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Two weeks isn't a problem. I'll think on it a bit more, but I have a feeling you will receive an order from me in the very near future. Thanks again Andre!

Order placed for the 908AM! I'm looking forward to flying with it. Thanks for all your help Andre.


The only thing you will regret is not doing this before. You will love it!


All the best,




The Jetseat's just great. I wouldn't hesitate to buy it. It really gives you that tactile feedback you need.


André, would you mind taking a look at my post in the SimShaker thread regarding the WEP settings? Thanks


Thank you Jon. Got it.

Unfortunately, I have little resources to do everything by myself. I think Olaf (f4l0), SimShaker for Aviators developer, will answer when he get back from his vacation. Let's be patient.

Gametrix JetSeats thread (in English) ,

SimShaker addon for bass-shakers thread (in English),

Andre's blog, downloads, manuals (in English).




  • 2 weeks later...

Alternative to MiraLAX ?


Hi guys, i wanna share my experience with new device (at least for me) called GAMETRIX KW-908 JETSEAT. It is made by russians located in Sankt Petersburg. They took massage device and adopt it to the arcade tank game. Then =Andre= took it even further and adopt it to the DCS World.

I think it is now pretty mature device and worth talk about it.

So what we have here:


it looks like massage pad with built in 8 vibro motors (4 for each side left/right located 4 on your seat and 4 on your back) made from synthetic leather controlled by USB controller (also an option to use audio input but it less actual in DCS). I put it on my chair - plug it in - run SW called iba Effects - run DCS and.... speechless.

I never had experience with FF joystick but FF on your body is amazing.

When you taxi you can feel concrete plates junctions, you don't have look on AoA you can feel it, air brake on - vibrate your back. Guns - is amazing.

The list of effects supported by now you can find here: http://sim-pit.blogspot.ru/p/english.html


WEB Shop:http://shop.gametrix.ru/vibronakidki.html


all credits for the SW to =Andre= He did amazing job - want to thank him!


Blog in english: ibaBlog :http://sim-pit.blogspot.ru/p/english.html


DCS forum link in russian (hope google can help to translate) http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=79326&highlight=%D0%BD%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%BA%D0%B0&page=80


regarding the language - belive google can help here.



one more thing - it cost <$100


Let the gastroenterologists and the pharmaceutical companies in on your secret, these chairs will go way up on price.



The question is, for the real fighter pilots out there, is this a realistic simulation of the vibrations felt as a pilot?


The question is, for the real fighter pilots out there, is this a realistic simulation of the vibrations felt as a pilot?
You can find some real life pilot feedback posts in this thread, like the one to read below, for example.

Olaf (f4l0) developing SimShaker for Aviators software is in good contact with real life pilots willing to help us make the effects as much realistic as possible.


So I ordered my KW-908 from Andrey on June 16th. Within 12 hours of the Paypal transaction I had a tracking number and link for the Russian postal site. The seat wasn't released from Russia till the 2nd of July and I received it on July 8. :)


I had an couple of hours to try it out. First setting it up is a piece of cake. Download the two programs from Andrey's site then plug the seat in. Start the program and everything is up and running then just start DCS. Woo Hoo!


The good stuff now. :) so if your looking for force feed back for your backside you came to the right place. This gives you that seat of the pants feel in some ways, unfortunately it doesn't give you yaw but what it does is great. Yaw would need to be something that presses on your side and not vibrate anyways.


Your sitting on the runway and the seat is quiet, as you power up and go into burner you feel a slight rumble from your back then as you start rolling the vibes get heavier. At Vr start pulling back on the stick and once the main gear leaves the ground the vibes stop. Gear up and you feel each gear hit the up locks individually. Once cleaned up and with some air between you and terra firma, try some hard g turns and as you approach the stall you'll get intermittent vibes then pull harder and with the stall warning screaming in your ears your seat is on full tilt! Release the stick and it's all quite again. Now fire that cannon and and feel it in your butt. One of the slickest features I found was when dropping say a GBU-12 you will feel a slight vib from the side the ordinance left the plane from, yes you can tell which side of the aircraft it left from. I pickled one away and thought "gee I didn't feel it come off, weird" sure enough it was still on the rack!


Coming back to home plate you deploy the boards to bleed some altitude and speed and feel the rumble in your seat. There is no excuse now to forget the boards and wonder why the performance now sucks as you add lots of power.....I'm sure I'll still find an excuse somewhere. So do the overhead break and take some flap, little vibe then throw the gear out and feel each main lock into place, don't pull to hard to get onto final or you'll get the shudder feeling again.:)


Get into the groove in the flare and you got that sweet spot were you aren't sure if you are down (haha, all the time I know right:) well have no fear as soon as the mains touch the runway the vibes start. I knew the ground was somewhere down here. Taxiing in you still have the vibes of the stiffly suspended airframe. Get to parking and shut down, open the canopy and get a small vibe from it and your all done.


I haven't played with all the adjustments for the vibrations and had so much fun feeling the bombs dropping that I only played around with the A10c and MIG21.


If you want to add some more realism to your game, this certainly does the trick. Coming from a guy who has 17000 hours and flies heavy composite/metal for work and a Tigermoth and Cornell for fun. When I want to break air laws and shoot stuff down and blow stuff up then it's DCS. I can attest to the feelings of gear, flaps, speed brakes, stalls and ground movements adding to your sensory perception with the seat doing its thing. As far as throwing lead from the nose and dropping large metal objects from your wings, I can only go by what I've seen on videos and that seems pretty close to reality.


Do I like it......Yes


Would I buy it again.....oh yes.


Feeling GBU-12s coming off the racks......PRICELESS!



Thanks very much to Andrey for helping me get the seat and for doing the work to make it shake in all the right ways!


Now only if I could figure out how to sneak this out and get it to fit in my house :))


Gametrix JetSeats thread (in English) ,

SimShaker addon for bass-shakers thread (in English),

Andre's blog, downloads, manuals (in English).





My Jetseat arrived today!


Andre, I can test the motors and run the massage routine in the SimShaker software, but for some reason I am not getting anything when I use DCS. I have FFB selected on. I only need the USB connection for DCS right?

My Jetseat arrived today!


Andre, I can test the motors and run the massage routine in the SimShaker software, but for some reason I am not getting anything when I use DCS. I have FFB selected on. I only need the USB connection for DCS right?




Try this:


If SimShaker stopped working on DCS 1.5.5 either remove the export.lua or check if the following is present.


os.setlocale("ISO-8559-1", "numeric")


Remove this line from your export.lua and you should be fine.



I hope it works.



My Jetseat arrived today!


Andre, I can test the motors and run the massage routine in the SimShaker software, but for some reason I am not getting anything when I use DCS. I have FFB selected on. I only need the USB connection for DCS right?


That's right.

DCS FFB state doesn't matter.

Gametrix JetSeats thread (in English) ,

SimShaker addon for bass-shakers thread (in English),

Andre's blog, downloads, manuals (in English).





Deleting the export.lua from my savedgames folder did the trick!


I just took the Huey up for a quick spin in VR.. my initial impression is WOW! What a difference it makes to the experience!


Thanks Sydy and Andre!

You can find some real life pilot feedback posts in this thread, like the one to read below, for example.

Olaf (f4l0) developing SimShaker for Aviators software is in good contact with real life pilots willing to help us make the effects as much realistic as possible.


cool, thanks!


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