed that upon adding full throttle for takeoff the engine sounds seem to be acting funny. I just watched a recent video to confirm that it's not a change that I missed (haven't flown it for a while). However it gives a weird "hollow whiny" sound, completely different than I remember and what was heard in the video. It also seemed to have a sound missing, as I increased the throttle there was no sound change, but almost silence from about 30-60% fan speed. Sorry I don't have a track or anything to post, however just thought I would ask the question to see if anyone else is making this same observation. Note; I also tried the same thing with the A-10C and the behavior was replicated there as well.
  3. I can´t see the beautiful colors that we saw in all the promotional videos. My water colors around the island and coast are solid.....like all the other maps. Is there any trick to activate that beautiful "caribean" water-colors? I´m on a 10900k, 3090, 64gb, HP Reverb G2, DCS 2.7.3 THANKS GUYS and ED for your incredible work!!!! CHEERZ!!!
  4. On apron of Apra Harbor airfield... track attached. tempMission3.miz.trk AI aircraft placed at this location seem to go rolling off on their own with no warning/commands/notice/power, etc... and with no ... intelligence. The track's pilot view points at one of such case. This happens with other aircraft types too, so its not specific. I just used the TF-51D here because its a "built-in" aircraft of DCS. This wouldn't be a problem (if you don't mind poltergeist behavior) but it does get tiresome when you run out of wing-men (so to speak) even before takeoff.
  5. Starting today, the livery selection drop down is completely blank in the game, and in modelviewer - I have tried cleaning/repairing my game and even reinstalling the Yak-52 module but I still am unable to select any liveries. I have checked in the games directories and the liveries are definitely there: Eagle Dynamics\DCS World OpenBeta\CoreMods\aircraft\Yak-52\Liveries\Yak-52 I thought the folder structure being yak-52\liveries\yak-52 was strange but apparently that is also correct Any ideas where something may have went wrong? Thanks in advance!
  6. As title. Coordinate Sub-page has COORD ALL selected.
  7. Hello All, Need some help here. I have tried both a Full and Stored Heading Alignment with Confirmation of Coordinates. Datalink does not work in either scenario. AWACS is up in the Air. Attaching Track File. This is for a Multiplayer Server. I could not upload the track here so here is a link to download it:
  8. both external tank options clip through the model. the models for external tanks attach themselves in the motor cowling. bf109_freya.miz
  9. Hello! Pilot, VR. When I set up to put on the NVG, it crashes. thanks. PD: it is not an Apache problem. It is a mod problem.
  10. More informational than anything else but I ran into an issue with DCS not starting after installing due to a disagreement with the MB339 mod (I think it have been an old version of it) - removing the mod got DCS working.
  11. I was trying to do the TSD Nav training mission that's on the Caucasus map, and it referenced a kneeboard page with points to enter that I could not find. Can someone provide the page please? Am I the only person experiencing this issue? Thank in advance!!!
  12. The F-16C’s TGP pod does not work and causes the game to crash! As long as TGP is active, once I switch to TGP, my game will crash! When TGP is not activated, there is no problem, and other operations are no problem! Only when TGP is activated and I switch to display TGP, my game will definitely crash! In previous versions, I could use TGP normally! I'm the latest version of steam, and I've verified the integrity of the game, and ram is 32g, but when my game crashed, I only put a plane on my custom Black Sea map!
  13. After I updated the latest DCS, I found out there are at least three big bugs. 1) the ground vehicle group disappears in the Su25T geogia oil war campaign. The at the starting point of the mission, it will pop up the text as "you are filed to protect the ground group, mission file" .And If you take flight, you just cannot find the enemy armed vehicles in the smoke indicated area. 2) Carrier stanis disappeare. I put an FA18 on the carrier and begines the mission, only to found out the plane crashes into the sea. 3) FA18 CCIP cross would not go down to the target as I use MK83. Please check these up.
  14. Ships where you"re supposed to land are not visible, like Tarawa for easy mission. They appear when opening the mission in the mission editor, though.
  15. Hey folks, title says it all - never experienced a similar behaviour and it just happens after last update. log file attached. error message: "Unfortulately DCS crashed" happens during the join process of a MP server . Single player just works fine. test join on several MP servers always with same result. Did run DCS cleanup and repair - all mods to backup but still no success - Pls help - thanks dcs.log-20231225-182230.zip
  16. Good morning, everyone, After the last update, the aircraft carrier disappeared when I entered the game itself (after the start in the mission editor). I configured the F-18C on the aircraft carrier as player, but nothing happens. How can I solve this problem? Thank you
  17. Hello everyone, quite a few users on the discord (me included) found this issue after updating. Link to the Discord-Thread: https://discord.com/channels/542985647502393346/1186680273987965058 Whatever the bug is, it prevents DCS from spawning any Ground vehicles (Like MBT90s or LAVs) and apparently ships too. I managed to stop this from occuring by disabling my mods, one after the other, and figured out that it must be the JAS39 Gripen mod in my case. However, other users reported the same issue with other mods, like the VSN F4 Mod. For me, It only occurred with the Gripen, but not with i.e. the VSN F35 or VSN YF12 Mods. I linked the Discord forum thread.
  18. Hey folks, we are a little German DCS Community with different Players and different Systems. With the new Update from today 2 of our Members get crashes when they connect to any Server. The Game does NOT crash when the 2 of them start Instant Action or anything else but the Multiplayer to a Server. This only happens to these 2 AMD Users, All Nvidia Users can play... SLOW Repair and deactivation/deinstallation of 3rd party Mods won´t fix this, we tried it several times. We suspect an Error with the GPU Pipeline. With Kind Regards ToastyBanK3nobi
  19. My single missions are not loading ships and ground units after today's update from steam, attached a couple. Sea Trials.miz Weapon practice field - Caucus.miz
  20. ERROR woCar (Main): Failed to create car: Descriptor not found weapons.shells.3UBM11_100mm_AP Well... after testing the awesone FCR in todays patch (, i noticed, that my tanks do not spawn again. Could be a failed script, so i tested on Nevada: 1 blue Apache 1 red T55 nothing else and the logfile gives above error. Tested the same on Caucasus. seems to be affected on armed units. From another mission: 2023-12-19 15:32:03.104 ERROR woCar (Main): Failed to create car: Descriptor not found weapons.shells.2A46M_125_AP 2023-12-19 15:32:03.105 ERROR woCar (Main): Failed to create car: Descriptor not found weapons.shells.3UBM11_100mm_AP 2023-12-19 15:32:03.106 WARNING LOG (20904): 1 duplicate message(s) skipped. 2023-12-19 15:32:03.106 ERROR woCar (Main): Failed to create car: Descriptor not found weapons.shells.2A7_23_AP 2023-12-19 15:32:03.107 ERROR woCar (Main): Failed to create car: Descriptor not found weapons.shells.BR_354N 2023-12-19 15:32:03.111 WARNING LOG (20904): 3 duplicate message(s) skipped. 2023-12-19 15:32:03.111 ERROR woCar (Main): Failed to create car: Descriptor not found weapons.shells.7_62x54
  21. Hi everyone, after the latest Open Beta update, you can no longer see the wakes behind the ships in sailing ships. Has anyone encountered the same problem?
  22. In the mission editor all ships are in place, but when the mission is running, all ships are lost. Just that UH-60 flies all by himself. It doesn't matter if I choose a spawning slot for a helo on the ship or a slot on the field. No ships....
  23. No mods Tanks that are set in the mission editor are missing from the mission (F10 map and also on the field) Triggers are broken, a SAM-6 that is supposed to spawn "on destroy" suddenly spawns just after some minutes. Attached a newly created mission just for the "tanks not spawning" problem. Target Range_new.miz
  24. Just noticed this problem when I was testing GBU-31v3B on F-15E that they're not exploding after impact (which before 2023 12 19 patch it did), and this also extends to 15E JSOW which somehow prefer to hit its target directly rather than deploying bomblets (even if higher alt was set the JSOW would just nosedive after passing target). After a while I noticed this problem also presents with the conventional CBU, where they don't burst but instead just disappear couple of meters above the ground. After more testing with Mk.20 which I could compare cross module (14 and 15E), all of them showed this same behavior, of which just going dud. Couple of things I've done was: - Temporarily removed my installed mods from Saved Games folder - Uninstalled and reinstalled F-15E module - Re-verify my games on steam Any help would be appreciated. Here's a track of me dropping Mk.20 on 14 and 15E, which on my end none of them opened up. SomethingWrong.trk
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