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First of all, thank you FlightControl et all for your hard work. Are there any plans to do a video on complicated behavior with units such as I'm about to describe?


Here is what I'm trying to do and I hope it's possible.


1. Dynamically spawn units from a "template group" into a random zone - got it

2. Dynamically route those units to a random zone on road - got it

3. When those units arrive at a zone, randomize the following in a loop like every 10min:

a: Move to a random spot in the zone

b: Decide if they should remain stationary or decide to patrol that zone in a random formation


Thanks for any help on this, I'm mainly lacking in the knowledge of where the code would go, in other section, in a function etc. CCCP Convoy 2 is a late activated group of 10 units The main thing is that the convoy moves to the zone and just stops on the road, not very realistic behavior.


Here is what I have for requirements 1 and 2


GroundFrontLineSpawnZonesWest = { ZONE:New("Hadzhiko Zone"), ZONE:New("Ashe Zone"), ZONE:New("Lazarevskoe Zone"), ZONE:New("Shahe Zone") }
FrontLineZones = { ZONE:New("Hadzhiko Zone"), ZONE:New("Ashe Zone"), ZONE:New("Lazarevskoe Zone"), ZONE:New("Shahe Zone"), ZONE:New("Sochi Zone"), ZONE:New("Soloniki Zone"), ZONE:New("Chemitokvadze Zone"), ZONE:New("Dagomys Zone") }
Formation = { "Off Road", "On Road", "Line Abreast", "Cone", "Vee", "Diamond", "Echelon Left", "Echelon Right"}

GroundUnitsFrontLineWest = SPAWN:New( "CCCP Convoy 2" )
 :InitLimit( 40, 100 )
 :InitRandomizeRoute( 1, 1, 200 ) 
 :InitRandomizeZones( GroundFrontLineSpawnZonesWest )
 :OnSpawnGroup (
   function (SpawnGroup)
     ChosenZone = FrontLineZones[ math.random(1, 8) ]
     SpawnGroup: TaskRouteToZone( ChosenZone, true, 50, "On Road")
 :SpawnScheduled( 5, .5 )

Win 11 Professional, I9-14700K, 64GB DDR5, 4090, 2x 980 PRO PCIe 4.0 NVMe , 2x VKB Gunfighter mk III, MCG Ultimate, SCG, Orion 2 Throttle, Thrustmaster TPR pedals, Pimax Crystal 


Look at SCHEDULER, or the proper way to do advanced input>action, would be an FSM built for this. I don't really know anyone who has used FSM apart from FC. 3b is the hard part. Most of this type of thing has been done in AutoGFT which isn't moose and some of it is in patrolroute in controllable, and it's getting complex at that stage for us normal human beings that tinker with code. Good luck, but set realistic expectations!

discusses patrolroute and ways to move groups more dynamically.


First of all, thank you FlightControl et all for your hard work. Are there any plans to do a video on complicated behavior with units such as I'm about to describe?


Here is what I'm trying to do and I hope it's possible.


1. Dynamically spawn units from a "template group" into a random zone - got it

2. Dynamically route those units to a random zone on road - got it

3. When those units arrive at a zone, randomize the following in a loop like every 10min:

a: Move to a random spot in the zone

b: Decide if they should remain stationary or decide to patrol that zone in a random formation


Thanks for any help on this, I'm mainly lacking in the knowledge of where the code would go, in other section, in a function etc. CCCP Convoy 2 is a late activated group of 10 units The main thing is that the convoy moves to the zone and just stops on the road, not very realistic behavior.


Here is what I have for requirements 1 and 2


GroundFrontLineSpawnZonesWest = { ZONE:New("Hadzhiko Zone"), ZONE:New("Ashe Zone"), ZONE:New("Lazarevskoe Zone"), ZONE:New("Shahe Zone") }
FrontLineZones = { ZONE:New("Hadzhiko Zone"), ZONE:New("Ashe Zone"), ZONE:New("Lazarevskoe Zone"), ZONE:New("Shahe Zone"), ZONE:New("Sochi Zone"), ZONE:New("Soloniki Zone"), ZONE:New("Chemitokvadze Zone"), ZONE:New("Dagomys Zone") }
Formation = { "Off Road", "On Road", "Line Abreast", "Cone", "Vee", "Diamond", "Echelon Left", "Echelon Right"}

GroundUnitsFrontLineWest = SPAWN:New( "CCCP Convoy 2" )
 :InitLimit( 40, 100 )
 :InitRandomizeRoute( 1, 1, 200 ) 
 :InitRandomizeZones( GroundFrontLineSpawnZonesWest )
 :OnSpawnGroup (
   function (SpawnGroup)
     ChosenZone = FrontLineZones[ math.random(1, 8) ]
     SpawnGroup: TaskRouteToZone( ChosenZone, true, 50, "On Road")
 :SpawnScheduled( 5, .5 )



First of all, thank you FlightControl et all for your hard work. Are there any plans to do a video on complicated behavior with units such as I'm about to describe?


Here is what I'm trying to do and I hope it's possible.


1. Dynamically spawn units from a "template group" into a random zone - got it

2. Dynamically route those units to a random zone on road - got it

3. When those units arrive at a zone, randomize the following in a loop like every 10min:

a: Move to a random spot in the zone

b: Decide if they should remain stationary or decide to patrol that zone in a random formation


Thanks for any help on this, I'm mainly lacking in the knowledge of where the code would go, in other section, in a function etc. CCCP Convoy 2 is a late activated group of 10 units The main thing is that the convoy moves to the zone and just stops on the road, not very realistic behavior.


Here is what I have for requirements 1 and 2


GroundFrontLineSpawnZonesWest = { ZONE:New("Hadzhiko Zone"), ZONE:New("Ashe Zone"), ZONE:New("Lazarevskoe Zone"), ZONE:New("Shahe Zone") }
FrontLineZones = { ZONE:New("Hadzhiko Zone"), ZONE:New("Ashe Zone"), ZONE:New("Lazarevskoe Zone"), ZONE:New("Shahe Zone"), ZONE:New("Sochi Zone"), ZONE:New("Soloniki Zone"), ZONE:New("Chemitokvadze Zone"), ZONE:New("Dagomys Zone") }
Formation = { "Off Road", "On Road", "Line Abreast", "Cone", "Vee", "Diamond", "Echelon Left", "Echelon Right"}

GroundUnitsFrontLineWest = SPAWN:New( "CCCP Convoy 2" )
 :InitLimit( 40, 100 )
 :InitRandomizeRoute( 1, 1, 200 ) 
 :InitRandomizeZones( GroundFrontLineSpawnZonesWest )
 :OnSpawnGroup (
   function (SpawnGroup)
     ChosenZone = FrontLineZones[ math.random(1, 8) ]
     SpawnGroup: TaskRouteToZone( ChosenZone, true, 50, "On Road")
 :SpawnScheduled( 5, .5 )

Good project! I believe you can use a DCS script function to disperse the units after they arrive. I have a code for this somewhere. I can find it when I’m home. My code was used to make units slowly sneake towards a frontline and disperse when stopping.

First of all, thank you FlightControl et all for your hard work. Are there any plans to do a video on complicated behavior with units such as I'm about to describe?


Here is what I'm trying to do and I hope it's possible.


1. Dynamically spawn units from a "template group" into a random zone - got it

2. Dynamically route those units to a random zone on road - got it

3. When those units arrive at a zone, randomize the following in a loop like every 10min:

a: Move to a random spot in the zone

b: Decide if they should remain stationary or decide to patrol that zone in a random formation


Thanks for any help on this, I'm mainly lacking in the knowledge of where the code would go, in other section, in a function etc. CCCP Convoy 2 is a late activated group of 10 units The main thing is that the convoy moves to the zone and just stops on the road, not very realistic behavior.


Here is what I have for requirements 1 and 2


GroundFrontLineSpawnZonesWest = { ZONE:New("Hadzhiko Zone"), ZONE:New("Ashe Zone"), ZONE:New("Lazarevskoe Zone"), ZONE:New("Shahe Zone") }
FrontLineZones = { ZONE:New("Hadzhiko Zone"), ZONE:New("Ashe Zone"), ZONE:New("Lazarevskoe Zone"), ZONE:New("Shahe Zone"), ZONE:New("Sochi Zone"), ZONE:New("Soloniki Zone"), ZONE:New("Chemitokvadze Zone"), ZONE:New("Dagomys Zone") }
Formation = { "Off Road", "On Road", "Line Abreast", "Cone", "Vee", "Diamond", "Echelon Left", "Echelon Right"}

GroundUnitsFrontLineWest = SPAWN:New( "CCCP Convoy 2" )
 :InitLimit( 40, 100 )
 :InitRandomizeRoute( 1, 1, 200 ) 
 :InitRandomizeZones( GroundFrontLineSpawnZonesWest )
 :OnSpawnGroup (
   function (SpawnGroup)
     ChosenZone = FrontLineZones[ math.random(1, 8) ]
     SpawnGroup: TaskRouteToZone( ChosenZone, true, 50, "On Road")
 :SpawnScheduled( 5, .5 )


Have you solved this? Look into Moose demo mission. I do believe you will find demonstration of what you try to achieve here:


Moose Demo Missions for Groups (Patrol)


If not plz ask and I will try to help. Moose also has a community on Discord, for more instant help :)



  • 3 weeks later...

Moose script wont run


looking at Mikkal's thread, (https://forums.eagle.ru/member.php?u=60658) I too have the same issue. Using a simple script for AI-Dispatching (AWACS, EWR) assets, GCI aircraft wont spawn. I've downloaded the proper Moose.lua (https://github.com/FlightControl-Master/MOOSE/releases), reference all the video's, and I did install the LDT reference material. I also linked the folders, there are some discrepancies in the DCS log file that I need to clean up, perhaps somebody can tell me why Moose scripts aren't running

Spuds DCS.zip

looking at Mikkal's thread, (https://forums.eagle.ru/member.php?u=60658) I too have the same issue. Using a simple script for AI-Dispatching (AWACS, EWR) assets, GCI aircraft wont spawn. I've downloaded the proper Moose.lua (https://github.com/FlightControl-Master/MOOSE/releases), reference all the video's, and I did install the LDT reference material. I also linked the folders, there are some discrepancies in the DCS log file that I need to clean up, perhaps somebody can tell me why Moose scripts aren't running


You have some sort of error in your mission script. Potentially something not passed or referenced properly. These lines I THINK indicate it is likely line 16 of your script. Take a look there or post the lines surrounding line 16 and indicate what line is 16:


Once this error happens in your script its likely nothing in the script is running after this.


This from your dcs.log file:

attempt to call method '__Start' (a nil value)

stack traceback:

[C]: in function '__Start'

[string "C:\Users\lance\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS.openbeta\/~mis00006177"]:56142: in function 'New'

[string "C:\Users\lance\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS.openbeta\/~mis00006177"]:44861: in function 'New'

[string "C:\Users\lance\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS.openbeta\/~mis0000669E"]:16: in main chunk



DetectionSetGroup = SET_GROUP:New()

DetectionSetGroup:FilterPrefixes( { "AWACS", "EWR" } )



Detection = DETECTION_AREAS:New( Detection, 30000 ) --you reference here to your detection areas, you should put the detection group put in here. I don't know if this fixes your issue, but it may contribute to a solution.




solution would be if you put here:


DetectionSetGroup = SET_GROUP:New()

DetectionSetGroup:FilterPrefixes( { "AWACS", "EWR" } )



Detection = DETECTION_AREAS:New( DetectionSetGroup, 30000 )



But i don't know if your syntax of DetectionSetGroup is right here (but i think it is). Maybe you take a look in the example missions of Detection.


thanks, I did. It's the same syntax in Moose's mission. I just copied and paste it. All I did was change the name of the units to match my mission. Some of Moose's sample missions would run, some wouldn't'. Guess I need a manual for "Dumber than Dummies". I clearly am missing something....


Here's where I think the problem is, its in the 2nd paragraph. I don't know how to solve it?




SCRIPTING: 56141( 44861)/E: DETECTION_MANAGER00632.New({["Detection"]={["Filter"]={},["FilterMeta"]={["Categories"]={["helicopter"]=1,["ground"]=2,["plane"]=0,["ship"]=3,},["Coalitions"]={["neutral"]=0,["blue"]=2,["red"]=1,},},["ClassName"]="SET_GROUP",},})






"2018-04-04 00:02:53.072 ERROR DCS: Mission script error: :

[string "C:\Users\lance\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS.openbeta\/~mis00006177"]:56142: attempt to call method '__Start' (a nil value)


DetectionSetGroup = SET_GROUP:New()

DetectionSetGroup:FilterPrefixes( { "DF CCCP AWACS", "DF CCCP EWR" } )



Detection = DETECTION_AREAS:New( Detection, 30000 )


-- Setup the A2A dispatcher, and initialize it.

A2ADispatcher = AI_A2A_DISPATCHER:New( DetectionSetGroup )"




stack traceback:

[C]: in function '__Start'

[string "C:\Users\lance\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS.openbeta\/~mis00006177"]:56142: in function 'New'

[string "C:\Users\lance\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS.openbeta\/~mis00006177"]:44861: in function 'New'

[string "C:\Users\lance\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS.openbeta\/~mis00003A4E"]:16: in main chunk


Are there people who can help with testing the cargo transportation and CSAR tasking?


- Slingload

- Crates

- Infantry

- Packages

- Vehicles


pls join on discord https://discord.gg/yBPfxC6


channel #task-cargo-transport





Posted (edited)

Help FlightControl...please!


Why do I keep getting this error my Moose LUA code?? I even copied and paste your files and till cant get the aircraft to launch...


SCRIPTING: 56141( 44861)/E: DETECTION_MANAGER00632.New({["Detection"]={["Filter"]={["GroupPrefixes"]={["DF CCCP EWR"]="DF CCCP EWR",["DF CCCP AWACS"]="DF CCCP AWACS",},},["FilterMeta"]={["Categories"]={["helicopter"]=1,["ground"]=2,["plane"]=0,["ship"]=3,},["Coalitions"]={["neutral"]=0,["blue"]=2,["red"]=1,},},["ClassName"]="SET_GROUP",},})


2018-04-13 01:08:00.268 ERROR DCS: Mission script error: : [string "C:\Users\lance\AppData\Local\Temp\DCS.openbeta\/~mis0000557C"]:56142: attempt to call method '__Start' (a nil value)

stack traceback:[C]: in function '__Start'

moose test mission.zip

Edited by Spuds
Why do I keep getting this error my Moose LUA code?? I even copied and paste your files and till cant get the aircraft to launch...

You want this line

Detection = DETECTION_AREAS:New( Detection, 30000 )

probably to look like this

Detection = DETECTION_AREAS:New( [b]DetectionSetGroup[/b], 30000 )

A warrior's mission is to foster the success of others.

i9-12900K | RTX 4090 | 128 GB Ram 3200 MHz DDR-4 | Quest 3

RAT - On the Range - Rescue Helo - Recovery Tanker - Warehouse - Airboss


New demo to handle cargo using a helicopter.


Find attached a work in progress ...



a helicopter cargo transportation demonstration.


A new MOOSE class AI_CARGO_HELICOPTER is handling cargo. (Infantry and vehicles). It is currently work in progress, so not yet on master.


The helicopter lands at the pickup zone, and loads cargo from a group. Once loaded, it departs to one of three deploy zones. It lands at a random location in one of the deployzones and unloads (unboards) the cargo. Once unloaded, the helicopter flies back to the pickup zone to load a new cargo.

This until all cargo is transported.


The code that does this is very small ...


-- Name: AIC-HEL-000 - Helicopter
-- Author: FlightControl
-- Date Created: 13 Apr 2018

WorkerCargoSet = SET_CARGO:New():FilterTypes( "Workers" ):FilterStart()

for i = 1, 10 do
 local WorkerGroup = GROUP:FindByName( string.format( "Infantry#%03d", i ) )
 local WorkersCargo = CARGO_GROUP:New( WorkerGroup, "Workers", string.format( "Infantry %d", i ), 1000, 35 )

local Helicopter = UNIT:FindByName( "Helicopter" )

CargoHelicopter = AI_CARGO_HELICOPTER:New( Helicopter, WorkerCargoSet )

PickupZone = ZONE:New( "PickupZone" )
DeployZones = { ZONE:New( "DeployZone Alpha" ), ZONE:New( "DeployZone Beta" ), ZONE:New( "DeployZone Gamma" ) }

CargoHelicopter:Pickup( PickupZone:GetRandomCoordinate( 500, 200 ) )

function CargoHelicopter:onafterLoaded( Helicopter, From, Event, To, Cargo )
 CargoHelicopter:Deploy( DeployZones[math.random( 1, #DeployZones ) ]:GetRandomCoordinate( 500, 100 ), math.random( 50, 250 ) )

function CargoHelicopter:onafterUnloaded( Helicopter, From, Event, To, Cargo )
 CargoHelicopter:Pickup( PickupZone:GetRandomCoordinate( 500, 200 ), math.random( 50, 250 ) )




thanks for the help


Made the change, cant seem to get them to launch, and Flight Control for some reason doesn't see my post or is ignoring me.. guess ill figure it out at some point.


I'm looking at it now.



Made the change, cant seem to get them to launch, and Flight Control for some reason doesn't see my post or is ignoring me.. guess ill figure it out at some point.
Posted (edited)

MOOSE Release 2.3.0


MOOSE Release 2.3.0





  • Moose.lua (with comments, larger file) ... For mission designers, who are developing missions and want to check upon errors appearing in the dcs.log or have a detailed code reference etc.
  • Moose_.lua (without comments, smaller file) ... For runtime environments, to facilitate quicker downloads of mission files and performance.

You can download the files in the Downloads section below.



To use, include the Moose.lua in your .miz file using a DO SCRIPT Trigger. Mission Designers need to read here for a detailed usage description. Consult the MOOSE documentation for further details on the framework.




1. RANGE Practice





The RANGE class enables easy set up of bombing and strafing ranges within DCS World.



Implementation is based on the Simple Range Script by Ciribob, which itself was motivated by a script by SNAFU see here.

476th - Air Weapons Range Objects mod is highly recommended for this class.




  • Impact points of bombs, rockets and missils are recorded and distance to closest range target is measured and reported to the player.
  • Number of hits on strafing passes are counted and reported. Also the percentage of hits w.r.t fired shots is evaluated.
  • Results of all bombing and strafing runs are stored and top 10 results can be displayed.
  • Range targets can be marked by smoke.
  • Range can be illuminated by illumination bombs for night practices.
  • Bomb, rocket and missile impact points can be marked by smoke.
  • Direct hits on targets can trigger flares.
  • Smoke and flare colors can be adjusted for each player via radio menu.
  • Range information and weather report at the range can be reported via radio menu.



2. Zone Capturing





Models the process to capture a Zone for a Coalition, which is guarded by another Coalition.



This is a powerful concept that allows to create very dynamic missions based on the different state transitions of various zones.

Models the possible state transitions between Guarded, Attacked, Empty and Captured states. A zone has an owning coalition, that means that at a specific point in time, a zone can be owned by the red or blue coalition.



The Zone can be in the state Guarded by the owning coalition, which is the coalition that initially occupies the zone with units of its coalition. Once units of an other coalition are entering the Zone, the state will change to Attacked. As long as these units remain in the zone, the state keeps set to Attacked. When all units are destroyed in the Zone, the state will change to Empty, which expresses that the Zone is empty, and can be captured. When units of the other coalition are in the Zone, and no other units of the owning coalition is in the Zone, the Zone is captured, and its state will change to Captured.




3. ATC Operations





The ATC_GROUND_CAUCASUS class monitors the speed of the airplanes at the airbase during taxi.

The pilots may not drive faster than the maximum speed for the airbase, or they will be despawned.



4. RAT




Lots of improvements on the RAT system.



The aim of the RAT class is to fill the empty DCS world with randomized air traffic and bring more life to your airports.

In particular, it is designed to spawn AI air units at random airports. These units will be assigned a random flight path to another random airport on the map.



Even the mission designer will not know where aircraft will be spawned and which route they follow.




  • Very simple interface. Just one unit and two lines of Lua code needed to fill your map.
  • High degree of randomization. Aircraft will spawn at random airports, have random routes and random destinations.
  • Specific departure and/or destination airports can be chosen.
  • Departure and destination airports can be restricted by coalition.
  • Planes and helicopters supported. Helicopters can also be send to FARPs and ships.
  • Units can also be spawned in air within pre-defined zones of the map.
  • Aircraft will be removed when they arrive at their destination (or get stuck on the ground).
  • When a unit is removed a new unit with a different flight plan is respawned.
  • Aircraft can report their status during the route.
  • All of the above can be customized by the user if necessary.
  • All current (Caucasus, Nevada, Normandy) and future maps are supported.

The RAT class creates an entry in the F10 radio menu which allows to


  • Create new groups on-the-fly, i.e. at run time within the mission,
  • Destroy specific groups (e.g. if they get stuck or damaged and block a runway),
  • Request the status of all RAT aircraft or individual groups,
  • Place markers at waypoints on the F10 map for each group.

Note that by its very nature, this class is suited best for civil or transport aircraft. However, it also works perfectly fine for military aircraft of any kind.




5. User Sounds


A simple class for the Management of DCS User Sounds.





6. User Flags


A simple class for the Management of DCS User Flags, which are set within the Mission Editor.




7. Upcoming in Release 2.4.0.alpha



NOTE: There is also cargo capability in release 2.3.

But consider this cargo functionality WIP.

The upcoming release 2.4 is focused solely on CARGO, which includes:


  1. Cargo Management (Cargo of different types)
  2. Cargo Transport Tasking
  3. Cargo CSAR Tasking
  4. AI Armoured Personnel Carrier moving Cargo
  5. AI Helicopter moving Cargo
  6. AI Planes moving Cargo
  7. AI Ships moving Cargo
  8. Slingloading
  9. Cargo objects loading/unloading
  10. Cargo Infantry boarding and unboarding one by one
  11. ...


A lot of that can already be tested in the develop branch of the MOOSE Framework... I'll open a 2.4.0.alpha release for this purpose, so you know what is coming.


You can download the latest new functions of Moose.lua in the release 2.4.0.alpha from the develop branch of the MOOSE_INCLUDE repository.


And a special thanks to FunkyFranky, who is making all these wonderful classes and helping to extend the framework... Other community members have been posting me other classes. We really appreciate the efforts and your contributions.

If you are planning to create a new class to be added in the framework, we advise we discuss the approach, design, purpose, just as Frank and myself are jointly doing.




FC and FunkyFranky and all MOOSE contributors

Edited by FlightControl








Sorry about the delay. You had a couple of minor things preventing the planes from launching.


Funky Franky got the first one, need to change


Detection = DETECTION_AREAS:New( Detection, 30000 )[/Code]


[Code]Detection = DETECTION_AREAS:New( DetectionSetGroup, 30000 )[/Code]

Then change



[size=2]A2ADispatcher = AI_A2A_DISPATCHER:New( DetectionSetgroup )[/size][/Code]


[Code][size=2]A2ADispatcher = AI_A2A_DISPATCHER:New( Detection )[/size][/Code]




[color=black]Then add this line back in[/color]

[Code][size=2]A2ADispatcher:SetBorderZone( { CCCPBorderZone } )[/size][/Code]

And the last one is change

[Code][size=2][color=#3f7f5f][size=2][color=#3f7f5f][color=black]A2ADispatcher:SetSquadron( "Sochi", AIRBASE.Caucasus.Sochi_Adler, { "SQ CCCP MiG29" }, { "DF CCCP MiG-21 01" }, 20 )[/color][/color][/size][/color][/size][/Code]


[Code][color=black][size=2]A2ADispatcher:SetSquadron( [/size][size=2][size=2]"Sochi"[/size][/size][size=2], AIRBASE.Caucasus.Sochi_Adler, { [/size][size=2][size=2]"SQ CCCP MiG29"[/size][/size][size=2], [/size][size=2][size=2]"DF CCCP MiG-21 01"[/size][/size][size=2] }, [/size][size=2][size=2]20[/size][/size][size=2] )[/size][/color][/Code]

I moved the F5 closer to the shore line so when you run the mission it should get detected around the 35 second mark and launch the fighters. I'm attaching the miz and lua files for you











moose test.miz


Hello eric, just wanted to say thanks a bunch for resolving that problem. Seems to work fine now, it also help me to understand the language as well. I would however, like to know how to launch more than 1 aircraft. tried the syntax and could not get more than 1 aircraft to launch. just wondering if you know how to do that? I wont bother you after this...


Here's what I got son far.


A2ADispatcher:SetSquadron( "Sochi", AIRBASE.Caucasus.Sochi_Adler, { "DF CCCP MiG-21 01" }, 10 )

A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronGci( "Sochi", 900, 1200 )

A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronGrouping( "Sochi", 2 )

A2ADispatcher:SetSquadronTakeoffFromParkingCold( "Sochi" )

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